host country

0266 Duke of Zhou's secret technique

The boy riding the bull said with emotion, "Back then, King Wu was planning to overthrow King Zhou's rule. Unfortunately, Yin Shang was too powerful, and with the protection of ancestors, gods and ghosts, King Wu was frightened and restless, and often couldn't sleep at night."

"King Wu is afraid of the strength of Yin and Shang, but also afraid that he has no destiny."

"Whenever King Wu woke up from fear, he would call his younger brother Zhou Gongdan and explain to him the terrifying omen he had dreamed in detail."

Yu Xian shook his head slightly.

Zhou Wu Wang Jifa was not as wise and resolute as he was portrayed by later generations.

On the contrary, he is cowardly, hesitant, unconfident, and somewhat neurotic.

According to the records in "Yi Zhou Shu", when King Wu faced the Yin and Shang Dynasties, even his nightmares were in a panic.


When sending troops to crusade against Shang Zhou, Ji Fa didn't even dare to face it by himself, but sent troops in the name of his dead father Wen Wang Jichang.

When the soldiers arrived in Mengjin, Ji Fa couldn't bear the pressure and fear any longer, and led the soldiers back directly.

In Ji Fa's life full of fear and fear, his younger brother Zhou Gongdan is undoubtedly that ray of sunshine...

Zhou Gongdan kept encouraging his elder brother to solve the nightmare for him.He even told his elder brother that destiny is not the only important thing, it is virtue that ignites the fire of humanity!

Those who are virtuous will have a destiny!

"Here lies in virtue, respect lies in Zhou, it maintains the destiny of heaven, and the king respects his destiny."

Since then, the Chinese civilization has finally got rid of blood and barbarism, and slowly separated from the era of cannibal witches and ghosts.

The little boy riding a bull gave a general account of what happened to Duke Zhou next, and then sighed, "The fire of humanity that Duke Zhou ignited finally ranks with merit and destiny. But his upright and fearless spirit that brings warmth to others has been forgotten."

? ? !

Yu Xian was excited!

Could this be to pass on the positive energy accumulated by Duke Zhou all his life to me?

Yu Xian didn't dare to treat the little boy as an ordinary person anymore, so he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Boy is willing to ask for advice."

The bull riding boy was very satisfied with Yu Xian's attitude, and said with a smile, "Okay, then I will teach you the skills of Duke Zhou's dream interpretation."

and many more!

Yu Xian was a little confused.

Shouldn't it be a powerful positive energy?

"Duke Zhou...interpreting the dream...?" Yu Xian was dumbfounded.

The bull riding boy said, "Not bad. Speaking of which, the secret is also very simple."

The bull riding boy paused, and said seriously, "Always bring people the most enthusiastic expectations."

After finishing speaking, the bull riding boy seemed a little tired. He carefully watched Yu Xian's reaction, wanting to see how much he had comprehended.

Yu Xian was dumbfounded, "That's it?"

"of course."

Yu Xian was speechless.

Well, it can be regarded as exhortation from the old-timers.

Yu Xian said respectfully, "Boy, I know."

The bull riding boy nodded in satisfaction, he was about to leave, when he saw Yu Xian looking at him eagerly, he remembered something again.

"By the way, interpreting dreams for others requires a warm and warm heart. But it also needs to be believed in order to be effective. I also have a small auxiliary method here, called Duke Zhou's dream technique."

"Duke Zhou's dream technique?"

Yu Xian was speechless.

Boss, look at your aura, why don't you give me some supernatural skills.

Just gave me a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, a life skill, is there an egg for it?

Yu Xian was speechless, and the bull riding boy opened his lips, and passed a set of formulas to Yu Xian through sound transmission.

This formula is so complicated and mysterious that it can almost catch up with the mentally handicapped shield that Wu Qi taught himself!

Yu Xian couldn't help but get serious!

The mentally handicapped shield can be called an absolute defense, unless the Samadhi real fire that can burn people's "spirit, energy and spirit" is used, otherwise, it can only spend a lot of time slowly killing it.

And people who can use Samadhi real fire are unheard of even in Wu Qi's Warring States period.

Now Yu Xian didn't dare to underestimate him anymore.

He wrote down every word carefully.

Then sit cross-legged on the spot and slowly understand.

The bull riding boy completed the two entrustments, and he let go of a lot of worries. He took out the bamboo flute from his waist, played the melodious and brisk rhythm, and walked away slowly.

Amidst the melodious sound of the reed flute, Yu Xian comprehended very quickly.

As the sound of the flute faded away, I slowly began to struggle again.

Fortunately, everything is difficult at the beginning, with those understandings at the beginning,

Yu Xian just opened his eyes at the moment when the bull riding boy disappeared completely.

Yu Xian was a little disappointed.

This Zhou Gong's dream technique does not have the hidden effect of Yu Xian's imagination. Its only function is to forcibly enter other people's dreams and observe other people's dreams from a unique perspective.

The things in the dream are inherently bizarre, and some even have no logic at all.Even if it is observed, it is meaningless.

This shabby skill can't stand up to his complicated and mysterious formulas at all.

Guan Hai asked enviously, "Junior brother, what kind of skills did that expert teach you?"

Guan Hai has the body of a beast with extremely keen instincts.

He didn't care about the boy's age, he only believed that he was a tall man.

Yu Xian said helplessly. "It's not a big deal. One is chicken soup for the soul in one sentence, and the other is the ability to forcibly enter other people's dreams."

Guan Hai scratched his head, "What kind of strange skill is this?"

Yu Xian had some internal injuries.

Brother, stop talking.

Unexpectedly, Guan Hai would still say it.

He looked at Yu Xian and asked wonderingly, "Then if I'm not dreaming, what do you think?"

"Huh?" Yu Xian was taken aback, "I'm not dreaming..."

Guan Hai said curiously, "Yes, if I hadn't been dreaming, would your skills still be useful?"

Yu Xian looked at Guan Hai, and the mantra and introduction of Duke Zhou's Dreaming Technique flashed through his mind.

Then he couldn't help muttering to himself, "Forcibly enter other people's dreams..., forcefully enter other people's dreams..."


Yu Xian's eyes lit up, he looked at Guan Hai and said, "Brother Guan, let's try."

Guan Hai said cheerfully, "Okay, you come!"

Yu Xian immediately gathered his mana and stared deeply into Guan Hai's eyes.

That Guan Hai was totally unprepared, he was hit by Yu Xian's secret technique, his body swayed and fell to the ground.

Maybe Yu Xian's secret method was not in place, or maybe Guan Hai's physique was too strong, Guan Hai immediately woke up after falling!

Yu Xian didn't even have the chance to observe Guan Hai's dream carefully.

However, Yu Xian was delighted to see the effect!

Forcibly enter other people's dreams!He finally had a full understanding of this force!

That is your dream, I want to see it.If you don't dream, force you to dream, I want to see it too!

Yu Xian no longer cared about whether he could observe other people's dreams.

This is simply a powerful hard control skill!

If it is in a battle, I dare not say that it can hypnotize the opponent, as long as the opponent can be in a trance for a moment, it is enough to reverse the situation of the battle!

Yu Xian completely ignored one thing, what does it mean to inherit Zhou Gong's words "always bring people the most enthusiastic expectations".

The Qi of the King, the Qi of the Duke of Zhou

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