host country

0264 Boss behind the scenes

With Kui Niu's war drums intimidating the five-color divine cattle, Yu Xian can be said to be elated this time.

For the convenience of traveling, he still used gourds to put away Zuoqiu Junyi, Cai Yan, and Wang Li.

Guan Hai shook off the muddy water on his body, and immediately turned into his original form.

Yu Xian didn't care about the dirty mud, he jumped on Guan Hai's back, tightly grasped the bristles, and urged Guan Hai to move forward.

Guan Hai galloped with all four hooves, and Yu Xian was not idle, he held his breath and concentrated on observing the movement in the distance on the pig's back.

Guan Hai rushed to the map extremely fast, and after a while, he saw Wang Cheng in sight.

The scene here was obviously also triggered by those powerful people, a rain curtain lay in front of Yu Xian, cutting the inside into another world.

At this time, the royal city has become a hell of blood and fire.

The blazing flames soared into the sky, the singing and dancing in the royal city was absent, and there was a mess everywhere.

Countless survivors of the Yin and Shang dynasties were frantically killing the people of the royal city.

The Zhou people in Wangcheng ran away crying and screaming, but they couldn't escape the butcher's knives of the Yin and Shang rebels.

The Chengzhou Eighth Division, which protected the Zhou people, was also paralyzed because of its command, and was caught off guard by Yin and Shang soldiers.

The roaring Kui Niu war drums shook their condensed military spirit, and after a short period of persistence, they were defeated in the end.

The battle came so hastily and so fiercely that all the forces that originally entered the royal city felt strongly uneasy.

Facing the sudden chaos and fierce battle, they all withdrew cautiously after simple communication.

They looked around in a daze around the world inside the rain curtain, not knowing what had happened.

Yu Xian grabbed Guan Hai's mane tightly and grabbed it tightly.

The two stood in the distance and watched for a long time, Yu Xian yelled regretfully, "Unfortunately, I didn't see through this puzzle sooner!"

With the invasion of Luoyi, Wangcheng finally could not go back to the past.

Yu Xian looked back and found that everything that happened was so vivid.

It's no wonder that the scene in Luoyi is fixed at the moment before the sacrifice, and it's no wonder that the plot of Wangcheng will be bounded by the death of the luxurious old man, and it will continue to repeat.

This is clearly a faction task that requires one to choose between the two.

If you choose Luoyi, complete the sacrifice for the survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and take out the Kui Niu War Drum, then the survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties will launch bloody revenge on the Zhou people, and the plot of Wangcheng will fail.

What about Wangcheng?

In front of Yu Xian, the picture of that luxurious old man walking around anxiously, and then divination with yarrow appeared.

Afterwards, the old man was accidentally poisoned to death, and even the yarrow ashes were taken away.

Yu Xian was convinced in his heart, yes, maybe the key to the royal city is there.

Yu Xian has reason to believe that, as a peer-to-peer faction task, since the end of the previous paragraph and the beginning of the next paragraph of the Wangcheng plot are bounded by the luxurious old man, the key to solving the problem must also be on the old man.

Perhaps the old man's divination revealed that Luoyi was about to rebel!And the sudden death of the old man made this secret forever hidden.

Yu Xian reckoned that if he could manage to prevent the luxurious old man from drinking the bowl of poisonous fish soup, then the plot could be completely reversed.

At that time, the Eighth Division of Chengzhou in Wangcheng, under the command of the old man, will go to kill all the rebellious officials and thieves who are offering sacrifices.

This is where Yu Xian felt sorry.

No matter how you look at it, the strength of the Zhou family in Wangcheng must be stronger than those survivors in Luoyi.

If Yu Xian used the royal city as a breakthrough point, he might be able to obtain something more useful than Kui Niu's battle drum.

Yu Xian sighed with regret, and Guan Hai also turned into a human form.He scratched his head and sat beside Yu Xian.

While Yu Xian was having mixed feelings, he suddenly heard a quiet flute sound coming from the rain curtain.

The sound of the flute was very thin and ethereal at the beginning, and after a while, the melodious and relaxing melody was like a happy bird, hovering around.

Yu Xian was startled, and followed the prestige.

I saw a five or six-year-old boy, riding on a lazy green bull, slowly walking out of the rain.The boy happily closed his eyes and played the flute, seemingly unaware that a bloody killing was taking place around him.

Yu Xian frowned, it was probably not some kind of phantom projection to be able to walk out of the rain curtain.It's just why the various forces surrounded by the rain curtain didn't respond at all?

Yu Xian looked at Guan Hai uncertainly, "Brother, can you see that guy in front?"

Guan Hai nodded, and said as a matter of course, "Yes, I don't know which kid this is, why is he so naughty. He dares to break into any place."

Yu Xian stared carefully for a while, but found a problem, "No, look inside the rain curtain behind."

Guan Hai quickly raised his eyes and saw that the royal city that was being slaughtered in the rain curtain slowly rolled up from both sides like a painting.

The figures on the edge of the city stood still for an instant, curled up like a piece of paper.

The scrolling speed of the picture was extremely slow, and the characters in the innermost part of the royal city were still fighting in a daze.

Finally, with the brisk and melodious sound of the flute, the entire royal city was harvested into a bunch, and then like a white shadow fell into the boy's flute.

Yu Xian took a deep breath.

Is this a behind-the-scenes oss? !

The five or six-year-old boy seemed to wake up from his own world at this moment. He stopped playing the flute and smiled slightly at Yu Xian.

"Bring it."

Looking at his bright eyes, Yu Xian instinctively relaxed his guard when he heard that gentle voice.

He thought for a while, then took out the Kui Niu war drum from his pocket, "You want this?"

The boy smiled and shook his head, "It's so rare for such a thing."

Then he stretched out his hand and a copper pot flew out of Yu Xian's body.

When Yu Xian saw the copper pot, he suddenly knew what the boy wanted.

During the sacrificial ceremony, Yu Xian once used a copper plate to hold the blood of the nobles of the Zhou people. Later, seeing that it was useless, Yu Xian smeared the blood on his body and acted as a sacrifice himself, which promoted the plot of Luoyi.

Seeing that the blood was extraordinary, Yu Xian put the rest in a copper pot, and planned to keep it for later study.

Who would have thought that this mighty guy who came out would disdain Kui Niu's battle drum, but care so much about the remaining blood.

Yu Xian was a little bit regretful, if he had known it earlier, he would have used it up.

The boy made another move, and the copper pot fell into his hand.

He tucked the bamboo flute in his hand to his waist, opened the copper pot and took a look, his face full of regret.

He looked at Yu Xian again, shook his head, urged the green bull under his crotch, and walked slowly to the distance.

Yu Xian couldn't help shouting loudly, "Wait a minute."

The boy riding the bull didn't turn his head back, and said slowly in a long voice, "Smeared with the blood of a saint, it is regarded as the most precious sacrifice, a grand sacrifice, is it worth it?"

Yu Xian was taken aback.

Thinking back on what he had done, he didn't know how to answer.

I just heard the boy slowly say, "It's better to be like that pig, with a happy trailing tail..."

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