host country

0263 Target King City

Yu Xian hehe on the spot.

This old thing is quite beautiful.

Yu Xian didn't have any hope for this wretched old man anymore, so he glanced at Cai Wenji, "Miss Cai, do you have any good suggestions?"

Cai Yan was startled when he heard this, apparently he did not expect Yu Xian to ask him this question.

She said timidly, "I'm not proficient in military affairs. I haven't studied the matter of war drums either."

Zuoqiu Junyi said dissatisfiedly, "You still don't believe me. My old man has traveled more bridges than you. It is reasonable for me to say so."

Yu Xian said directly to Guan Hai, "Put away the things and bring them home before we talk about them."

Zuoqiu Junyi became a little anxious, "It's easy to talk about the price. You make an offer first, and I'll pay you back. It's easy to negotiate."

Hearing that this old fried dough stick valued this thing so much, Yu Xian became more and more unwilling to sell it.

At this moment, Wang Li, who had been honest and honest before, suddenly said, "No, when this thing was dug up just now, the movement was quite scary. I didn't use any drumsticks at that time."

Zuoqiu Junyi gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Li for a while. He was startled when he saw Yu Xian looking at him with a half-smile, and quickly explained, "That thing is just the sound of hitting Kui Niu's hide, and it can't exert the true power of Kui Niu's war drum at all. , is nothing at all.”

Yu Xian was fine at first, but when he heard Zuoqiu Junyi's explanation, he really gasped.

Just relying on the power of Kui cowhide itself has a lot of power.It would be unimaginable if the Kui Niu War Drum showed its full strength.

Yu Xian thought for a while, and said to Cai Wenji, "Since you don't understand military affairs, you should understand music theory! Just treat it like an ordinary drum and beat it, and I'll see what effect it has."

"Huh? Is it okay?"

Cai Yan looked eager to try.

"Try it." Yu Xian was indifferent.

Cai Yan was much more cautious.She pondered the patterns on Gu's body back and forth, gesturing up and down with her hands.

After a while, she nodded to Yu Xian with some uncertainty.

Yu Xian motioned Guan Hai to stay away and let Cai Yan do whatever he wanted.

Cai Yan casually picked up a long oracle bone from the ground and beat it rhythmically on the Kui Niu war drum.

Cai Yan didn't have much strength, and the oracle bone only made a slight sound when it fell on the Kui ox's skin.

Yu Xian felt the coercion from above, and it was indeed not very good.

Zuoqiu Junyi heaved a sigh of relief, and became complacent again.

Cai Yan was not affected at all. She waved the oracle bone and made another series of knocks.

The position of Cai Yan's percussion faintly echoes the patterns on the drum body, and the rhythm has the beauty of music.

Gradually, Yu Xian suddenly felt a sense of desolation and tragedy.

Although the voice did not have astonishing momentum, it was like a surging sea tide, with heavy power, hitting people's hearts wave after wave.

Yu Xian was moved.

He listened carefully for a while, and when Cai Yan finished typing, he confirmed to Cai Yan, "Is it "No Clothes"?"

Cai Yan nodded, a little surprised.

"Did Daoist Yu also dabble in the Book of Songs?"

Do you say no clothes?In the same robe as the son.Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear, and share the same hatred with my son!

Do you say no clothes?Together with the child.Wang Yuxing is a teacher, repair my spear and halberd, and work together with my son!

Do you say no clothes?Wear the same clothes as your son.Wang Yu Xingshi, cultivate our armored soldiers, and walk with you!

This is Qin Shi's generosity.

Yu Xian let out a long breath, "So that's how it is!"

Even if the war drum loses the powerful curse on it, it is still excellent from the perspective of the instrument itself.

Once the pattern is activated with the rhythm of the song itself, it can still exert a lot of power.

Cai Yan fondled the skin on Kui Niu's war drum, and said with some regret, "It's a pity that this war drum is too big, and I can't make some sounds. It would be better if it was smaller."

With Cai Yan's stroking, the patterns on the Kui Niu war drum shrank for a while, and then shrunk by a few minutes.

This time not only Cai Yan was taken aback, but Yu Xian was also shocked from ear to ear.

This magic weapon is too spiritual.

Yu Xian tried to say, "You can make it smaller."

Cai Yan's eyes gleamed, as if she had just gotten a new toy, she couldn't wait to say, "Make it smaller!"

When the Kui Niu battle drum became smaller in response, he continued, "Smaller!"

Just like that, under the dumbfoundedness of the crowd, a big drum with a drum head of five or six feet turned into a gadget only the size of a bell.

Cai Yan spread the war drum in the palm of his hand, looking at it fondly.

Yu Xian looked at Zuoqiu Junyi with a sneer, "The old guy really has a good plan."

Zuoqiu Junyi was obviously also a little shocked.

"That's even possible!"

Yu Xian spread his hands to Cai Yan, "Thank you Miss Cai for helping me taste, and Yu will naturally be rewarded in the future."

Cai Yan reluctantly put the smaller war drum into Yu Xian's palm.

Zuoqiu Junyi couldn't help but muttered beside him, "You don't know the rhythm, and holding it in your hand is a waste of treasure. Why don't you sell it to me?"

Yu Xian laughed, "I don't understand, doesn't Miss Cai understand?"


The meaning of Yu Xian's words immediately made everyone guess.

Yu Xian didn't give a shit about it either, he looked at Cai Yan and said directly, "I'm not going to use this thing very much, I'll give it to you in the future. When the time will understand."

Yu Xian had already made a plan, and when the problem with the Five-Color Divine Bull was resolved, he would hang the Kui Niu war drum around Dong Bai's neck.

When we meet Cai Yan in the future, he will naturally understand what he meant by asking her to assist Dong Bai.

If Dong Bai had Cai Yan and Xu Huang's literary and military assistance, Yu Xian would not have to worry about it at all.

All choices are still up to them.

Yu Xian put away the Kui Niu battle drum, and Zuoqiu Junyi, who got nothing, couldn't help agitating, "Since there are such good things in Luoyi, there must be something to gain in Wangcheng. Why don't we take advantage of the time and go to the Wangcheng side for a while?" trip."

Yu Xian was quite moved when he heard that, now is the darkest time before dawn.Even if you get nothing, it must not be difficult to get out of the body.

What's more, being able to obtain such a rare magic weapon as the Kui Niu War Drum is completely worthy of Yu Xian's hard work this night.

Yu Xian lifted his spirits and said to everyone, "Let's go, let's go to Wangcheng."

As he spoke, he threw the Kui Niu battle drum at Guan Hai.He raised his chin towards the Five-Color Divine Bull, "Try it."

Guan Hai held the war drum in his hands and boldly walked forward.

Until Guan Hai was out of the range of Luoyi Ghost City, the five-colored cow didn't show any intention of attacking.

It mooed extremely unwillingly, while slowly backing away.

Yu Xian was overjoyed, he laughed and said to everyone, "If you don't leave now, when will you wait!"

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