host country

0249 City of Giants

Hearing this, Guan Hai increased his speed again and rushed towards Luoyi Ghost City.

Yu Xian counted the time and felt much more at ease.

Guan Hai ran wildly for a while, and his speed began to slowly decrease.

Yu Xian was a little nervous, "What's wrong?"

Guan Hai took a breath and said loudly, "It's not moving."

Yu Xian roughly estimated the distance when he heard the words, and he had escaped into the range of the ghost city of Naluoyi at this moment.

Yu Xian checked the killing power in the soldier talisman.

After the soldiers and horses of the two battalion heads returned to Xu Huang's hands, the training was back on track.The killing power in Yu Xian's Tiger Talisman also began to grow steadily.

This moment is enough for Yu Xian to spend a while.

Yu Xian didn't waste any time, jumped off the pig's back and began to cast the wind and rain.

Following Yu Xian's military tactics, the area of ​​several miles around was shrouded in dark clouds, and it started to rain after a while.

Yu Xian remained unmoved and continued to urge the art of war.

With the heavy rain, there was a secret thunder in the sky soon.

Yu Xian's spirit lifted.

——"Thunderstorm night!"

If what Cai Yan said is correct, it should be the electromagnetic induction generated by lightning, which allows the fragments of past events to be traced back.

Well, it's pretty scientific...

Yu Xian waited with full expectation to get some useful things from the secrets of the past.

As the sky got darker, the thunder and lightning became more violent.

The bright lightning in the sky seemed to tear the night into pieces.

Yu Xian was constantly urging the Fa Jue, and Guan Hai next to him showed a trace of fear on his face, "It seems, it seems that there is a reaction."


Yu Xian quickly followed Guan Hai's gaze.

The dark night around him suddenly became strange, and some dark buildings appeared like a mirage.It's just that the building is unusually tall, as if a giant lived there.

Yu Xian is not surprised.

Since it is a projection of the past, it is common for it to be greatly distorted.

Seeing the effect, Yu Xian immediately made persistent efforts to mobilize the art of war desperately.

As the thunder flashed, a huge black city appeared on the boundless field.

Yu Xian's heart was shaken and he was very excited.

It's just that no matter what Yu Xian does, he can only manifest the giant city, but he can't push forward the subsequent changes at all.

Seeing that he couldn't do all the work, Yu Xian had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and took Guan Hai to run quickly in the huge city, looking for something useful.

This city is simple and barbaric, with the vicissitudes of a long time ago.

The two wandered here for a long time, but did not find anything useful.

Because of the difference between the projection and the reality, the two of them tripped over the ditches and ridges on the road from time to time.Some seemingly flat roads may in reality be mud pits one after another.

It was raining at this time, and there was water in many mud pits.

The two ran for a while, and then they got themselves into a mess.

Just when Yu Xian wondered whether it was meaningful to search in this primitive city, Guan Hai suddenly pointed to a place, "There seems to be someone over there."

Yu Xian was overjoyed when he heard that, "Let's go and have a look."

The two ran forward for a while, and vaguely came to the center of the city.

The place is unusually empty, full of dark crowds kneeling.

Those kneeling on the ground were all wearing silk robes, with frozen faces.

Because the projected cities and people are very tall, when these people are kneeling, they are taller than Yu Xian and Guan Hai.

Guan Hai looked at Yu Xian with some anxiety, "Let's, let's go inside?"

Monsters rely heavily on intuition. Although Guan Hai is usually bold, encountering such a weird thing on such a thunderstorm night made him a lot of cowards.

Yu Xian was much more courageous.

Since this is just a projection of the past, there is nothing to be afraid of at all.

"What are you afraid of?" Yu Xian said, dragging the procrastinating Guan Hai forward.

Yu Xian took two steps and almost fell down. Looking carefully, the flat ground in front of him was a little blurry, revealing the wet and slippery grass washed by the rain.

Obviously, the path they take in reality may not be so comfortable.

Yu Xian walked around and continued to walk forward.

As Yu Xian circled around, his body passed through an illusory and misty figure, as if nothing existed.

Guan Hai, who was dragged by Yu Xian, was horrified to see that the kneeling Huan Huan looked at Yu Xian in front of him with some dissatisfaction, and moved his body to the side.

Guan Hai's exclamation was immediately choked.

Sweat dripped down his back, and he squeezed Yu Xian's hand tightly.

Yu Xian didn't think much about it, and pulled Guan Hai hard again, without turning his head, he said, "Guan Hai, don't be cowardly, show your heroism like a big monster, okay?"


If Guan Hai could transform into form at this moment, his tail would probably be caught in his ass.

It is really too oppressive to be in this weird city of giants.

After Yu Xian finished speaking, as if he had discovered something, he let go of Guan Hai's hand and ran forward quickly.

Guan Hai might still be happy if Yu Xian didn't pull him forward before.

But now seeing Yu Xian running away by himself, Guan Hai was frightened out of his wits, "Wait for me!"

How dare he be alone among these black giants.

Just as Guan Hai was speaking, he saw Yu Xian who was not far away suddenly disappeared.

Guan Hai shuddered, his nose arched forward, his two fangs turned outwards, he was almost scared out of shape.

After a while, Yu Xian got up dripping wet, and said cursingly, "It's really unlucky, there is a lake in front, I almost didn't get out."

Guan Hai breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward.

Yu Xian pointed forward cheerfully, "Look, what did I find?"

What Yu Xian was talking about was naturally not the lake in reality, but an open earth platform in the illusory projection.

The earthen platform was built quite high, and there were many luxuriously dressed figures standing on it, all of them had empty eyes and dead faces.

On the whole, in this empty city, all the people gathered here seemed to be kneeling down to worship the earthen platform in the middle.

It's just that Yu Xian watched carefully for a long time, but he didn't see anything special about those characters.

Those luxuriously dressed figures were facing the same direction respectfully, and seemed to be holding strange wat boards in their hands.

Yu Xian followed their gazes, and there were three people standing in front of these people.

On the left is a warrior with a strong naked body and a long knife.In the middle is a young boy.On the right is an elderly man.

Of the three, the strong fighters looked numb, the young man raised his sleeves to half-cover his cheeks, and the old man looked ashamed and unspeakable.

Yu Xian is a little strange, is there any skill in it?

It's just that what he saw in front of him was a frozen picture, which really made it difficult for him to find any clues.

"If you can't let this fragment of history go on, I'm afraid you won't get anything valuable."

Yu Xian stroked his chin and looked again.

No matter how you look at the scene in front of you, it looks familiar.

Thinking about it, Yu Xian's eyes lit up. Wasn't it a similar scene when Wang Li brought him to sacrifice to heaven?

If you bring him and figure out the ritual in front of you, there may be unexpected gains!

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