host country

0248 Double stupid at the end of Han Dynasty

Yu Xian tried his best to support the art of war, and waited until all the killing power was exhausted, then he resigned himself to taking the two of them to hide nearby.

Dong Mowang's violent expropriation was swept away by others.

This incident is bound to cause an uproar.

In Luoyang City, there are many masters who can pinch and count, Yu Xian's heart is not easy.

Once his whereabouts are not blocked by the military art of swallowing smoke and mist, and his footsteps are figured out, then Yu Xian's situation will be quite critical.

In the early morning of the second day, Yu Xian, who was in a state of anxiety, went out to inquire about information.

Sure enough, the entire Luoyang city was shrouded in a chill atmosphere.

The main force of the Xiliang soldiers stationed outside the city has already entered the city, and they are currently blocking the four gates and searching for thieves everywhere.

Only Lu Bu and his Bingzhou soldiers were left outside the city to defend against the five-colored bull.

Yu Xian thought about it, and didn't take the risk to go out to investigate, but waited until dusk, and ran to the alley where the wretched old man sold pornographic books again.

Yu Xian squatted for a long time, but didn't wait for the shameless old man, so he could only hum softly, counting him as acquainted.

Yu Xian was hiding in an official's family, he didn't get any information during the day, but got something useful at night.

According to the few words that the male owner of the family gave to the family, it seems that the servant of Shangshu shot Huangfu Li and caused a terrible disaster, and now he is taken to the prison for interrogation.

Dong Zhuo also wrote a letter to Huangfu Song, enlisting him to be the captain of the city gate.

The meaning of sharpening the knife is well known to passers-by.

Although the male owner of this family swore that General Zuo would not come to die, Yu Xian didn't take it seriously.

In history, both Huangfusong and Zhu Yu had a side of political speculation.

They believe too much in their understanding of the rules of the game, always thinking that with their sophisticated political skills, they will become the final winners.

Facing Dong Zhuo's call, Huangfu Song ignored the persuasion of Chang Shi Liang Yan, and directly left the [-] army and ran back to the court.

After Dong Zhuo's death, Zhu Fu fled to Kanto.For the purpose of weakening Yuan Shao, Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, planned to let Zhu Yu be the coach and pull out a force alone.

At that time, Tao Qian, governor of Xuzhou, Zhou Qian, the former governor of Yangzhou, Yinde of Langya, Liu Kui of Donghai, Ji Lian of Pengcheng, Kong Rong of Beihai, Yuan Zhong of Pei, and Taishou of Mount Tai Ying Shao, Runan prefect Xu Wei, former Jiujiang prefect Fuqian, doctor Zheng Xuan.

It can be said that there are not only a large number of real power factions in the local area participating, but also celebrities and tyrants agitating for momentum.

However, Li Jue, who was in charge of the court at that time, only used a letter and the official position of a servant to deceive Zhu Yu back.

So they were affectionately called "Double Fools at the End of Han Dynasty".

The sad thing is that Huangfusong and Zhu Yu, the pair of "fools at the end of the Han Dynasty", have become the last hope of the great Han court at this time...

Yu Xian was not very interested in this court struggle. If Dong Zhuo severely suppressed the Han officials, he might be able to draw out the black hands behind the Southern Huns.

On the contrary, Yu Xian was happy to see the result.


Ever since Yu Xian stole the "Yi Dou", Dong Zhuo's mansion has been shutting its doors.

Dong Mowang didn't even have the mind to have fun in the palace anymore, he has been at home murderously catching the insider for the past few days.

According to Lang Zhongling Li Ru, it is impossible to steal such a large amount of supplies from the Prime Minister's Mansion without anyone's help.

Things are extremely heavy when they are placed in a "bucket", even if they are born with divine power, they may not be able to shake them at all.

But if the things were taken out and transported out of the mansion, dozens of horse-drawn carriages alone would have to be used.

With such a big commotion, how could the guards in the entire Xiangfu be completely unresponsive?

Dong Zhuo asked people to make all kinds of calculations to no avail, and there was a lot of turmoil in the prime minister's house for a while.

Xu Huang was originally in the outer mansion, and seeing the tension in the Xiang's mansion, he wondered if it was the critical moment that Yu Xian said.

At Xu Huang's strong request, he was able to meet Dong Bai.

Then Dong Bai personally visited Dong Zhuo and told about Xu Huang.

Surprised, Dong Zhuo called Xu Huang to meet and let Xu Huang demonstrate his skills in the hall.

The drill Dong Zhuo chose for Xu Huang happened to be Li Jue, Xu Huang's old boss.

However, Li Jue didn't remember that Xu Huang, a big soldier, was beaten with a long knife within three rounds, and his face was pale.

Dong Zhuo was overjoyed.

When asked about their sect, Xu Huang remained silent, but Dong Bai was confused by Dong Zhuo's question, and couldn't say one, two, three, four.

The fact that she worshiped Yu Xian as her teacher was completely a dream given to her by Mo Lan in the gourd.

As time passed, I couldn't remember what happened at the beginning.

The two times she met Yu Xian, she never thought of asking the master's name, but at this moment Dong Zhuo asked her, and she was stunned.

Fortunately, Li Ru was reminding Dong Bai to demonstrate the two moves.

Dong Tiantian is extremely talented, and he has practiced the introductory exercise of "spring birth and all things birth" to perfection.

Seeing that the kung fu practiced by Dong Bai is indeed Taoist orthodox, there is no trace of evil.

Dong Zhuo couldn't help but thought to himself, everyone said that my direct granddaughter has the aura of a king, but I didn't expect to have the support of a Taoist sect behind me.

At the beginning of her king's life, a fellow sect went down to protect the Dharma. Could it be that my Dong family will really be happy because of her daughter?

Dong Zhuo had some calculations in his mind, coupled with the theft of the prime minister's mansion this time, he became suspicious of the officers and soldiers inside the prime minister's mansion, so he naturally promised Xu Huang to organize a guard to protect Dong Bai.

Li Ru used to be eye-catching, so he immediately suggested to the side that if the name is not right, the words will not go well, if you don't give Dong Bai a title of emperor, it is also a good name to start the government.

Dong Zhuo immediately sent someone to report to the emperor, and then announced to the world that Dong Bai was canonized as Weiyang Lord.At the same time, Xu Huang, who assisted Dong Bai, was canonized as Captain Wu Meng.

Xu Huang won the title, and then slowly transferred the two battalions of soldiers and horses outside the city into the city.

Dong Bai also opened another mansion in Xiangguo's mansion because he became a feudal monarch.

Xu Huang led his soldiers and horses, drilled every day, and kept Dong Bai alone.


Yu Xian hid in the city of Luoyang for more than ten days, until he saw that the defense of the city gate was relaxed, so he took the courage to sneak out of the city at night with Guan Hai.

After Yu Xian left the city, he felt apprehensive, for fear of being noticed by the five-colored bull.

He hurriedly let Guan Hai show his original shape, and carried him towards the direction of Luoyi Ghost City.

Although Guan Hai's demon body is not flexible enough, when running in a straight line, both speed and endurance are second to none.

Guan Hai took Yu Xian and rushed out for three or four miles, then suddenly stopped and looked into the distance vigorously.

Yu Xian was also a little nervous, "What's wrong?"

Guan Hai replied simply and clearly, "Here we are."

what is coming?

Naturally, it is a five-color divine cow.

Yu Xian panicked, this master is really persistent!

Thinking of the consequences of being tough on the five-colored cow, Yu Xian hurriedly urged, "If you speed up, we should have time to hide in the range of the ghost city."

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