host country

0230 Guan Hai’s talent

Yu Xian was taken aback.

Then fell silent.

The way of heaven is to damage more than to serve not enough.

Why didn't he know that the vitality he obtained from the mysterious wooden box was taken from others.

In the gourd, Yu Xian vowed not to use it easily.

Unexpectedly, after several uses in difficult situations, it has gradually become numb.

——He finally started to take some things he hated for granted.

Yu Xian said softly to Guan Hai, "If you don't care, you will die."

Guan Hai didn't know whether he heard it or not, he just repeated in a low voice, "I, I don't touch blood..."

"Okay!" Yu Xian opened his mouth and swallowed the mysterious wooden box.

Then Yu Xian sat cross-legged beside Guan Hai, meditating slowly.

The strength of Guan Hai's demon body surpassed Yu Xian's imagination, and after the wounds on his body healed, he began to slowly recover his vitality.

Monsters are the creation of heaven and earth. They are pets and playthings of heaven. They can make great progress by breathing the essence of the sun and moon.

After Guan Hai lay on the spot for a day and a night, his body slowly began to move, and he stood up unsteadily.

Yu Xian glanced at him and asked with a smile, "How do you feel now?"

Guan Hai looked at Yu Xian, grinned and said, "I knew you would find him."

Yu Xian smiled lightly and didn't speak.

If it wasn't for the hidden gold in the palace, he might still be excited about getting rid of the big trouble of Guan Hai. Hearing such trustworthy words made Yu Xian feel so embarrassing.

Yu Xian asked him, "Have you met Tang Zhou?"

Hearing this name, Guan Hai's eyes showed hatred, "That's right! It's that insidious villain. If he hadn't betrayed the great virtuous teacher, why would we rush to revolt? Millions of yellow scarf women and children who died in the hands of the court , all his sins."

Yu Xian wanted to ask about Tang Zhou's strength, but looking at Guan Hai's appearance, Yu Xian knew that there was no need to ask more.

No matter what, Tang Zhou's strength was far inferior to his current self.

Yu Xian asked Guan Hai, "Then what are you going to do next?"

Guan Hai gritted his teeth and said, "Since we found that scum, of course it is revenge for the brothers of the Yellow Turban Army!"

Yu Xian said calmly, "But since you have suffered such a big loss at his hands, it can be seen that that guy is not easy to deal with. Don't say that you are recovering from serious injuries, even if you are in good condition, you can't do anything to him? "

Guan Hai listened with desperation on his face, "Then, what should I do then? The monster's spells are so powerful, I can't use this ability. Can I just watch that scum live happily?"

While talking, Guan Hai suddenly looked directly at Yu Xian.

Yu Xian was taken aback, and quickly dismissed his unrealistic thoughts, "You see, I'm useless. I can't even beat you, how could I possibly be able to deal with Tang Zhou."

Guan Hai looked at Yu Xian with piercing eyes, "No, no, you can do it! You are different from me, you are a Taoist priest and can practice Taoism. As long as you practice hard with the three volumes of heavenly scriptures left by the great virtuous master, sooner or later you will have Break through that monster's Taoism and kill him!"

Yu Xian was helpless, why did he bring up this topic again.

Even if Yu Xian directly raised the flag to rebel, he was unwilling to get involved in the troubled waters of the Yellow Turban Army.

A Yellow Turban Rebellion was vigorous, but what was the result?

Countless poor people, not only did not see the Yellow Turban Paradise they expected, but were massacred by large groups.

They could have continued to struggle in the misery, but now they are like wild dogs falling everywhere in the wilderness.

Zhang Jiao's great ambition and lack of talent made this Yellow Turban Rebellion bear a huge original sin.

No matter how difficult it is, Yu Xian will start over by himself.

Yu Xian changed the topic, "That's not a short-term thing, let's talk about it later. Now I need to help you deal with the injury as soon as possible."

Some of the wounds on Guan Hai's body had begun to scab, and some places where a lot of flesh had been gouged out still ooze blood from time to time.

Guan Hai was not stubborn after hearing this, and now his injury really cannot be delayed.

Guan Hai took the initiative to say, "It's not difficult to treat my injuries. You try to find more food for me. As long as I have enough food, the injuries on my body will recover quickly."

After hearing this, Yu Xian looked at Guan Hai in amazement, "Is this enough? Could it be that you monsters are all so physically fit?"

The big monster Yu Xian saw was Diao Chan.

That girl also recovered from her injuries very quickly after catching Zhang Liao's big ax hard.

After hearing this, Guan Hai shook his head quickly and said, "That's not true. My demon talent is a bit unique. I was originally the incarnation of a wild boar. Therefore, I have a large intestine and I am never afraid of rough food. I digest extremely fast and can The energy in the food quickly replenishes one's own energy."

Guan Hai said with some embarrassment, "Speaking of which, this talent is really inferior compared to others."

Yu Xian didn't think so. He praised, "That's not the case. A useful skill is a good skill. Now that you have suffered such a severe trauma, you can recover quickly. I'm afraid others won't envy you."

After Yu Xian finished speaking, he ordered Guan Hai to hide, and then hurried to the place where the Taoist soldiers were hiding.

There was still a lot of food left over from the looting by the Taoist soldiers a few days ago, so Yu Xian simply took it all.

He directly asked those Taoist soldiers to pull out their camp, bring food and supplies, and come to the mountain where Guan Hai was hiding to set up camp again.

Afterwards, Yu Xian directed the Taoist soldiers to cook porridge.

When it was ready, a pot of food was brought to Guan Hai.

Guan Hai didn't care about the heat, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

Yu Xian watched for half an hour, dumbfounded.

In just this short period of time, Guan Hai has already eaten a hundred pots of food, which can no longer be explained by a simple "eat intestines are large".

The acupoints of Guan Hai's intestines and stomach must have special condensing methods, which can digest food together.

Yu Xian thought, and pondered again.

I don't know what Diao Chan's talent is?Her injury recovered so quickly, could it be a similar method?

But when she mentioned the injury that day, her reaction seemed a little strange.


Guan Hai ate dozens of more pots, and then he hiccupped, lay down on the spot and fell asleep.

Yu Xian glanced at Guan Hai, and ordered the soldiers to cut down all the surrounding trees, so that the moon in the sky and the wind in the wilderness could nourish their darlings.

Guan Hai slept for seven days in a row before waking up slowly.

All the wounds on his body have healed, and his spirit has become much stronger.

Yu Xian came over and asked, "How is the recovery?"

Guan Hai jumped up from the ground and turned into a naked human body.

He looked around energetically, and then laughed loudly, "Most of the recovery has been made, and the rest of the hidden wounds will have to be cultivated slowly. When I am fully recovered, hum, I will go to Tang Zhou for revenge!"

Looking at Guan Hai's full of vitality, Yu Xian felt as if he saw a middle school boy in a hot-blooded comic.

Yu Xian smiled and echoed in his mouth.

--"very good."

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