host country

0229 Management of first aid

Wang Li, a civil official who took the initiative to seek refuge with Dong Zhuo, did not have any extraordinary integrity.

After being intimidated by Yu Xian, he succumbed almost without any ideological struggle.

He recorded everything he knew by hand, and explained it to Yu Xian.

The things recorded in the "Ling Xian Shu" are Zhang Heng's lifelong painstaking efforts. It records many understandings of the formation of heaven and earth, the evolution of the universe, the structure of heaven and earth, and the nature of the sun, moon and stars.

A lot of knowledge in it made Yu Xian amazed.

In this "Ling Xian Shu", it is mentioned that the universe is infinite in space and time.

The moon itself does not emit light, the moonlight comes from the reflection of sunlight.

Zhang Heng believes that the sky is an ellipsoid with a very small eccentricity, and there is a North Pole in the sky, and the pivot star is just at this position.The sun, moon and five stars revolve around it.

The sky not only has the North Pole above the ground, but also the South Pole hidden underground.

According to the distance from the earth, the speed of the sun, moon and stars is also different. The speed is faster when the distance is closer to the earth, and the speed is slower when the distance is farther away from the earth.

Yu Xian listened to Wang Li's narration, and it was not difficult to understand.

He asked curiously, "Is that all? Where is the secret technique for manipulating the armillary sphere?"

Wang Li glanced at Yu Xian speechlessly, and said dryly, "This is just the general outline. The real secret technique must be dictated by me."

Yu Xian nodded, that's why.

According to what Wang Li said, the entire "Book of Lingxian" has several large sections, some of which are texts that explain astrological changes in conjunction with "Lingxian Tu".Some are based on changes in the astrology, interpreting disasters, misfortunes, and blessings, and praying for disasters.Some are ways to manipulate the armillary sphere and obtain huge star power. In addition, there is also a "Tai Su Jing" in this "Ling Xian Shu" that deals with big grain refining.It can be said that it is completely self-contained.

Yu Xian didn't think too much about other things at the moment, and immediately ordered, "You just teach me how to control the armillary sphere."

The next time Yu Xian enters the palace, he has a very important task, which is to completely close the armillary sphere.

Only when the armillary sphere was paralyzed there and stopped functioning, and Dong Zhuo withdrew from Luoyang, would he leave it behind.

Upon hearing this, Wang Li immediately explained the matter about the armillary sphere to Yu Xian in detail.

Yu Xian studied seriously with Wang Li, and after dark, he slipped out of the city again and told the two battalions of Taoist soldiers who stayed outside to try to find Guan Hai's trace.

From this day on, Yu Xian followed Wang Li to study the "Book of Lingxian" during the day, and at dusk, he went to see Mr. Chunqiu to inquire about information, and after nightfall, he went out of the city to ask the Taoist soldiers about the results.

After going back and forth a few times, Yu Xian simply asked those Taoist soldiers to separate one or two people to wait outside the city to report the progress of the search to himself.

After a few more days, Yu Xian had thoroughly figured out how to manipulate the armillary sphere.

He started to get anxious and went out of the city frequently to try his luck, hoping to find Guan Hai as soon as possible.

Perhaps the hard work paid off, and on the fifth day after Yu Xian learned how to manipulate, he was finally inquired about the traces of the pig demon by those Taoist soldiers.

When Yu Xian hurried to look for him, he found that Guan Hai was seriously injured and was hiding in a cave near his deathbed.

Guan Hai couldn't maintain the change anymore and showed his original shape.He was very happy to see Yu Xian, and blinked his eyes.

Yu Xian let out a long sigh, "You."

Yu Xian's feelings towards Guan Hai are very complicated, even though this guy robbed him out of the mountain and ruined his way of practice.

But Yu Xian didn't regret what he experienced these days.

Now he is armed with a peerless art of war, and has a mysterious wooden box with unimaginable power in his hand. A few days ago, he realized what destiny is. He only needs a few merits, and he can increase his luck three times and be fearless.

What's more, for Yu Xian, who has already obtained the ink unicorn, merits and virtues are easy to obtain even if he does not become an official.

Not to mention, I also got something like the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" that shouldn't be expected at all.

Yu Xian felt that he had lived an extremely fulfilling life along the way, and the resentment he had when he first met Guan Hai had slowly dissipated.

At the same time, Yu Xian also began to be moved by Guan Hai's loyalty and persistence.

In the final analysis, this ignorant guy who wants to build a paradise for the world is just a monster.

Yu Xian stepped forward, knelt down and patted his shoulder and asked, "You bastard, why did you make yourself so embarrassed."

Yu Xian activated the power of a mother, and dragged Guan Hai's huge demon body out of the gloomy cave.

Guan Hai has been hiding here for some time, and the injured parts of his legs shrunk in the cave have begun to rot.

Basking in the warm sunshine outside, Guan Hai hummed comfortably, and his eyelids couldn't open.

Yu Xian sized up Guan Hai's distressed appearance, while nagging, "Look at your appearance, how many days have you not closed your eyes?"

Saying that, Yu Xian pulled out the dagger from his bosom.

The clanging sound of the short knife leaving its sheath made Guan Hai's ears move slightly, but he was still lying there, enjoying the sunshine comfortably.

He didn't even lift his eyelids.

Yu Xian sized up Guan Hai with a short knife, and then went to cut off the carrion on his body.

Guan Hai felt the pain of cutting flesh and scraping bones, but he felt extremely relieved.

He sniffed Yu Xian's scent, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing Guan Hai falling asleep, Yu Xian felt a bit pained.

With such a big pig, it is a bit troublesome just to treat the wound.

It's okay for him to be awake, but now it takes a lot of effort just to move it.

Yu Xian sighed, "Forget it, you have to remember, you owe me this."

After Yu Xian finished speaking, he continued to clean up the carrion on Guan Hai's body.

Wait until it is confirmed that all wounds have been cut out of abscesses and fresh blood flowed out.

Only then did Yu Xian heave a sigh of relief.

Then, regardless of whether it was useful or not, he stuffed a few of the honey pills he made into Guan Hai's mouth.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out the mysterious wooden box, and began to heal Guan Hai.

Guan Hai followed Zhang Jiao to practice Taoism, but only realized the foundation of the Dao, and did not practice Taoism. The efficiency of using these vitality is very low.

Yu Xian spent a lot of effort to help him stop the bleeding.

There is no way to make up for the powerful energy consumption.

Yu Xian thought about it, he still needs this guy's help recently, so he simply gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, I am a good man to the end."

After finishing speaking, he continued to forcibly activate the mysterious wooden box to heal Guan Hai.

As Guan Hai's body recovered, he slowly began to have a simple perception.

Unexpectedly, when Guan Hai became conscious, it made Yu Xian even more troublesome.

Wherever the clear light in the wooden box went, Guan Hai's body subconsciously began to avoid it.

Yu Xian was a little strange, trying to hold Guan Hai down with all his strength.

But the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and Guan Hai's physical strength was strong, so Yu Xian couldn't help him for a while.

Yu Xian slapped Guan Hai heavily, "Move whatever you want, if you move again, I won't care about you."

Seemingly in a haze, Guan Hai replied with difficulty, "Leave me alone."

Yu Xian was a little unhappy, this guy didn't appreciate it.

Just as he was about to say something, Guan Hai said vaguely and with difficulty, "I don't eat blood."

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