host country

0225 Teaching Art of War

Xu Huang took Yu Xian to a quiet bamboo forest.

Yu Xian asked the soldiers to scatter to guard, then drew the ground with a knife, and slowly explained to Xu Huang the magic of the art of war.

Xu Huang already has a little background, and he is a natural general. After Yu Xian's guidance in many places, he can often be enlightened and draw inferences from one instance.

Unknowingly, the sun was gradually sinking to the west, Xu Huang was fascinated by listening, and kept asking Yu Xian about some related things.

While explaining patiently, Yu Xian also benefited a lot from Xu Huang's questions and ideas.

It wasn't until the night was dark and the dew wet their clothes that they suddenly felt the passage of time.

Xu Huang learned a lot of new knowledge and was eager to try it.

Yu Xian gained less, but a feeling of exhaustion and sleepiness came to his heart.

Xu Huang quickly said, "Master, you can go to the camp to have a good rest first, so you don't get tired."

The respect in his words at this moment made Yu Xian clearly feel the sincerity in it.

Yu Xian was delighted.

To find an apprentice, you still need to find some less entangled ones, such as Wang Yun, a political veteran, who is simply unreliable at critical times.

The Eastern Han Dynasty was an era of righteousness, and many heroes and celebrities paid attention to the kindness of knowledge and encounter.

For example, because of Liu Bei's kindness, Zhao Zilong followed Liu Bei all the way without regret, and made Changbanpo for him.

The great Confucian Cai Yong had always been underappreciated for his talents, and later, because of Dong Zhuo's appreciation, he became the only one who lay down his body and cried after Dong Zhuo's defeat.


Yu Xian stayed in the camp for another three days.

Under Yu Xian's guidance, Xu Huang can simply borrow the power of killing and cutting into form.

That killing power is pure killing intent, killing intent, and the killing technique honed repeatedly.

After borrowing the form, it can naturally drive the enemy.

Yu Xian saw that Xu Huang had used this art of war to a good degree, and immediately said to him, "Next, you only need to hone back and forth, and it is enough to gradually improve this art of war. These days, when I use this art of war, I have some Comprehension, I know a powerful guy, and I will correct you next time I ask him for advice."

Xu Huang hurriedly said respectfully, "Some of them are under Master's arrangement."

Yu Xian nodded and said to Xu Huang, "Wait tomorrow, you will enter the city alone, go to the prime minister's residence to submit a post, and worship under Dong Bai's name. These soldiers and horses will be stationed here for the time being. Discuss with her again to see how to arrange it properly."

Xu Huang bowed his hand and agreed.

Yu Xian seriously warned, "Some people in the city are not safe now. Whether it is someone assassinating Dong Zhuo, or someone embracing troops to make trouble, it is possible. You have to be ready at any time, and if there is a riot in the city, protect them as soon as possible. Dong Bai broke out of Luoyang City. Now that I have changed to Guozuo, the world is paying attention, and I must avoid the great whirlpool of Luoyang. It may be a year soon, or three years later, and I will definitely come back."

After hearing this, Xu Huang agreed, "Although I don't understand the court situation, I also understand that the Dong family is in a difficult situation. Normally, I will be cautious. If there is any trouble, even if I risk my life, I will escort the little senior sister to leave Luoyang. "

Yu Xian gave Xu Huang a thumbs up, "Reliable."

Yu Xian remembered what Zhang Liao said that day, and said to Xu Huang, "Your military art will be taught to you slowly as a teacher. As for the disadvantages of weapons, I will also find a way to help you solve them. If I can find some magical weapons If there is a sharp weapon, I will definitely keep it for you."

Xu Huang said gratefully, "Thank you, Master, for your concern. It is not so easy to get a magical weapon. I am very satisfied with this big axe."

"Let's see and talk." Yu Xian didn't say anything dead.

Then Yu Xian warned, "I am hiding in the Prime Minister's mansion now, don't let Dong Bai know about this beforehand."

Xu Huang is a cautious and reliable person, and asking him to protect Dong Bai is an extra layer of insurance.


When it was dawn again, Yu Xian and Xu Huang quietly entered the city.

Yu Xian still sneaked into the Prime Minister's Mansion along the original road, but Xu Huang went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to ask for an audience.

Seeing Xu Huang coming alone, the soldiers guarding the prime minister's mansion couldn't help but look a little contemptuous.

Xu Huang was unmoved, and said very politely, "To trouble you both, please forward this letter to my senior sister."

After speaking, Xu Huang took out a copy written by Yu Xian himself.

The soldier sneered, "Senior Sister? What Senior Sister? You can see clearly with your eyes wide open. This is Xiangguo Mansion. It's not a place for charlatans like you to run wild."

Xu Huang didn't get angry when he heard it. He pointed to the cover of the letter and said loudly, "My senior sister is called Dong Bai, and she is the only granddaughter of Dong Xiangguo. Whether you believe it or not, just send the letter in." Then the truth will come out.”

The two soldiers looked at each other suspiciously, a little surprised in their hearts.This strong man said so firmly, could it be true? .

They were illiterate, and had no way of judging to whom the letter was addressed.

One of the tall soldiers thought for a while, and said loudly to Xu Huang, "You wait here, and I will come as soon as I go."

After speaking, he took the letter and went straight to the master book Tian Jing.

When Tian Jing heard that someone came to see Dong Bai, and even referred to Dong Bai as senior sister, he was immediately surprised.

Tian Jing felt strange in his heart, and he immediately told the soldier, "Go to Shaojun immediately and ask, does she have a junior brother?"

Not long after the soldier left, he reported back, "Young Master said that she never had any juniors."

Tian Jing was furious when he heard this.

He sneered and said, "Sure enough, someone has set their minds on Shaojun. How important is it that Shaojun bears the king's order? Before Xiangguo entered the palace, he also told me to take good care of Shaojun. I didn't expect that someone would bump into him." It's in my hands."

After saying that, Tian Jing straightened up and shouted loudly, "Come here, go and gather the guards in the mansion."

After a while, Tian Jing directly led a battalion head of soldiers and horses, and headed for the front door in a mighty way.

Xu Huang waited unsuspectingly.

Seeing that no one came to reply for a long time, I couldn't help being vigilant.

When he saw Tian Jing appearing in front of him aggressively with a large group of soldiers, Xu Huang was already prepared to deal with it.

He was about to ask Tian Jing a question, when Tian Jing shouted, "Come here, take him down."

Xu Huang couldn't complete the task, and he was already a little frustrated. Hearing Tian Jing's arrogance, he couldn't help but angrily said, "I don't see who dares."

Xu Huang was already skilled in martial arts, and he didn't care at all when he faced those soldiers of the Dong Mansion who rushed to kill them by relying on their numbers.

He had originally come to seek refuge with Dong Bai, and now these people were the knocking stones he sent to his door.

If he failed to show his strength enough, it would be considered that Dong Bai took care of him in the name of the two of them being of the same family.I'm afraid Xu Huang won't have a good chance to display it.

Xu Huang shook his shoulders and took the big ax from his back.

Years of life-and-death struggle made him face such a scene without any fear.

Seeing those soldiers coming very quickly, Xu Huang laughed loudly, "Good job."

He ran forward and took the initiative to rush forward.

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