host country

0224 Strange

Yu Xian nodded very satisfied.

"Very good, I took in a disciple before, that is Situ Wangyun. Now that old man is a bit unreliable, so I simply ignore him. I have another... and another disciple in Luoyang City. Although she is young, she If you started early, you can be regarded as your senior sister. Recently, I may have to leave Luoyang for a while, and then, you can take someone to join her."

It is definitely not a good idea for Yu Xian to stay in Luoyang.

But even if they want to leave, there must be an arrangement for Dong Bai and Xu Huang.

Now that Dong Bai started to come into the sight of everyone, Yu Xian entrusted Xu Huang to her, just to take care of each other.

Hearing what Yu Xian said, Xu Huang felt a little strange, "Then I don't know who my senior sister is, how can I find her? I have a lot of soldiers and horses under my command. When the security of Luoyang City was loose before, I could rely on Let's sneak out of the city with Li Su's face, but Luoyang's defense is so tight now, if we don't have a certain background, I'm afraid we won't be able to enter Luoyang City if we want to go for refuge."

After hearing this, Yu Xian said with a smile, "Don't worry, that person can cover you all. She is Dong Zhuo's direct granddaughter, Dong Bai. Dong Bai...has worshiped under my family very early. Then you just have to say that you are her." The juniors of the same sect will be fine. After that, you will temporarily obey Dong Bai's orders."

Xu Huang was secretly startled when he heard this.

Originally, he thought that Yu Xian had completely turned against the soldiers of Xiliang, but who knew that he would still be a master to Dong Zhuo's granddaughter.

With such an origin, it seems that the worries these days are just a false alarm.

Xu Huang felt relieved, and said respectfully, "I would like to listen to Master's teaching."

Yu Xian looked at Xu Huang with satisfaction, and said to him, "I am the second-generation disciple of the Mo Sect, and I worship under the first-generation disciple Gao He. Now I accept you into the Mo Sect, and you are the third-generation disciple of the Mo Sect. Gao He grandchildren."

Xu Huang was originally a petty official in his family, and after reading some books, he was a little dazed when he heard Yu Xian talk about such a background.

He was secretly weird.

Why does my teacher speak so loudly, dare to say that he is the second generation disciple of Momen.If it is calculated by age, it must be hundreds of years old?

Yu Xian glanced at Xu Huang, and naturally knew why he was surprised. He said with emotion, "You will know in the future, you are very old."

If counting from Zixia, Xu Huang could be the disciple of the ten sages of Confucianism.

Even great Confucians like Zheng Xuan and Lu Zhi are probably a few dozen generations shorter.

Yu Xian looked around and asked, "Is there a quieter place?"

Xu Huang nodded quickly, "There is a bamboo forest over there in the camp, it is very quiet, this disciple will take Master there."

After the two confirmed the master-student relationship, they got closer unnaturally.

Yu Xian followed Xu Huang, and while walking towards that place, asked about Xu Huang's affairs in the past few days.

Xu Huang didn't hide anything, and said the whole thing.

It turned out that after Li Su sent Xu Huang and his soldiers out of the city that day, he left in a hurry.

Xu Huang was at a loss. He didn't know if Yu Xian had done something, or if there were other inside stories.

In desperation, Xu Huang had to hide with his troops nearby.

Yu Xian still had great trust in Xu Huang's character, and when he heard this, he immediately told him what he had done without hiding it from him.

"I originally thought about stealing some dynasty luck, which might be beneficial in the future. But I didn't expect to play too much by accident, and the dynasty changed as a result. Now Dong Zhuo believes that his Dong family is about to rise. The courtiers of the Han Dynasty also pretended to be confused and wanted to wait for the change. Even if I go out now, it should be safe, but to be sure, I still have to try to steal the few gold pillars from the Jiming Hall. "

"First of all, Li Su has helped me a lot, so I should reward him well. Besides, if I want to ask novelists to help me, I need some money."

After hearing this, Xu Huang took the initiative to ask for Ying, "If you enter the palace again, this disciple is willing to contribute a little bit of effort."

Yu Xian thought for a while and replied, "Alright!"

The weight of that gold pillar is definitely not light, even if it is smashed to take only part of it, it is not a small burden.

With Xu Huang's help, Yu Xian can save a lot of things.

Of course, it would be even better if you can find Guan Hai who doesn't know where to go.

After the guy turned into a demon body, his physical strength was astonishing.

Xu Huang told Yu Xian some things after he settled down here.

"This is an official road. Occasionally, some caravans come and go, and sometimes the nearby counties will escort money and food to Luoyang. When I hid here, I saw the cavalry of the Southern Huns coming out to plunder from time to time. The nearby officials cannot prohibit it. Therefore I also thought about it and intercepted the imperial court's grain cart once. However, the imperial court's reaction was a bit strange. The grain and grass were lost, but they didn't respond at all. Instead, the black cavalry of the Southern Huns came to the door and accused us of overreaching the boundary. "

Yu Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and repeated, "You robbed the imperial court of grain carts, but the imperial court ignored it, but the cavalry of the Southern Huns came after you?"

Xu Huang said, "Not bad."

Yu Xian asked again, "Are you fighting with them? How is their strength?"

Xu Huang said, "Of course these people don't come to the door in a friendly manner. I played against the team led by them briefly, and it seems that their strength is not weak."

Anyone who can make Xu Huang say that he is not weak is probably considered a top-notch player.

Yu Xian thought about the things he had heard before.

It seems that the imperial treasury has been empty for a while, and the Lumi of many imperial officials cannot be guaranteed.

Later, Dong Zhuo asked his Xiliang soldiers to loot Yangcheng County in order to raise food.

After hearing that Dong Zhuo used the looted grain to distribute food and salaries, many officials expressed resentment.As a result, Lao Dong was enraged and ordered his soldiers to go door-to-door to take the food back.

Now that Luoyang City is so empty, why didn't there be any disturbance at all after the money and food escorted by the surrounding counties were robbed?

The most indispensable thing in Luoyang city now is soldiers and horses. Dong Zhuo, who is eager to solve the problem, will definitely send troops to conquer as long as things pay off.

Yu Xian couldn't help thinking, whether it was Wang Yun or Gai Xun who did such a trick.

Wang Yun?He didn't have the courage to drive the Southern Huns cavalry.

Gai Xun?This master has always been positive and upright, and he will never drag so many officials in Luoyang into trouble with dirty tricks.

Xun You?

Thinking of this, Yu Xian couldn't help becoming vigilant.

Yu Xian didn't care about this guy cheating Dong Zhuo, but it would be bad if he brought Dong Bai into the ditch.

Yu Xian thought for a while, and gave Xu Huang instructions.

"Pay attention to this matter. Those Huns will never appear near Luoyang out of thin air. There is a horse market in the city, and there are many Huns doing business in it. These people are rich, and they have property around Luoyang. It’s nothing to worry about just riding a team. Help me find out and see which company did this.”

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