host country

0209 Guard and keep watch

Dong Zhuo's drunkenness still persisted, and he let loose immediately, uttering many domineering words.

Many ministers looked stunned and didn't know how to deal with it.

Dong Zhuo then ordered to look for the soldiers who were patrolling the palace near Zhuolong Garden at that time, in order to find out what happened.

Under Li Ru's waking up, Dong Zhuo also soon discovered that Yu Xian and Tai Shiling Wang Li had disappeared.

Reminiscent of Yu Xian's sacrifice to heaven tomorrow, everyone knew in their hearts that this change in heaven must be closely related to the two of them.

The arrest papers about these two people were quickly distributed and posted all over the streets and alleys of Luoyang City.

It's a pity that at this time, Yu Xian was already lying comfortably in an empty room in the prime minister's mansion.

Dong Zhuo's prime minister's mansion is vast, and it was built by enclosing some palaces in Yongheli.

There are countless pavilions and pavilions inside, and there are naturally many places that no one pays attention to.

Yu Xian easily found a remote place to hide.

Sleeping on a comfortable couch, eating stolen wine and meat.

Yu Xian has not lived such a comfortable life for a long time.

Although there are many crises in front of him, for Yu Xian, they are all things that need to be considered after waking up.

Yu Xian slept soundly until dawn the next day.

In the morning, awakened by the silver gourd in the orifice, Yu Xian opened his mouth and spat out the silver gourd, and then with a flash of light, Tai Shiling Wang Li rolled to the ground.

Wang Li fell so badly that it took him a long time to get up from the ground.

As soon as he saw Yu Xian, it was as if he saw the murder of his father and enemy, and he asked angrily, "Master, what is the grievance between me and you? You want to hurt me like this."

Yu Xian was speechless, in the final analysis, he was the one who couldn't bear this matter.

But Yu Xian is not a entangled person, like that kind of situation where either you die or I live, it is not bad if Yu Xian can give him a living.

Yu Xian asked carelessly, "Are you hungry?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the food and wine on the mat, "If you're hungry, eat something first."

Wang Li had been starving for a day and a night in the gourd, and he was dizzy for a long time.

Now he was not being polite to Yu Xian anymore, he grabbed the wine and meat on the mat with both hands and began to eat and drink,

Wang Li didn't pay attention to his situation until he was half full.

He took advantage of the gap between swallowing and asked vaguely, "What is this place?"

Yu Xian didn't hide it from him, "This is in Dong Zhuo's prime minister's residence."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Wang Li was eating, and was almost scared out of his nerve by Yu Xian's words.

"You, how dare you come here!"

Yu Xian straightened his legs comfortably, "Why not?"

Wang Li beat his chest and said, "You've done me a disservice! Why don't you run away quickly and hide here to seek death? It doesn't matter if you die. How can I explain my affairs?"

Yu Xian laughed and said, "Tai Shi Ling, don't panic, the matter has not yet reached that level. There is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place. I think the officers and soldiers in the city will not dare to search for Dong Zhuo no matter how domineering they are." Come to the house. Not only can we live comfortably here, but we don't have to worry about being found."

Wang Li said bitterly, "How do you know? There are many strange people in the court who are best at calculating people's whereabouts. What's more, the Jade Seal of Chuanguo is still in your hands. After the death of the young emperor, it is a thing without an owner. Things know how to hide themselves, and it is difficult for people to calculate and detect. But now, since you can move it, it means that this thing also recognizes the owner. Now those people can easily figure out where you are."

When Yu Xian heard this, the relaxed look in his body was swept away.

He hurriedly asked, "So, those people may already know where I am by now?"

Wang Li replied, "Eight or nine is not far from ten."

Yu Xian thought for a while and then said, "No. Even if those people can figure out that I am in the Prime Minister's Mansion, they will not dare to come in to check. The only thing to worry about is whether Li Ru figured out what is going on. Only Li Ru can search the Xiangguo Mansion on a large scale..."

Wang Li almost begged and said to Yu Xian, "You should hurry up and send away the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom. With this thing, your aura is too strong, and it is difficult not to be discovered."

Wang Li wasn't worried about Yu Xian's life, what he was afraid of was that he would be implicated in it.

When Yu Xian heard this, his heart was awakened.

It is already impossible to just take Chuan Guo Yuxi away.

Now I can only find a safe place to put this thing away, and then take it out when the wind dissipates and there is no way to calculate it.

But, where should I hide this thing?

Yu Xian thought for a while, then swiped the gourd, "Get out of here. You can't help at all, and you only know how to make trouble."

Yu Xian took Wang Li into the gourd, and then began to worry about the matter in front of him.

Yu Xian will never give up such a heaven-defying treasure as the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom easily.But such a thing, no matter where it is hidden, will be discovered sooner or later because of its aura.

Yu Xian slowly walked out of the room, looking at the spring scenery all over the garden, he suddenly thought of his disciple who was the one who took the blame.

"How about putting this blame on Diao Chan's back?"

Yu Xian thought for a while, and quickly denied his idea.

Diao Chan, a witch, is not easy to provoke.

And on Wang Yun's side, Yu Xian was also ready to tear his face apart, and he didn't plan to meet again at all.

If so...

Yu Xian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

He returned to the room, silently waiting for the sky to turn dark.

After the voices in the Prime Minister's Mansion died down, Yu Xian quietly got up, followed the direction he remembered, and walked towards Dong Bai's courtyard.

Dong Zhuo's prime minister's mansion is too vast.

He was also not at ease in employing a large number of outsiders, so the servants for cleaning and soldiers for defense were much less than those of other families.

Yu Xian dodged the few sentries, and walked smoothly from the guest room all the way to the courtyard where Dong Bai lived.

Still far away, I heard a burst of laughter from a young girl.

Yu Xian silently distinguished, there was Dong Bai, there was Lu Er, and some little maids he had come into contact with.

Yu Xian couldn't help smiling.

But he muttered in his mouth, "It's really outrageous, you still don't sleep at any time."

Yu Xian quietly approached the small courtyard where Dong Bai lived, then easily climbed over the wall and entered, hiding in a place where the moonlight could not reach.

From his angle, he could just see Dong Bai laughing with Luer in the room.

Yu Xianqing couldn't help but softened in his heart.

"This girl really makes me worry."

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Dong Bai without blinking.

Sometimes Dong Bai's action.

Yu Xian would also mutter a few words with a smile.

Yu Xian completely felt the power of the gourd at this moment.

That is a huge influence on a person's inner world!

After guarding and watching over her for so long, Yu Xian has already regarded Dong Bai as his closest person from the bottom of his heart.

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