host country

0208 Destiny is mine

Yu Xian ran for a while.

Suddenly, he noticed that the silver gourd was shaking non-stop in the hole.

Yu Xian quickly spit out the silver gourd.

Seeing a flash of light, Taishi made Wang Li fall down in front of Yu Xian in embarrassment.

Wang Li looked terrified, and said loudly, "National teacher, you!"

Yu Xian was too lazy to talk to him, and pointed the silver gourd at him again, "Go in."

Now Banlan no longer maintains the almost miraculous dream, and the time difference between the inside and outside of Silver Gourd changes very little.However, there is still a limit to storing living people.

Yu Xian didn't care about it now.

Had to re-stuff him into the gourd.

The reason why he seized Wang Li was not only to cover up the truth about offering sacrifices to heaven, but also to knock out the "Book of Lingxian" and "Picture of Lingxian" from him.

With these two things, Yu Xian can make another idea of ​​the armillary sphere.

——This was Yu Xian's original plan.

It's a pity that things are too much trouble now, after all, the plan can't keep up with the changes.

But even if he fell into such a troublesome situation, Yu Xian couldn't help thinking greedily that if Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang and fled, he might be able to go to the palace to catch a leak.

Yu Xian crossed two more streets, and Dong Zhuo's Xiangfu finally appeared in front of him.

Yu Xian glanced at the main entrance, and then resolutely ran to the northwest.

There is a corner gate over there, and there are a few boys at the corner gate, who usually like to lure some playboys to come in to gamble.

Yu Xian knew all the paths of Dong Bai's great escape.

And these paths can also be mixed into Xiangfu...

Yu Xian didn't intend to meet people face to face, he went to the corner gate and listened quietly for a while, there was a lot of shouting and betting inside, but there was no one on duty inside the gate.

Yu Xian took out a small knife from his bosom, and gently turned the door lock on the corner door.

When the door inside the door slightly tilted, Yu Xian knew that it was almost done, and then pushed the door lightly, revealing a crack.

The servants inside the door only care about gambling, how can anyone pay attention to this side?

Yu Xian walked in lightly, and then closed the courtyard door tightly.

Just when Yu Xian sneaked into the Xiangfu, the killing power in his tiger talisman dissipated suddenly.

As soon as the remaining killing power was exhausted, Yu Xian's tactics of swallowing smoke and fog immediately became invalid.

Many warlocks who were desperately trying to calculate all had joy on their faces.

Li Ru, who was far away in the palace, had the most wonderful expression change on his face.

Dong Zhuo on the side quickly asked, "Have you figured it out? What's going on?"

Li Ru hesitated for a while, and said to Dong Zhuo in a low voice, "Master En, although the method of calculation comes from King Wen of Zhou, and the "Book of Changes" is also my Confucian classic, but when it comes to the method of calculation, the Taoist Jia Wenhe is the best. He is good at it. In addition, he has the rare treasure of yin and yang copper coins in his hand, and having this person to figure it out is better than a son-in-law for several generations."

Dong Zhuo had grown impatient for a long time.

Is the significance of this great change in the palace unusual?

How could he have the heart to wait any longer.

Immediately said rudely, "I will send someone to recruit Jia Wenhe, but the look on your face just now, my son-in-law, doesn't look like you have nothing to gain, why don't you come and listen."

Li Ru took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement and said, "Although I don't have any conclusions about the cause and effect of this matter, I unexpectedly got something else."

"Oh?" Dong Zhuo asked, "Hurry up."

Seeing that many ministers around him were also listening, Li Ru immediately whispered a word in Dong Zhuo's ear.

After Dong Zhuo heard this, ecstasy appeared on his face, he grabbed Li Ru's shoulder and asked, "Really?!"

Li Ru was cautious, "It's so easy, I can't believe it. Huben Zhonglang Li Su has always been able to hear the wind and watch the wind, and he is a rare watcher in the city. Why don't you let him take a look?" .”

Dong Zhuo immediately shouted, "Come here! Go and call Li Su here."

The courtiers below saw that the Weng and son-in-law were surprised and happy, and all of them became suspicious.

When they heard that Dong Zhuo had asked someone to call Li Su, everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Who is Li Su?

Although he is a military general with a mediocre reputation, many people have always paid attention to his status as a military commander.

Now Dong Zhuo didn't go to find out what happened in Zhuolong Garden, but instead summoned Li Su.

What does this mean?

Not long after, Li Su, who looked anxious and panicked, was recruited in.

Li Su has no idea in his heart. The bad things between him and Yu Xian are not torn clean at all. Once someone finds out something, his little life will not be guaranteed, and he is afraid that he will implicate his junior sister and those who have followed him for many years part of the.

When Dong Zhuo saw Li Su coming forward, he didn't talk nonsense with him, and said directly to Li Su.

"Li Su, I know you are proficient in qi-watching, come and see what changes have taken place in Luoyang City."

Hearing this, Li Su breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that something that wasn't his own had been revealed.

He stood up and said respectfully, "I obey."

Dong Zhuo strode forward and hurriedly grabbed Li Su's arm, "Come on, follow me to the Quefei Temple, it's higher there."

Li Su was pulled urgently by Dong Zhuo, and rushed to the Quefei Hall.

The other civil and military officials discussed a few words in secret, and followed in groups.

When he arrived in front of Quefei Hall, Dong Zhuo said to Li Su, "Quickly go up and check."

Li Su dared to be so arrogant, he said quickly, "How dare a lowly official, this is not the main hall of the imperial palace, how dare a lowly official go to the top of the palace. Looking at Luoyang City from this land, it is the same."

The Quefei Hall is the main hall of the Han Palace, and it was built on a high earth-enclosing platform. Even if Li Su didn't have to climb to the top of the hall, he could see all of Luoyang.

Dong Zhuo didn't respect the imperial power at all, he frowned, the flesh on his face twisted, "If you are told to go up, you can go up, what nonsense!"

As he spoke, he swung the hand holding Li Su's arm upwards vigorously.

A huge force came, even with Li Su's strength, he felt powerless to resist.

Li Su was thrown by Dong Zhuo and landed on the top of the hall.

Now Li Su didn't get entangled anymore, and then hurriedly mobilized his tactics and looked towards the city of Luoyang.

Looking at it this way, Li Su immediately noticed many differences.

It seems that the fate of many people has changed a lot.

Not only was Li Su not surprised by this, but he felt that it should be so.

Now that the country is changing, the fate of many people will change.God's will re-given destiny, and the change of qi is not unexpected.

Li Su looked at it slowly, his eyes flicked to one place, he paused suddenly, and then his face was full of astonishment.

Li Ru had been paying attention to Li Su's face from below, and asked directly, "How is it?"

Li Su didn't answer for a long time, and started to look at the place again with the Art of War.

The results were the same.

Now even Dong Zhuo asked urgently, "How?"

Li Su's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he knew deeply that as long as he said the next sentence, he might become a criminal accused by thousands of people in the world.

However, Dong Zhuo was watching covetously from below, and Li Ru looked at him with a half-smile.

Li Su could only respond loudly with a dry voice, "Reporting to Xiangguo, the humble official saw..., in the Xiangfu...,"

Li Ru narrowed his eyes and asked forcefully, "How is it in the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

Li Su had no choice but to finish his sentence, "There is a kingly spirit in the prime minister's mansion!"

Dong Zhuo was no longer puzzled after hearing this.

He laughed wildly twice, then stared at the courtiers like a wild beast, raised his arms and shouted, "Sure enough, my destiny is my destiny! My destiny is my destiny!"

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