Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 382 The Han Army's Revival and Battle of Jiyang

Chapter 382 The Revival of the Han Army and the Battle of Jiyang (12)

Chapter 380 Two

The revival of the Han army and the battle against Jiyang (12)

There were not many enemies who crossed the pontoon bridge, and they were extremely tired, so they had no intention of parrying.This group of enemies just ran away with their heads in their arms, but they saw the rebel army spreading all over the place, and all kinds of traps were like a net covering the universe, and it was difficult for the important people to escape.

At this moment, the rebels from all walks of life came one after another, and some even used their internal strength to raise their spirits and shouted: "All the brothers from the official army and the Nine Heavens Sect, surrender quickly, and the rebels will definitely treat the prisoners preferentially!"

Its voice shook the heavens, but it was gentle and gentle, and the armies on both sides could hear it clearly. Seeing that the person shouting was Cheng Hongjian, Liu Jiaming couldn't help but frowned slightly, and thought to himself: "That's not right. After so many days, the brat's internal strength has actually gotten stronger..."

Just as this guy was thinking about it, many volunteer brothers shouted one after another: "Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Countless enemies surrendered their blades one after another. Seeing the situation, Liu Jiaming was in a hurry, and urged his strength with both palms, knocking down two elders of the Xuanyuan sect who were wearing purple robes and jade belts in front of him. Straight to take his life.The two elders couldn't resist, so they had to wait for death, but Cheng Hongjian skimmed across the Huang Chunshui, grabbed Liu Jiaming's pulse wrist in an instant, and saved the lives of his fellow disciples.

Liu Jiaming didn't care about the horror in his heart, he first broke free from the shackles with the method recorded in the fake "Yuanhe Zhenjing", and then performed a move of "Qiankun Tunmeng", he jumped into the air, and directly diverted a large amount of water from the beach to the river. In the palm of his hand, Ji Chao Hongjian slammed towards him.

Let's say that although Liu Jiaming practiced martial arts according to the fake secret book, the supernatural power he displayed is more than that compared to the real secret book.Both the true and false cheats are very consistent with the principles of Taoism, and many moves are evolved from the hexagrams. This move "Qian Kun Tun Meng" contains the merits of the four hexagrams Qian, Kun, Tun, and Meng. Kun is the land, and the so-called hexagrams are clouds, water, and thunder, which implies potential storage, while the hexagrams of Meng correspond to the water flowing out of the mountains and gradually converging into the realm of rivers.It is for this reason that when Liu Jiaming performed this move, thunder and thunder suddenly gathered around him, and the water pushed by him was even more impressive than a black dragon.

Cheng Hongjian saw that this move was aggressive, and he didn't take it hard, but he bent his knees and leaned back, as if he was invincible and trying to avoid it, so he drew an arc with his palms, holding the strong water pushed by the opponent, and then circled Turn around, and after such a leisurely pull, just send this stream of water back.This call is called "Zhizai Kunyuan". The so-called "Kun" is not only the back soil, but also the most soft and can bear all things. It is actually some of the essence of "Yuanhe Zhenjing".

Liu Jiaming didn't run away, at this moment, he kicked up his feet, kicking the water splashing everywhere, and turned to attack Hongjian with all his strength.Just in the blink of an eye, Yao Zhenzhen has already crossed the river, helping Tan Lang to resist Liu Jiaming's torrential attack.

Cheng Hongjian reacted with both rigidity and softness, and incorporated Buddhist magic skills into Taoist exercises, which made him even more majestic, and the little girl was as graceful as a dragon dancing in a fright, and she was even more pink and rosy. Stacking, just in the midst of dodging, turning, and moving, the enemy is suddenly dazzled, and they don't know how to attack each other.

The surrendered enemies numbered in the tens of thousands, just now I was still worried, but now I saw that little girl Jiaona's graceful posture, I felt as if I had fallen into a fairy world, and all of them were insane. I have long forgotten what fear is, and I can't stop looking at it, lest the dream-like illusion will quietly dissipate, leaving only melancholy in the end.

The miraculous skill that Yao Zhenzhen uses is the "like a dream is also true skill" of the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu. This little girl is already very enlightened, and she also understands by analogy, so although she hasn't practiced for a long time, she has achieved little, but look at her slender The cloud hands are erratic, and the flowers are stretched and wrapped around the fingers softly, showing a state of lightness and magic.

That pair of wing-to-wing match perfectly, Liu Jiaming is naturally a formidable opponent, fighting like this for more than ten rounds, he jumped out of the circle, and said enviously and jealously: "Silly boy, let a little girl help you punch, what a motherfucker!" Shameless!"

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, and blurted out leisurely: "This is not a martial arts competition..." Yao Zhenzhen smiled happily, and then angrily said to Liu Jiaming: "You don't even know this truth, I really don't know who is stupid, if you really have the ability, come and find a little girl to help you."

Liu Jiaming felt indisputable, looking at that little girl so beautifully, but didn't know what it was like in his heart, so he could only laugh at this moment, and said: "My young master is always very magnanimous. , I never care about the good-looking little girl, this time I will leave first, and we will meet later." Turning to look at Liang Qiuci, he shouted: "Your Majesty, I will dispatch troops to rescue you, General Liang Qiuci, take care what!"

Before Liang Qiuci came back to his senses, he saw Liu Jiaming fleeing quickly and far away, and immediately responded anxiously: "General Liu, save me!" While speaking, he wanted to chase after him, but Cheng Hongjian suddenly caught him. Holding his arms, he really couldn't get away.

Yao Zhenzhen watched Tan Lang make great achievements again, she felt very pleased, and turned to tease Liang Qiuci: "That guy wanted to lure my little brother to catch you, and then took advantage of this to escape, how could he come to rescue you?"

Liang Qiuci knew very well that there was no way to escape this time, so he had no choice but to beg in embarrassment: "Hero, please forgive me..." Cheng Hongjian said seriously: "You have killed many relatives of my brothers, and you will definitely not forgive me this time. .”

After saying this, it directly taught Liang Qiuci that he lost his official authority, but he said bitterly: "I can't live, and his mother won't allow others to live well." After speaking, he tremblingly pointed not far away He continued: "Zhen Fu's old age is in this pit..."

Cheng Hongjian ordered the soldiers of the rebel army to lift Zhen Fu into the trap, and seeing that the man was frozen into a ball, and he was not breathing at all, he couldn't help sighing, then turned to look around the battlefield in the snowy field, and saw two generals Cen Peng and Gai Yan still on their own. Leading the remnants to fight, they submerged their internal energy again, and then persuaded each other: "Liang Qiuci has been captured alive, and Zhen Fu has also died in battle. The two generals Cen Peng and Gai Yan don't want to fight again."

The two sides stopped fighting after hearing the words, and the remnants of the officials and soldiers all looked at the two generals, but they saw that Cen Peng sadly ordered: "You will surrender..." After finishing speaking, he took the sword in his hand , and immediately put it on the neck.

Cen Peng was about to kill himself, Gai Yan hurriedly raised his spear to block the opponent's Yanyue Saber, and then persuaded him: "We have already done our best, General Cen does not need to commit suicide..."

Cheng Hongjian saw that the loyal and brave general was rescued by Gai Yan, but he still had lingering fears in his heart, so he sealed Liang Qiuci's acupuncture points first, and brought Yiren to Decen and Gai to persuade him.

??Chapter 380 Trailer:

? Willing to let me go back, I am also willing to be slaughtered." Gai Yan also said: "If General Cen is really beheaded, I am willing to die with him..."



(End of this chapter)

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