Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 381 The Han Army's Revival and Battle of Jiyang

Chapter 381 The Revival of the Han Army and the Battle of Jiyang (11)

Chapter 81

The revival of the Han army and the battle against Jiyang (11)

Liang Qiuci grabbed the schoolboy's lapel resentfully, and then shouted in shock: "You fucking dare to talk nonsense..." The schoolboy said: "The thieves have already burned the baggage in the rear of our army. ..."

The surrounding soldiers were all terrified, Liangqiu Cijing looked in the direction of the heavy camp, and seeing the rising smoke, he couldn't help feeling horrified.

At this moment, there was the sound of fighting and shouting all around, and the rebel soldiers came in a row, and the officers and demon cult members who patrolled the periphery would collapse at the slightest touch, fleeing like bereaved dogs.Liang Qiuci hurriedly ordered the army to resist, but the officers and soldiers had no fighting spirit, so they had no way of parrying, they were defeated in an instant, and this guy was panicked and at a loss.

Seeing this situation, Liu Jiaming hurriedly untied the two generals Cengai, and then apologized with a smile: "The two generals are really commendable for their loyalty and bravery. If there is any complaint, the villain is willing to offer wine to make amends, but now the most important thing is to defeat the enemy. what······"

Cen Peng didn't pay attention to the other party, but seeing him pick up Yanyue's single sword, jump on the mount like this, and shouted to the soldiers in his army: "I want the imperial court to sacrifice my life for benevolence. If the brothers in this department still want to escape, then they will die in the next life." Be brothers again!" Gai Yanyi also picked up his weapon, then raised his bow high and said, "Be brothers again in the next life!" After saying that, he went to face off with Cen Peng.

Besides, the troops under Cen and Gai have always been brave and obedient to orders, and they were deeply encouraged this time, so they all fought hard and hard, which is quite powerful.

Liu Jiaming's heart was a little more lenient, and he turned to Liang Qiuci and bowed to confess his guilt: "The lower official is worried about the general's safety, so I have to let these two ignorant people go, and look for him after everyone breaks the siege. It's not too late for the two of you."

Liang Qiuci's face was ashen, and at this moment he just said: "This is a good move. As long as the general rescues me, Liang will definitely reward me..." Liu Jiaming bowed after hearing the words: "Then then It's all thanks to the general's support."

Liu Jiaming assisted Liang Qiuci to rush from left to right, and it happened that Juntian Dharma King Dai Yong was supporting and protecting Zhenfu to lead the army in a difficult fight.When the two sides met in this way, they couldn't help but look embarrassed, but they didn't care about saving Luo Zhao, so they had to join forces and fight out along the weak spots of the rebel army's siege.

The shouts of the volunteers from all walks of life were not far away, that group of officers and men from the Demon Sect hurried to the edge of the Huangchun River, seeing that the pontoon bridge beside the bank had not been dismantled, they just scrambled to cross the bridge, unconsciously trampling each other , indeed more and more riots.

On the other side, the officers and soldiers and the demon sects were only focused on scrambling, but they didn't know that there was still a group of rebels setting up an ambush on the opposite bank. The leaders were Deng Yu, Geng Yan and Kou Xun. Having to rest for days and nights is just waiting for work with leisure.At this moment, Geng Yan watched the enemy's casualties, and he couldn't help but said: "Second Brother thought carefully and ordered everyone not to demolish the pontoon bridge, that group of enemy soldiers fought against each other so fiercely, I will wait here to guard, It’s quite easy.”

Deng Yu watched the enemy from a distance, and he snorted softly, and said: "The enemy usually has their own thoughts, this time they are suddenly defeated, and they should fight for their way out." Geng Yan laughed and said: "The enemy is fighting with each other. It's so powerful, I'm afraid there will be no battle for everyone." At the end of the speech, he suddenly sighed with a smile, and continued: "Thousands of Xuanyuan elites have set up an ambush here, and they are actually flattering them."

The pontoon bridge of Huang Chunshui is not very wide, it can only allow a single rider to stagger along, even if tens of thousands of troops cross the river in order, it will take a long time to cross the river, not to mention that these fierce men and horses are already fighting each other. , Crossing the river is becoming more and more difficult.Countless officials, families and soldiers fought against each other with grudges, and the demon sect Xiaoxiao hated and killed each other, so many generals and officials in the court did not fight each other like this.

Then Liang Qiuci rushed to the beach with the two generals Zhen Fu, and then shouted: "I am walking slowly, I will pass first!" Zhen Fu even said to himself: "This old man is the commander... "..." While speaking, he jumped onto the bridge.

Liang Qiuci hated Zhen Fu deeply, this time he felt that Zhen Fu was standing in the way, so he refused to answer, so he pushed Zhen Fu into the river.

Although the Huang Chunshui was not frozen, it was still freezing to the bone, and Zhen Fu was unable to stand on the bridge, so he fell into the water. Fortunately, the river at Tantou was not deep, so he did not drown this guy, but look at the old general Zuo Meng shivering , and then tremblingly drew out his saber, and slashed towards Liang Qiuci's waist.There was no way for Liangqiu to avoid him, and he couldn't help but fall into the water. It's needless to say how he was in such a mess.

The two officials fled Zuo Lian back to the beach, and then they fought again with their blades.Seeing this situation, Liu Jiaming had no choice but to mention Liangqiu's back leader, and turned to perform lightness kung fu, stepping on the heads of the soldiers on the bridge one after another, and only then did he cross the river safely.

Juntian Dharma King Dai Yong snorted softly, then lifted Zhenfu like a gourd, and then used lightness kung fu to cross the pontoon bridge. Zhen Fu fell into a trap that the rebel army had already set up.Dai Yongdeng's heart trembled, he couldn't help letting go of his hand, and jumped out of the trap, ignoring the old general Zhen Fu.

Deng Yu felt that the time had come, so he led thousands of volunteers to rush out from the wild grass and dense forest, and surrounded the enemy who crossed the bridge, intending to wipe them all out.

??Chapter 380 Trailer:

Countless enemies surrendered their blades one after another. Seeing the situation, Liu Jiaming was in a hurry, and even urged his strength with both palms, knocking down the two elders of the Xuanyuan sect in front of him who were wearing purple robes and jade belts, and then continued to attack , wanting to take his life.The two elders couldn't resist, so they had to wait for death, but Cheng Hongjian skimmed across the Huang Chunshui, grabbed Liu Jiaming's pulse wrist in an instant, and saved the lives of his fellow disciples.

?Liu Jiaming didn't care about the horror in his heart. He first broke free from the shackles with the tricks recorded in the fake "Yuanhe Zhenjing", and then performed a move of "Qiankun Tunmeng". Pulling it into the palm, Ji Chao Hongjian pushed it hard.



(End of this chapter)

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