Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 363

Chapter 363 Cloud and Mist Covering Little Chang'an (4)

Chapter 360 Two

Cloud and Mist Cover Little Chang'an (4)

Those thousands of officials' soldiers and horses had no fighting spirit, at this moment when the master was about to be captured, they put down their weapons one after another and went straight to Xuanyuan's disciples to surrender, but Lu Tu only cared about asking Hung Chien to say: "Heroic man, spare your life." ···························· Cheng Hongjian said soothingly: "You don't have to be afraid, the rebels treat the captives preferentially, I will not do anything." After finishing speaking, he let this guy go, No more threats.

Lu Tu took advantage of this moment to regain his composure, and felt that the other party was honest and temperamental, so he couldn't help being relieved, and then praised: "The villain has seen you fighting against the leader of the Nine Heavens Sect before, and you are a young hero." Cheng Hung-chien said: "This general is over-rewarded." Lu Tu apologized and said with a smile: "It's true that the young general was captured by a talent like you. May I ask you how did you know that our army will come to surprise you?" Hung-chien replied, "The previous two battles were won too easily, so everyone was worried that you would have other considerations." Lu Tu sighed, "Then how do you know that the officers and soldiers will attack the East Gate?"

Cheng Hongjian didn't dislike Fang Luomo, and immediately said truthfully: "The south of Jiyang is the new field occupied by our army, and the main force of our army turned from the west to enter Zhanwan City to the north. After thinking about it, as long as you want to attack Jiyang by surprise, you should come to the east gate." Lu Tu blurted out, "I really didn't expect... you and the heroes of the rebel army can also arrange it like this careful······"

That Lu Tu was waiting to make excuses, but Yao Zhenzhen said in high spirits: "My little brother has arranged it carefully, but you don't need to be polite, just report the military situation truthfully, and everyone will spare you! "Lu Tu whispered: "The rebels don't kill prisoners..."

Deng Yu had already come out of the city, and seeing the enemy's general was exhausted, he snorted softly and said, "If you dare to talk to me, then you are not sincerely taking refuge in him. In fact, we will know about it later. It's useless to keep you." At this moment, Geng Yan solemnly said: "Second brother said it is very true, this man's name is Lu Tu, and it is expected that he has slaughtered people a lot, and this guy is not willing to help the rebels, so This will make up for my mistakes, and I will just eliminate harm for the people!" After saying that, he pulled out the sword at his waist, turned around and chopped.Lu Tu was so startled that he fell to his knees, and even bowed in panic: "I am willing to make up for my mistakes!"

Geng Yan raised his sword and swung back, quickly chopped off the guy's hair, and then shouted: "How many soldiers and horses do you have, if you dare to deceive you, I will kill you!" , Wancheng currently has tens of thousands of troops, trying to set up an ambush to wipe out the heroes." Deng Yu asked, "How can there be so many soldiers in Wancheng?"

After all, Lu Tu was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he didn't dare to hide anything at the moment, so he just replied truthfully: "Wancheng originally only had 10,000 troops in the garrison, but the guy at Zhongyunqi confiscated the Xuanyuan faction, so he planned to count on you heroes." Will come to capture Wancheng, just now ordered Yangzhou soldiers to garrison in place, and led [-]+ remnant soldiers to Wancheng, then set up a pocket formation in Xiaochang'an in the south of the city, and ordered the young general to lead some troops to earn your army's city... "..."

Deng Yu took a deep breath when he heard this, and couldn't help but frowned and said: "Earlier, Yunqi led the army to attack the faction's general altar, and it was also a loss of troops. Everyone only thought that he should go back to the court to rest, but unexpectedly, this guy's ghost is still there. " Lu Tu whispered: "I also ask the heroic grandpas to spare my life, the final general is willing to lead the way, and help you save the main force of your army..."

That Lu Tu was afraid that his life would be lost in an instant, so before he waited for the rebels to say anything, he replied loudly: "You heroes don't have to worry, after all, your army still has many masters from the Xuanyuan sect joining the group, it is expected that a surprise attack will only be needed. , may not rescue the main force of your army. What's more, Lu Chongxiao has been quite worn out recently. After all, this fellow is reluctant to part with his own soldiers and horses. Therefore, he only ordered King Juntian Dai Yong and the young master of the Youtian Division led their cronies to help the officers and troops, and then personally led the main force back." After talking, he suddenly thought about something, and then he said angrily: "Look at the young general's memory, both Meng Weiji and Lu Chongxiao Injured by the first head of your sect, this time Lu Chongxiao led his troops back, and that old thief Meng Weiji also went back to the court to recover from his wounds."

Deng Yu asked, "Are you serious?" Lu Tu said, "Young generals dare not lie, it's just that the guy at Yunqi has already added troops to guard the critical pass in order to prevent your army from breaking through, but if your army uses a young general to lead the way , will be able to proceed unimpeded.”

Deng Yuwei felt that there was some truth in this remark, so he turned to look at Hongjian and said, "I'm afraid that elder brother is already in deep siege, even if I risk my life, I will save all the brothers from the predicament."

Cheng Hongjian thought so deeply, and immediately blurted out: "My little sister and I are better at martial arts, so I have the right to lead a team of soldiers and horses to rescue everyone from trouble. The second brother and the third brother must guard this place..."

Although these words were based on facts, Deng Yu couldn't help laughing, and said: "Your second brother's martial arts are not very weak, so I should lead you and your younger siblings to the rescue, and the third younger brother will guard the room carefully. " Cheng Hongjian wanted to persuade him, but Deng Yu said again: "If elder brother and all the brothers in the family make mistakes, brother Yu will live alone."

Cheng Hongjian knew very well that the opponent's martial arts were not very high, so he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Since that's the case, second brother must be careful."

Deng Yufu threatened Lu Tu to lead the way again, then turned to Geng Yan and said, "We will lead two thousand Xuanyuan disciples to rescue the elder brother, and the third brother will definitely guard here." Geng Yan nodded and said, "Second brother, take it easy, just do your best to save everyone. The brothers are out of trouble."

After the distribution was decided, Deng Yu ordered the two thousand disciples of the group to quickly change into the uniforms of the army and requisition the horses of the enemy army. He also ordered Lu Tu to lead the way, so he led Jian Zhen to rescue the brothers.

Deng Yu led the people on such a short journey. Along the way, they happened to meet a large group of officers and soldiers, and the leading general was Zhaowu General Luan Bao, but seeing that he had not approached, he asked in a rough voice: "I am Zhaowu. General Luan Bao, who is here?"

Besides, Lu Tu's acupoints had already been sealed, so Deng Yu even raised his dagger and smacked it against the man's waist, forcing him to follow the previous order, and replied in a loud voice: "This general is... General Huaiyuan Lu Tu, General Luan stationed here, really worked hard..."

After Luan Bao heard his colleague's answer, he felt relieved, and then shouted again: "So it's General Lu. After the marshal ordered you to attack Jiyang, he set up defenses there. What are you doing when you come back?" Tu Sesur replied: "The grassroots bandits in Thornyang City have been prepared for a long time. They are so tired...so tired that all the infantry under the general's command fall into the enemy's line. General Luan let me wait and report to the marshal... "..."

The surrounding area was very foggy, Luan Bao was not very close to the rebel army, at this moment he could only hear Lu Tu's words clearly, but he couldn't see that the other party was being threatened, so he didn't hesitate, but spoke again He mocked lightly: "Fortunately, General Lu has led more than 2000 cavalry, so he can attack fast and run faster, otherwise the whole army will be wiped out."

Lu Tu felt annoyed that the other party was taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, so he said resentfully: "General Luan will not be able to get good results if he goes to profit from the rebel's city, so let's get out of the way." On the side of the road, the rebels were no longer hindered from moving forward.

The surrounding fog became more and more dense, but it was terrifying to hear the fierce fighting ahead. The rebel army went on another journey like this. Deng Yujing handed the dagger to his junior brother Jia Haoren, and ordered the other party to watch over Lu Tu, and then led Jian Zhen to supervise him. Those who led the rear team went to the same school.

Lu Tu was looking for an opportunity to escape, so he discussed with Jia Haoren with a smile: "The villain has some money hidden in his body, and I beg the hero to unlock the acupoints and hold the dagger lightly..."

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