Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 362

Chapter 362 Cloud and Mist Covering Little Chang'an (3)

Chapter 360

Cloud and Mist Cover Little Chang'an (3)

All kinds of trivial matters are not to be bothered for the time being. On this day, Liu Yan ordered Kou Xun and Li Yi to lead the army to defend the city, and then invited Liu Xiu, Deng Chen, and Jian Zhen to lead [-] soldiers and horses as the central army, and then ordered Deng Yu and Geng Yan Commanded [-] soldiers and horses as the upper army, and ordered Li Tong and Fu Jun to lead [-] soldiers and horses as the lower army, and then dispatched Deng Fengti to lead [-] soldiers and horses as the vanguard, and went straight to attack Wancheng. Look at the women, children, old and young who accompany the army raise the pot to make food, and help the rebel army to make a big splash, so it will become more powerful.

Deng Feng led his troops to conquer the two cities of Huyang and Jiyang, and the soldiers along the way did not shed blood, so the common people ate pots of pulp.Liu Yan personally mentioned that the main force of the army arrived at Jiyang from behind, and wanted to lead the three armies to advance quickly, but Cheng Hongjian suddenly stood up and stopped him: "Brother Bosheng, wait a minute!"

Liu Yan was already full of energy, and he said excitedly to himself: "You guys have defeated the enemy in a row, why do you stop me!" Cheng Hongjian replied: "It's not that my younger brother intends to stop, it's because the victory is too easy, I'm afraid the enemy There are other considerations..." Liu Yan said with a smile: "My good brother is too cautious, thinking that I, Liu Yan, will revive the Han Dynasty. These days, eliminating violence and peace is just in line with the hearts of the people, and now I have gathered 10,000+ volunteers." After talking, he couldn't help showing color, and continued rudely: "On the other hand, the soldiers and horses led by the old thief Wang Mang are all rats, and now I dare not fight again."

Liu Xiuwei felt that what Hung Chien was thinking was quite reasonable, and at this moment he also persuaded his brother Liu Yan, saying: "There are many brave generals in the army, and I hope you will not underestimate me." Liu Yan laughed and said: "Fake The imperial court wants Liang Qiu to bestow such high-quality goods as high-ranking officials, how can those heroes have anything to show for themselves."

Cheng Hongjian wanted to have a perfect plan, so he discussed with Liu Yan again: "If Jiyang and Huyang are lost, the army will have no way out. This time we should defend with heavy troops."

Then Liu Yansu was worried about the country and wished to destroy the enemy day and night. At this moment, he felt even more impatient, so he blurted out angrily: "Brother, if you are afraid, then lead some soldiers and horses to guard here."

Cheng Hongjian was stunned and said nothing, but Yao Zhenzhen persuaded Tan Lang herself: "My little brother is not afraid of fighting, but he just doesn't want to underestimate the enemy. Previously, the masters of the Xuanyuan School, Ruyun, have already suffered a lot. Be careful."

Liu Yan felt that there was some truth in this remark, so he sighed, and said to Hongjian: "Your elder brother is anxious to find a thief, and what he said just now made him a little anxious." Cheng Hongjian cupped his hands and said, "Young brother understands."

At this moment, Liu Xiu discussed with Hung-chien again: "Actually, the seventh brother is very worried. Although our rebel army has 10,000+ soldiers and horses, most of them are newly recruited civilians. As long as we meet the elite of the enemy army, we will be able to fight against them." It will be difficult to win, if you lead the army to guard our army's retreat, brother Yu will have no worries."

These words implied great trust, Cheng Hongjian responded generously, and Liu Xiufu said earnestly and sincerely: "Jingyang is the barrier of Xinye, and it is very close to Wancheng, it is really the most important thing, the seventh brother and younger sister Quan Qie lead the army to garrison here, after all How to make a schedule, you can adapt to the situation."

Most of the soldiers in the army were Xuanyuan's disciples, they were actually the elite soldiers of the Rebel Army.Cheng Hongjian accepted this important task, so he vowed to do his best. Liu Yan said again: "Brothers Li Tong have looked at the sky earlier and concluded that there will be heavy fog tomorrow. Jun Hun was unprepared, and took that city in one fell swoop!" Cheng Hongjian said: "Those family members accompanying the army are unarmed civilians, if something happens to them, they will have to be slaughtered by the enemy, Brother Bo Sheng should not take them there "..." Liu Yan said disapprovingly: "Where will there be any changes, these people are rushing forward with the army, just now they can show their power!"

Before he knew it, at five o'clock, Liu Yan personally mentioned that the main force of the rebel army and their relatives came out of Jiyang, and took advantage of the misty mist to march forward. Yi Ren led [-] disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect to camp secretly in the eastern outskirts of Decheng, where they became horns with the soldiers and horses in the city.

But it was said that after Cheng Hongjian had dispatched them, about half an hour later, thousands of officers and troops came clamoring. Jiang Lu Tu, don’t rush to surrender this time, if you dare to stick to the empty city, I will definitely kill you and other grassroots bandits!”

This guy's arrogance was high, Deng Yu suddenly ordered the defenders in the city to raise a hundred banners, and then stood up proudly: "You and the eagle dogs have been caught by our rebels. If you don't surrender now, when will you wait!"

All the officers and soldiers were terrified, Geng Yan had already called open the gate of the city, and went straight to attack and kill the officers and soldiers outside the city, wanting to avenge the death of his fellow disciples earlier.Lu Tudeng felt that it was difficult to fight, so he had to fire hidden weapons repeatedly, and fought and retreated from Ji Ming's troops.At this moment, Jian Zhen led the army to come out from the slant, and quickly blocked the retreat of Lu Tu's troops, causing the army to become more and more flustered.

It was too late to say it, it was too soon, but seeing that Hung Chien didn't wait for Lu Tu to parry, he had already dodged to the opponent's side, knocked off the opponent's helmet in an instant, grabbed the back of the guy's neck, and said seriously: "Everyone, put down your weapons soon!"

Lu Tudeng felt the pain in the back of his neck was unbearable, fearing that he would cut him off, so he hurriedly ordered his followers to surrender, all disciples of Xuanyuan Sect cheered and shouted: "The surrender will not be killed!"

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