Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 357

Chapter 357 Vow to Return to Hanshan and Cast a Loyal Heart (8)

Chapter 350 Six

Swear to return to Hanshan and cast a loyal heart (8)

The morale of everyone in the Xuanyuan faction was boosted, and Xuanyuan Qiguang said to Liu Xiu: "As the head of the sect, you should promote virtuous and talented people, so that he can help you with all his strength. Now the elders of the imperial formation have opened their vacancies. Can Hung-chien take over for him temporarily?" Liu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "To tell you the truth, I'm going to promote my righteous brother to take on this post, so I'm sure I'll be able to secure Antai in the dispatch!" Then she turned to Hung-chien and said : "The seventh brother has always been righteous. Since the faction is in danger this time, all the brothers and I will shed blood for the faction."

After saying this, Cheng Hongjian and his righteous brothers responded generously.Xuanyuan Qiguang felt a little more generous, and then retreated everyone, but ordered Hongjian and Liu Xiu to wait for a while, then stretched his hands into his bosom, untied the silk belt inside it, and took out a simple silk painting with a diameter of The secret book of the scroll said earnestly and earnestly: "This is the secret book of "Yuanhe Zhenjing". The one lost in the previous sect was actually forged by the ancestors."

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, Xuanyuan Qiguang said again: "This "Yuanhe Zhenjing" originally had two parts, the true and the false, but only the master knew the secret. The fake secrets were hidden in the master's room. It is actually carried by the master." Cheng Hongjian felt relieved, and then blurted out: "My brother-in-law will definitely keep this secret book well." Xuanyuan Qiguang shook his head and said, "As a teacher, I want you two to hold this secret book together. It’s a secret book.” Cheng Hongjian’s face showed embarrassment, and then he hesitated and said, “But this secret book is kept by the heads of the past generations…” Xuanyuan Qiguang said: “As a teacher, I want to think about the overall situation of the school. At this moment, there is no need to be burdened by the rules."

Liu Xiu deeply believed in her brother, and also felt great support for her brother, so she also said to Hongjian: "What your lord said is very true, the miraculous skills contained in this martial arts secret book are unpredictable, but if brothers Hongjian can master it, Our rebel army will have rare generals and talents."

Xuanyuan Qi Guangjing handed the cheat book into Hongjian's hands, and immediately said: "The fake cheat book is very similar to the real cheat book, and some essential points are more real than the real cheat book." Cheng Hongjian Sighing, he blurted out: "If the fake secret book is taken away by the wicked, it will do a lot of harm..." Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "The method taught by this fake secret book is indeed exquisite and true, but it is also a shortcoming. "

Cheng Hongjian didn't understand it, and then asked about the reason, Xuanyuan Qiguang continued: "The so-called Yuanhe in the real secret book is the Qianyuan and Kunyuan's harmony, which not only contains the principles of the universe, but also knows how to choose On the other hand, the fake secret book, although it also mentions various methods of practicing divine skills, does not have the methods of how to choose and choose. The greedy people practice according to this at the beginning, and their skills will increase greatly, but they can be delayed for so long. Those who can't find a way to vent their skills will suffer backlash, the mild ones will be injured and become sick, and the severe ones will even lose their lives."

Hearing this, Liu Xiuwen already understood what it meant, and immediately nodded and said: "Those who stole the secret books will definitely not be able to resist their cultivation, and in the end they will end up harming themselves." Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "The skills contained in this fake secret book The method is extremely exquisite, it seems that as long as you practice it, you will be unparalleled in the world..." After speaking, he couldn't help but sighed softly, and then continued: "But those greedy people don't think about it" When the moon is full, it will lose, and when it is extremely prosperous, it will decline'. They are mortal bodies, how can they withstand the force of backlash, so they are to blame themselves." Cheng Hongjian blurted out: "Master's words are very true."

Xuanyuan Qiguang only hoped that Liu Xiu and Hung Chien would be enlightened, that the prosperity of the Zhi sect had reappeared, and he said earnestly and earnestly: "In this world, there are often young people chasing fame and fortune, and they only care about stealing and plundering, but they don't know how to behave righteously. Never abandon the righteous way.”

When Liu Xiu and Cheng Hongjian heard this, they couldn't help but think so. At this moment, Xuanyuan Qi Guangfu said again: "Sometimes it seems to be a small profit, but it may not be really beneficial. It is also harmful to oneself if you do something. It may not be detrimental either. The truth in this world is like this, the real success or failure is not visible overnight, you two both understand the righteousness, and you will definitely help each other with all your strength in the future, and you don't have to worry about the honor or disgrace of gain or loss."

Cheng Hongjian and Liu Xiu originally had great respect for Jin Lan, and when they heard this, they bowed their hands to their master, and said enthusiastically: "My disciple and elder brother don't want to be born on the same day, the same year..." Liu Xiu interjected Said: "But I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day." As soon as he finished speaking, he invited Hung-chien to clap his hands as an oath, wanting to work together and live and die together!

Xuanyuan Qiguang applauded the situation, but he said meaningfully: "Since you two have such thoughts, the revival of the sect is hopeful, and Qi Guang can be relieved." Said: "The situation is critical now, and you will send your disciples to Jingxiang as soon as possible. I will lead some soldiers and horses to hold the enemy here."

Cheng Hongjian was concerned about the safety of his master, so he spoke to each other and said: "My disciple's martial arts are quite successful, so let me wish you to defend against the enemy." Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "You must help the new master to maintain the foundation of the school and become a teacher. His martial arts spirit will definitely be safe and sound." Cheng Hongjian said hesitantly, "Then master...be careful..."

Xuanyuan Qiguang nodded when he heard the words, and immediately urged Liu Xiu and Hongjian to lead the army first, and then led his teacher Boyan Xin and some troops to form a formation to meet the enemy, no problem.

??Chapter 350 Seventh Trailer:

It was too late to say it, but it was too soon, but seeing Geng Yanyan You Weifu, he had already drawn his sword, turned around to bully him, and directly attacked Liu Jiaming.Many members of the Xuanyuan sect knew Geng Yan's profound swordsmanship, and they knew that the enemy would not be able to resist him, but after a few rounds, Liu Jiaming swung his fan and swiped Geng Yan's ribs, blowing him far away.Qin Miaohong trembled and cried softly, Geng Yan quickly "turned the kite over", and just now she stood upright, even if it was so, she felt very embarrassed.Di Zhongxiao laughed and clamored, Liu Jiaming smiled complacently: "This young master has already practiced the peerless miraculous skills, how can you guys beat me..."



(End of this chapter)

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