Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 355

Chapter 350 Four

Swear to return to Hanshan and cast a loyal heart (6)

Before the formation, the two sides retreated their troops, and the Xuanyuan faction retreated to the mountain. Cheng Hongjian handed the Minghong sword to the head of the sect, and then said: "The disciples came too late to save each other, so tired that the master and everyone have suffered... ··" Xuanyuan Qi Guangci said kindly: "The good disciple came at the right time, just now you forced Elder Wei to retreat with the wind of your fist, otherwise it would be dangerous to be a teacher."

Cheng Hongjian didn't take this matter to heart, and immediately said to himself: "Last night, Elder Wei presented the main altar to the enemy, and Le Kang, the head of internal affairs, was covered in injuries, and he just broke through the encirclement to report the news. When the brothers from the family came, they found that the enemy army had surrounded Paizhong, but they did not dare to attack by force. The eldest brother Liu Xiu asked me and my younger sister to lead some elite soldiers into the enemy line, and then find out where the master is. We should join forces tonight."

Xuanyuan Qiguang sighed, and said: "That's fine, everyone is tired, we should get some food at this time." Yan Xin said: "There are many horses that died in battle before the battle, and this elder will take them all away." Carry it back, and then chop wood and start a stove to satisfy hunger." Xuanyuan Qiguang nodded and said: "Then there will be Master Lao."

Yan Xin led the disciples of the sect to act like this, the pair of winged wings still accompanied the sect leader to talk, Xuanyuan Qiguang said again: "If you want to take advantage of the unpreparedness of the officers and soldiers, it's not too difficult to take some of their clothes and armor, but The enemy should have a password, how did they get into the formation this time?" Cheng Hongjian replied: "Before the Demon Cult's army reached the frontier of the main altar, Qi Yage told the imperial court to send 20 troops to help. My little sister has the idea of ​​sending people to infiltrate the enemy's line, so I bothered Qi Yage to create these official uniforms." Xuanyuan Qiguang nodded and said: "It's fortunate that you have planned it, so it's really good." .xiumb.

Cheng Hongjian didn't mention how he found out the password of the officers and soldiers before, but Yao Zhenzhen said for Tan Lang: "My little brother is going to lead everyone into the enemy camp before dawn, and he happened to meet the officers and soldiers along the way." There were hundreds of scouts, so he asked for the password first. After the other party answered, my little brother led everyone to take down the team of scouts. The enemy was still in the dark, saying that the password was correct. Cheng Hongjian said calmly: "I really don't know the password of the officers and soldiers. I have thought about it so hard that I just figured out this way..."

Yao Zhenzhen was sweet and mellow, hiding her wit and cunning, but she went on to say: "The officer of that team and the soldier happened to be brothers, and they just wanted their lives to die, so they couldn't help crying with each other's heads in their arms. My little brother personally Untied those two fellows, persuaded the officer to lead the way, and then ordered some soldiers to lead the rest of the captives back to my rebel camp to rest."

The little girl laughed to herself and said how Tanlang managed it properly, and Cheng Hongjian scratched his head soundly. It took a while before he came back to his senses, and said to each other: "The main altar has been overthrown, and we have to stand out from the encirclement, Master. It is better to lead everyone to Jingxiang, after all, the uprising here is very good, everyone can take care of each other." Xuanyuan Qiguang hesitated and said, "It's just that even if we break through the siege, the officers and soldiers will definitely chase after us. How can I get to Jingxiang..."

Cheng Hongjian cupped his hands towards the head, and continued: "Little sister asked Qi Yage to send troops to help, these days they are always gathering troops, before my little sister and I came to save Master, we sent someone to contact the pavilion. "Yao Zhenzhen also said: "Your Majesty, just be at ease."

Xuanyuan Qiguang felt a little relieved, and immediately wanted to give Hongjian the Ming Hongbao Saber, so he said kindly: "This good disciple has made a lot of contributions, so I have the right to accept this thing." Cheng Hongjian immediately declined: "This Minghong Saber is the most precious treasure of our sect, and disciples should not accept it. It is only right to share the worries of the sect this time." Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "The sharp weapons of magic weapons are all for human use. If you keep this saber, you can return it to me." But the guardian faction." After speaking, they looked at each other more and more expectantly, and then continued: "This magical weapon has a strong sword intent, and those with impure intentions will suffer backlash if they hold this thing. Just now, Lu Chongxiao couldn't handle it. Live, and you have a heart of loyalty and righteousness, and you will definitely be able to control this thing."

These words were very solemn, Cheng Hongjian had no choice but to accept them respectfully, Xuanyuan Qiguang said again: "The faction is facing life and death, if something happens to me as a teacher, can you take on the great responsibility of being the head?"

Cheng Hongjian's heart tensed up, and he blurted out sadly: "Master's miraculous skills are so strong, nothing unexpected will happen..." Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "Being a teacher is just in case, just in case. It is necessary to appoint the crown prince first." Cheng Hongjian felt a little relieved, and then said: "I really can't be the head of the sect, but my righteous brother Liu Xiu can take on this great responsibility." Xuanyuan Qiguang sighed: "Liu Xiu is also very important. He is outstanding, but he is not a disciple of the master, and there are very few such precedents in the sect."

Yao Zhenzhen saw that Tan Lang had this intention, so she followed her along with Gu Yanran without saying a word, but seeing Cheng Hongjian's warm support for his sworn brother Liu Xiu, she immediately said: "Now the situation in the faction is critical, we should recommend worthy ones. "At the end of the conversation, he paused for a while, and then continued: "There are some disasters in Jingxiang this year, but the people in the same village as my righteous brother have harvested a lot of food." Xuanyuan Qiguang asked: "Why is this?" Hung-chien said, "My elder brother is very good at farming, and he will also teach everyone how to grow good crops."

Xuanyuan Qiguang nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "This is really benevolent." Cheng Hongjian said again: "The common people are looking forward to having food, so my elder brother can lead them to eat and clothe themselves." After pondering for a while, he continued: "I think my Xuanyuan faction is loyal to the Han Dynasty. My elder brother is a descendant of the great ancestor. It is justified for the master to pass the throne to him in this way."

Xuanyuan Qiguang suddenly felt relieved, and he couldn't help sighing softly, saying: "If all the disciples in the sect are like you, we can save a lot of open and secret fights, and we won't be defeated..." After talking , became more and more disappointed, and then continued: "Brother Wei only mentioned that it is not easy to be detected by the officers and soldiers at night, so he asked me to rescue the people in the faction at night, but now it is the middle of winter, and it is difficult to find cover. Ambush at night, so that it is not easy to be discovered." Read the book

Cheng Hongjian felt sad when he heard the words, and blurted out leisurely: "Uncle Wei is greedy for power and glory, and he is willing to be the court's eagle dog. This move is really... really very bad..."

Xuanyuan Qiguang knew that his disciples were not good at criticizing, so he said again at this moment: "Your uncle Wei was originally proficient in strategy, and his wisdom is far superior to being a teacher, but your ancestor saw that his intentions were not righteous, so he didn't ask him to inherit it." Your Excellency, I can only hate you as a teacher for not following your master's warning, which has put the faction in deep danger." Cheng Hongjian said sadly, "Master, don't blame yourself. This matter... It's not your fault..." Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "You are a good boy, I hope you and the disciples of the younger generation will work together and focus on the overall situation of the faction, so as to preserve the foundation and benefit the people , remember... remember...".kanδhu[-].lá

The headmaster firmly grasped Hongjian's wrist, very solemnly, Cheng Hongjian deeply felt the righteousness, and actually nodded resolutely, at this moment, a man suddenly called out in a rough voice: "Stinky boy, come quickly!" , we are holding back a conversation with you!"

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