Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 321

Chapter 320

Tiger Crouching and Dragon Swinging Jingxiang (4)

Let's say that Liu Xiu used to farm Longmu and live in seclusion, and he never married a wife. The clan only thought that the other party was weak. Now watching these situations, everyone is very surprised.At this moment, Liu Yan said in a rough voice: "Many clans feel that my brother is afraid of trouble, but these many villages are not as good as my Uncle Wen's attitude." The thieves are really about to perish, and even Uncle Wen dares to follow him to make troubles, so we will have no worries when we make troubles."

The children of many clans were thinking about this, Deng Yujing clasped his fists at Liu Xiu and said, "My younger brother turned into a seller before, and has already gathered thousands of soldiers and horses, so I can hand them all over to the elder brother to lead." Cheng Hongjian said again: "No matter where If every villager is willing to join the volunteer army, we will give you a shi of food, and let everyone subsidize their families." Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Anyone who can gather five people to join the army can be a captain, and ten villagers can gather together If you gather a hundred people, you will be a centurion commander. If you gather a large army, you can be a general."

Jian Zhen's actions like this greatly encouraged the disciples of the Zhijiao clan to rush to tell each other, fearing that there might still be people in the village who did not know about it.

Liu Yanzheng felt that his wish was fulfilled, suddenly an old man shouted anxiously, the clan's children bowed and retreated one after another, Liu Xiu approached and said, "May I ask Mrs. Liu what is your order?"

Mrs. Liu leaned on her cane and said solemnly: "The clan here relies on the protection of the ancestors, and there are ten thousand families just now. If the younger generation raises troops and raises troops, it will definitely lead to catastrophe. As the head of the clan, how can I just sit here and watch? Hurry up and go home!"

Liu Yandeng felt that the boss didn't mean it, so he said in a muffled voice: "Since we have the protection of our ancestors, we should kill the old thief who usurped the Han." Liu Taigong said angrily: "You led some strongmen to rob houses, but my patriarch also I don't want to care about it, but whoever dares to rebel today will sue the officials."

The clan members looked at each other, and Liu Xiu immediately said: "Don't be impatient, old man, I dare you to come in and rest for a while, and I will serve you tea to make amends after I make arrangements." Liu Yan said haha, and then said rudely: "Exactly." After finishing speaking, he ordered the strong men in his department to take the old lady away.

Several strong men came forward according to their orders, but seeing that old Mrs. Liu waved his staff angrily, and then shouted: "Who dares to come here..." At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help panting for a moment, and continued angrily: "You guys It’s fine for the cub to rob the house outside, but as a son of the clan, he dares to take the old man, it’s really... really rebelling against the ancestors..."

A lot of people were trying to figure things out, Yao Zhenzhen suddenly smiled shrewdly, and said: "My little brother and I are not of the blood of the great ancestors, so I want to invite you to drink tea."

Cheng Hongjian understood what he said, and before Liu Taigong came back to his senses, he clasped his hands and cupped his fists and said, "Your offend is offended." As soon as he finished speaking, he flashed up to the other party, poked the acupoint under his ribs, and turned to carry Taigong on his back. , went straight to the house.

Fan Xian was sitting and waiting here, seeing Jian Zhen leading the grandpa to the house, she hurriedly invited him to be seated, and then apologized: "It's all because the juniors are ignorant, and the eldest brother was wronged because of being tired." Liu The grandfather sighed: "It's not a big deal, but your children dare to poke such a big trick, and the younger brothers and sisters don't care about it." Fan Xian said: "I will tell you the truth, big brother, I think these younger generations will make trouble. , there is nothing wrong with it.”

Mrs. Liu was stunned and didn't know what to say, so she regained her composure, and then asked, "My brother and sister... are you confused..." Fan Xian said, "I'm not confused." Grandpa Liu He said again: "I heard that Wang Mang has millions of soldiers, and this group of juniors will attack stones with eggs..."

At this moment, Cheng Hongjian cupped his hands to the Grand Duke and said: "The Grand Duke has power and is at ease, the current imperial court is tyrannical and lawless, and the people of Li are willing to join the rebel army. I think we will win." Tai Gong Liu said angrily: " When the young children of the younger generation don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, don't they know that small arms can't hold back big thick legs, and saving their lives is the right way."

Fan Xian wanted to make peace, and said to herself earnestly: "I know that the patriarch and elder brother are afraid that the younger generation will lose their lives in vain, but you don't have to blame the children. I think there is nothing wrong with them. There will be some clues." At the end of the sentence, I couldn't help but sigh sadly, and then continued: "I am really worried that something will happen to my own flesh and blood, but I have been literate since I was a child, and I know that as long as the people are safe and peaceful, my little family can also give up their lives for righteousness. .”

Cheng Hongjian was fascinated by what he was listening to, when Mrs. Liu suddenly gave a wry smile, and said: "It turns out that my brothers and sisters understand righteousness so well, but this old man never expected..." Fan Xian said, "Actually, I don't understand these things. Yes, but although my father was born in a businessman, he often taught my family and the world, so I know a little bit of morality just now. Many villages respect my father, so they elected him as the third elder."

Grandpa Liu remained silent, and Fan Xian persuaded again: "As the patriarch, Grandpa is highly respected by the tribe, and now he should lead everyone to revive the Han Dynasty, so that we can not only live up to our ancestors, but also save all the people. Ah..." Old Mrs. Liu sighed: "The left and right old people can't hold back you, so let's ignore it..."

Cheng Hongjian immediately untied the sealed acupoints of Mrs. Liu, then bowed his hands and apologized: "I have offended you just now, I would like to be punished by you."

Although Liu Taigong felt that Fan Xian's words were reasonable, he couldn't help but feel secretly annoyed, so after a while, he waved his hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, how dare I punish you guys... ·”

Cheng Hongjian apologized for being speechless, but Yao Zhenzhen joked in a clever way: "The patriarch is the old grandpa who has taken care of many heroes." Grandpa Liu hurriedly said, "I don't dare to pick you up." Yao Zhenzhen grinned and said: "My little brother and I still have to take care of military affairs, so I invite others to come and take care of me." Liu Taigong said: "I won't stop you from doing things anymore, just stay here for a while."

Jian Zhen carried each other out of the house, Grandpa Liu just sat down and didn't say much, after a long time passed, Liu Xiu went inside to make amends, then laughed and joked: "All the brothers are ready, if Grandpa still wants to sue the officials , I am willing to go with you."

Mrs. Liu saw that it was imperative for everyone to do so, so she had no choice but to say: "How can this old man seriously sue the officials? Since you all want to make trouble, this patriarch will follow the people's will." Gao Yi." After that, it was no problem to personally help the other party out of the house.

Chapter 320 Trailer:

Many minions clamored to agree one after another, Cheng Hongjian weighed the general situation, and he blurted out and said: "You brothers have to think twice." Li Tong said angrily: "Your relatives are still alive, if I don't kill you, I will go in. Cut off the dog's head of Qin Yang's fellow, and his mother will swear not to be human!"

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