Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 320

Chapter 310 Nine

Tiger Crouching and Dragon Swinging Jingxiang (2)

Deng Chen and Li Tong sang in harmony, and taught General Liang to listen to all kinds of meat and vegetables, and urged him: "Within three days, you must hand over the food and grass, otherwise this general will behead you and other profiteers as a public display."

Li Tong was secretly annoyed, and Deng Chen immediately replied: "General Liang, don't worry, you just lead Jingxiang and other officials to the place where the grain is stored, so no one dares to criticize you for using power for personal gain, it's just an official. You have to get enough fixed money." Liang Qiuci nodded and said: "Naturally, this general should prepare more silver taels, but after this matter is over, you will have to share it equally with me."

Deng Chen and Li Tong followed suit one after another, the discussion was settled, they left the government office just now, and invited the guests from the village to the banquet, but seeing the feast, it was really lively.After drinking for three rounds like this, Li Tong only said that all the men in the courtyard are good men, so relying on his three-pointed drunkenness, he said with arrogance: "Listen to me, everyone!" Without saying a word, he said to his family guest: "Thinking that my servants of Li Tong's family are not only very capable, but also very loyal. I was bullied by others before, what should you do?"

As soon as this statement was made, many people around here clamored one after another, and even a big man shouted loudly: "Which ignorant bird offends my boss, I dare to kill him for you."

Deng Chenjing looked at the big man for a while, but seeing that he was born thick, at this moment, Li Tong smiled complacently, and said: "My farmer's name is Qin Yang, this man really has good skills, even if Even if there are thirty or fifty big men, they are not afraid." Qin Yang said in a rough voice: "Back then, there was a butcher who dared to compete with me for a living, and I beat him to death with three punches and two kicks."

Li Tong laughed, then turned to Deng Chen and said, "Little brother has been recruiting heroes from all over the world in recent years. Back then, Qin Yang beat and killed rough men, and in order to avoid lawsuits, he came to serve in my mansion just now. My little brother has never treated this person badly." , I expect him to be loyal." Hearing this, Qin Yang raised his head even more majesticly, and then said: "As long as there is a master, a villain will dare to do anything!" Li Tong nodded and said: "Very good, Zhen General Guard Liang Qiuci dares to bully me, what should you do?"

Qin Yangdeng's heart trembled, and he forced himself to laugh dryly, and said: "You just have to tell me, the villain is willing to die for you!" Li Tongdao: "I want you to kill him!" Qin Yang said: "Then I will kill him!" This bunch of birds!"

Li Tong immediately rewarded Qin Yang heavily, and said to his family guest: "Guardian General Liang Qiuci is sitting in Xiangyang on behalf of the sixth prince Wang Kuang. Brother Deng and I will use a little trick to lure this guy into a hidden valley. If you take advantage of the situation, you will be able to capture and kill the dog officer. At that time, Li will definitely not treat you badly." As soon as the words fell, many dealers agreed one after another, and they also went ahead to receive the reward, and then drank happily stand up.

Deng Chen didn't say much, and waited until the wine was gone, and then he greeted Li Tong for discussion: "Qin Yang is brother's guest, so brother Yu should not talk too much, but I am worried that this person should not be trusted." Li Tong smiled. Said: "Brother Deng thinks too much. Qin Yang dared to kill people in the street, and he was also greatly favored by me, so he should not be trusted." It's really greedy and ruthless like a wolf." Li Tong laughed, and said: "The two of them are fighting fiercely, so it's inevitable that they will hit harder, it may not be that they are greedy and ruthless." Deng Chen said again: "Even if Qin Yang misses Killing people should go to the government to take their lives."

Li Tong really didn't think so, and even laughed dumbfoundedly: "Ants are greedy for life, it's even more common for Qin Yang to be stingy with life." Deng Chen sighed: "This guy is greedy for money and profit, I'm afraid he will be like Qin Wuyang who followed Jing Ke to assassinate Qin Qin , It will inevitably ruin our big business." Li Tongdao: "Brother's actions like this can encourage his own dealers to fight for the first place, and I haven't mentioned the raising of troops, even if there is a slight mistake, it will not involve all the brothers."

Looking at the situation, Deng Chen knew that too much persuasion would be useless, so he had to say earnestly: "Brother, you must be careful." Li Tong thought about his feelings, and then smiled and said: "Brother Deng is the right one, and the younger brother will act cautiously, and the younger brother is the right one. Just send someone to watch over this fellow." Deng Chen said: "This is the most appropriate." After Li Tong perfunctory, he went back to his room to rest before sending any dealers to follow him.

There are often wine and meat friends in this world. Whenever they are full of food and drink, they often go away separately, not to mention the friendship during the dinner.Just like Qin Yang received Li Tong's heavy reward, he took advantage of the moonless sky and went straight to Liangqiuci's government office. After reporting Li Tong and Deng Chen in this way, he knelt down and wept again: "The villain is really a duty-bound butcher. , but Li Tong and Deng Chen forced the grassroots to kill you, and asked Master Qingtian to make the decision..."

Liang Qiuci was furious when he heard it, and even slapped his head angrily, "Are you sure what you said is true?" Qin Yang hurriedly said: "If the grassroots lie, the general will just cut off the villain's head." Liang Qiuci asked this guy to draw a pledge first, and then said: "Li Tong and Deng Chen encouraged the peasants to rebel against the court. This general will send a large army to capture these two birds and that group of peasants. You name it Xiaoxiao, this will lead the way ahead."

Now that Qin Yang has received such duties, he doesn't care about the old master's kindness, and now he just thanks the new master and said: "The general treats you so kindly, the villain will lead the officers and soldiers to kill all the rebels."

Liang Qiuci gave a little compliment, and then said: "As long as you serve your life faithfully, you will definitely be promoted." As soon as the words fell, Qin Yangfu thanked him a thousand times, and turned to raise troops to punish the old master.

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