Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 281

Chapter 280

The Sound of Xiaodi Accompanied by Crossing Lingbo (6)

Xuanyuan Qiguang was still watching the changes, but Cheng Hongjian said to himself: "These two words were definitely not written by the master on his deathbed. Someone must have framed my little sister..." Wu Junchi said again: "You are so partial to the sky. The little girl from the Zhi Gang is clearly conspiring with her!"

Yao Zhenzhen was worried about Tan Lang, and immediately defended her, saying: "The food and wine were delivered by him alone, and my little brother retrieved the file last night, Wu Du said that he can ask someone to ask him, if he still wants to frame him, just find him. This is my girl’s house.”

Before Wu Junchi could say anything, Cheng Hongjian bowed his hands to everyone again and said: "My father was in charge of the prison, and I have been educated since I was a child, so I have a rough understanding of this way." After speaking, he looked at Haoxuan again, sadly He continued: "Master's neck has already been severed by others, and if he really died of poisoning, why did the murderer resort to such vicious tricks?????" Liu Jiaming thought: "I underestimate him. Fortunately for this kid, this young master has already arranged for it."

Yuchi Dekai only said that the flaws were about to be exposed, so he said angrily: "You are still young, don't talk nonsense like this to cover up the truth of the matter."

At this moment, Liu Jiaming laughed and said: "Cheng Shaoqing may not have practiced with your father yet, let me stab Qin Dushuo's corpse with another silver needle, we will find out once we try it." , then took out the silver needle and stabbed it at the throat of the corpse, and the silver needle immediately changed color, revealing a trace of strangeness.

All the onlookers looked at each other, but they felt that the little girl was born innocent and innocent, and she was not so cruel, but seeing all the evidence, they couldn't help sighing, and they were all astonished.

The pair of wing-wings has long been in love with each other, although Cheng Hongjian has not figured out the key to it, he also knows Yi Ren's deeds, at this moment he even held his hand, and begged everyone earnestly: "Little sister treat me Well, I will definitely not do such a thing, and I hope everyone will allow me a little time, and I will definitely try my best to find the real culprit??????"

Xuanyuan Qiguang was about to agree, but Liu Jiaming said suddenly: "I don't believe that Miss Yao would do such a thing. In fact, I can go to her residence and search for it, and then the truth will be revealed." Wu Junchi immediately clamored. "Then hurry up and search!" Yuchi Dekai said solemnly: "This elder has given the token to Liu Jiaming earlier, and all the law enforcement disciples in the dispatch must listen to him."

After saying this, the law enforcement disciples who happened to be nearby were ordered to follow Liu Jiaming to Jian Zhen's residence. After searching like this for a while, they found the treasures in the head's house, but they didn't see the "Yuan He Zhen Jing".

Although Yuchi Dekai knew who the secret book fell into, but he had the intention to cultivate Liu Jiaming, and also wanted to keep his position, so he only asked Jian Zhen: "Where is the secret book hidden, why don't you hurry up and find it out?" !"

Cheng Hongjian was worried about Yiren, so he focused his attention on guarding, while Yao Zhenzhen looked happy, apparently calm in the face of danger, and half-jokingly said to himself: "My little brother and I really don't know where the secret book is, so we have to ask the director of the prison for guidance."

Yuchi Dekai swayed his fat body, peeped at the onlookers, and then shouted at Zhen Zhen: "It's not that the old man is doing this, how would he know where the secret book is?????" Yao Zhenzhen said with a sly smile : "It's really vicious and wants to frame the blame, but he refuses to pay the capital."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Qiguang asked, "What does Miss Yao mean by that?" Yao Zhenzhen said: "The master's treasures are precious, but they are not short of money, why would you want to steal such things? Besides, the disciples in the faction haven't found any cheats, so the sect leader should be careful." Yuchi Dekai snorted softly, and said, "You little girl is also eloquent, I just need to catch you, why don't you worry about it?" Can't find the secret book??????" Cheng Hongjian said seriously: "This kind of deed must be done by someone else, elder, don't embarrass my little sister."

Wu Junchi lightly ridiculed Hung-chien's stupidity, and then said: "The little girl of the Tianzhi gang must be coveting the treasure of the school, otherwise she would let the eldest miss not do it, and insist on following you, idiot."

Although this guy wanted to provoke, but he was narrow-minded after all, so he thought about the true feelings in the world just now, but seeing Yao Zhenzhen's words jokingly said: "Deputy Wu said that even if no one is hurt, don't think about it like this. "While speaking, he looked forward to Tanlang again, and in Taoyao's eyes, there was just spring water full of spring water, which looked at Fang Sifei.

Cheng Hongjian still wanted to make peace, so he cupped his fists and knelt down to the master, begging, "I would like to guarantee with my life that my little sister will never steal the secret books, let alone harm my master, and I beg the master." Allow me some time to investigate this case."

Yu Chide didn't wait for the sect master to say anything, he immediately said in an air: "Give you a little time, and Miss Yao can bring the cheats out of the main altar." Turning to Xuanyuan Qiguang, he said: "This elder predicts that the "Yuan He The Scripture is still here, we just need to catch her, why don’t we find the secret book.”

Yao Zhenzhen had already seen the plot of the traitor, she was even more leisurely and calm at the moment, and said with a slight smile: "I think the murderer was in a hurry before, and he didn't have time to copy this secret book, so he didn't put it in my little brother's room, but That guy will always be free, and then he will find the treasure of the General Altar for Elder Yuchi."

Xuanyuan Qiguang pondered upon hearing the words, but felt that there was some truth in the words, Yu Chide said in a muffled voice, "I am too lazy to talk about it." As soon as the words fell, he ordered the law enforcement disciples to arrest Zhenzhen.

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