Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

The Sound of Xiaodi Accompanied by Crossing Lingbo (5)

Besides, beside Qin Haoxuan's body, there are two "Qin" characters written impressively. Its color is dark red and blood-stained, just like the writing written by the deceased at the end of his life, but it is difficult for everyone to understand its meaning.

The food and drink in the room have not been removed, it looks more like it has been stolen, but look at Wu Junchi and said in a strange way: "Hey, there must have been a thief in the head room, and it doesn't matter about the others. If the secret book is missing, I will Pai is afraid that it will be annexed."

Everyone knows that the secret book Wu Junchi mentioned is "Yuanhe Zhenjing", but Yuchi Dekai wanted to add fuel to the flames, so he pretended to be angry and said: "Stop talking nonsense, the general altar is all disciples of the sect, and there is no Jianghu in recent days. The guests stay here, even if the secret book is stolen, it must be done by the disciples of this school." Wu Junchi laughed and said: "Your nephew dare not talk nonsense, Miss Yao is not from this school."

All the onlookers whispered to each other, Deng felt that there was some truth in this statement, but Hong Chien suppressed the tears in his eyes, and said seriously: "Little sister will never steal secret books, let alone harm my master."

Wu Junchi snorted softly, and said: "You kid looks at that little girl's beauty, so you don't even care about the life of your tutor. What kind of face is there for a guy like you?"

Cheng Hongjian knelt down towards Qin Haoxuan's body, then swallowed his weeping and bowed, and said softly, "I know that Master died unjustly, and one day, I will definitely find out for you. the truth??????"

Yao Zhenzhen looked at Qin Haoxuan's body sadly, and said to herself: "Over the years, you have taught my little brother a lot of skills, and I haven't come to accompany him to repay it, but unexpectedly you were murdered by others, please bless us to find A murderer is coming??????"

The onlookers didn't know what was right and what was wrong, Yu Chide raised his head and sighed, and said: "I'm afraid Cheng Shaoqing won't be able to find out the truth, but I can send someone to help you." After speaking, he looked at the head of the sect and said "Liu Jiaming of this faction has always been vigilant. When he was captured by the officers and soldiers, he was unyielding. Considering these reasons, your uncle promoted him to the fourth grade to help the elders manage the affairs of the faction." Xuanyuan Qi Guangdao: "Master, let's arrange it like this?" Yuchi Dekai said again: "This case is really difficult, it's better to ask Liu Jiaming to investigate it too, that's only fair." After all, it doesn't agree When the head of the sect agreed, he immediately ordered the law enforcement disciples to call Liu Jiaming to come and obey the order.

Cheng Hongjian was still looking for clues by himself, although Yao Zhenzhen had already seen that the villain was planning, but at this moment he had no proof, so he didn't say much.After such a short while, Liu Jiaming entered the house to be ordered, and turned to check for a while, then asked Xuanyuan Qiguang: "May I ask if the master has lost anything?" Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "My master lost some things. There is also a "Yuanhe Zhenjing"??????"

Yuchi Dekai pretended to be alarmed, and immediately said to the head: "Since this is the case, we should investigate thoroughly. If these treasures fall into the enemy's hands, our sect will not be wiped out."

Xuanyuan Qiguang was still silent, Liu Jiaming said to the master again: "According to my disciples, Qin Du said that he should have been poisoned to death, and the poison was poured into the wine and vegetables."

Yuchi Dekai immediately agreed, and Xuanyuan Qiguang asked: "How can you see it?" Liu Jia said: "You will know after you test it." After finishing speaking, he took out the silver needle that had been prepared earlier, and probed towards the residual wine. See the silver needle change color.

All the onlookers were in an uproar, Wu Junchi's face showed a little, and he said immediately: "Although I have talked with Qin about some festivals, we have worked together for many years. Now seeing him being murdered by a traitor, I don't feel very good." At the end of the conversation, he glanced at Jian Zhen, and continued with a grotesque voice: "Fortunately, Qin Du treats someone very well, but this Cheng Hongjian is an ungrateful bird, so his mother is obsessed with beauty. Refusing to avenge my master, this move is really chilling??????"

Cheng Hongjian firmly believed in Yi Ren, but seeing him clasping his fists to the crowd, he respectfully said: "Little sister will never harm my master, I would like to guarantee it with my life..." Yuchi Dekai snorted softly, Said: "Wait until I find out the truth, and see how you can quibble."

Yao Zhenzhen stared at Tan Lang, her heart was full of pity, she turned to Yuchi De and said: "I think Elder Yuchi has already told me to make arrangements, and my girl's family can only be wronged?????"

Yuchi Dekai didn't comment, Liu Jiaming bowed and apologized with a smile: "Miss Yao, don't think about it like this, as long as you don't do anything wrong, I will definitely pay you back, but now it is time to find out who gave these drinks and food here."

Cheng Hongjian checked Haoxuan's body again, hoping to find any clues, but Yao Zhenzhen told everyone: "I sent these wine and vegetables, but I didn't poison them..." Liu Jiaming clicked his tongue repeatedly, Then he said: "Don't talk nonsense, if you bring the food and wine, then you have nothing to do with it." Yao Zhenzhen said: "These days, Master Haoxuan is guarding the house for the head of the sect, and he has eaten it several times. The wine and food I sent are gone, and the real culprit who poisoned me is probably going to shout "Stop the thief"???????

Liu Jiaming laughed, then pretended to be pondering, and said: "There may be some truth in this statement, but I have to find some proofs if I want to wash you off." The big characters looked past, and then continued: "These two characters must have been left by Qin Dusao during his lifetime, and the murderer might have called him 'Qin Qin', but if you look at it this way, it's a bit strange?????? "

Wu Junchi was eager to rectify Jianzhen, but he couldn't hold back anymore, so he anxiously asked: "What's wrong?" Liu Jia said: "I don't know who this Qin Qin is, is there anyone in the general altar?" Call him a disciple with this name. Wu Du said that it’s easy to see, these two words seem to have been wiped off by someone, but there are still some bloodstains after all.” Wu Junchi laughed and said: “I have already explained it clearly. The surname Qin had to write the word 'Zhenzhen' before he died, but the initials of the cursive characters were erased by Miss Yao."

At this moment, Yuchi Dekai suddenly sighed, heartbroken, and after a while, he said: "This is trying to cover up??????"

The onlookers felt that there was some truth in this remark, but they saw that Hung Chien stepped forward and hurriedly defended Yi Ren, saying, "It's not like this, it's definitely not like this..." Yu Chide shouted, and immediately He said nonchalantly: "Since you can't come up with evidence, why should you say it's not?"

Wu Jun Chideng was full of ambition, and now the corners of his mouth slanted, and he said contemptuously: "This school is very law-abiding, Cheng Shaoqing is nothing more than a fourth grade, even if you have a backer, you can't cover the sky with one hand."

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