Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 277

Chapter 270 Seven

The sound of the flute and flute crosses the Lingbo halfway (2)

Qi Laideng couldn't hold it back, so he said drunkenly: "You mother-in-law, don't underestimate people, I will punish this bunch of birds sooner or later..." Pei Cuilian snorted softly, and said: "You bastard! How can the goods have such skills." Qi Lai said: "This guy has done business before, and I have already left physical evidence, and now I hand it over to Cheng Shaoqing of Dali Temple??????" After talking, he couldn't help drinking Hiccup, continued gloomyly: "If you still dare to fool around with Wu Junchi, I will definitely kill you??????"

Pei Cuilian shivered immediately, but at this moment she had no choice but to agree, and immediately helped the other party to sleep and rest.After staying like this until Qi Lai went out the next day, Pei Cuilian went to look for Wu Junchi to hang out, and then relayed what Qi Lai said last night.

The corners of Wu Junchi's mouth became more and more crooked when he heard it, and then he asked: "Will you be facing him or me?" Pei Cuilian smiled apologetically, "I'm talking to Wu Du." Wu Junchi said: "Fortunately, you are still sensible. This guy is just a licensed product in Lao Tzu's hands, crushing him to death is like crushing an ant."

Pei Cuilian echoed her words, and then said: "It's just that boy surnamed Cheng, you have to be careful, after all, he has recently punished the people in the faction in accordance with the decree of the head of the sect."

Wu Junchi laughed, and said: "My uncle is the elder of the prison, what can this boy do to me, but you have to clean up Qi Lai's bunch of birds for me." As soon as the words fell, Pei Cuilian immediately agreed, Wu Junchi Then he said, "You killed Qi Lai for me."

Pei Cuilian whispered tremblingly, and after a while, she replied: "I don't dare..." Wu Junchi said in a strange way: "Yo, Qi Lai is your husband after all, it seems that you are still partial " Pei Cuilian hurriedly said: "My family also wish that this guy would die quickly, just killing people to save his life, not to mention?????? I am not an opponent either???????"

Wu Junchi snorted softly, and said: "You just need to put some poison in that guy's food and drink, and you don't need to do anything, and I said that I will wash you off." At the end of the conversation, seeing that the other party was still hesitating, Then he continued: "As long as Qi Lai is dead, I can marry you and keep you safe and rich."

Pei Cuilian originally loved vanity, and envied Wu Junchi's reputation, so she thought about it again and said to Wu Junchi: "My family is willing to help Wu Du eliminate this disaster, but you must not blame me????? ?”

Wu Junchi wanted the other party to get rid of Qi Lai, so he agreed with all his mouth, and then said: "I am a respectable person after all, so how can I offend you." Pei Cuilian said: "In that case, Wu Du has the right to speak and wait for my news... ????" Wu Junchi said again: "You don't have to be afraid of him. When you start tonight, Ben Dushuo will wait outside the house. If anything goes wrong, Ben Dushuo will personally send Qi Lai and the group of birds on the road."

After saying this, Pei Cuilian didn't have any scruples, so she settled a dispute with the other party, then straightened her clothes, got up and left.Wu Junchi was afraid that Hung Chien would find out what he was doing, so after weighing up and down, he found Liu Jia's name and truthfully told the ins and outs.

After Liu Jia heard about it, he said to Wu Junchi: "Cheng Hongjian always spoils my good deeds, it seems that this kid must be punished this time."

Wu Junchi also had this intention, and immediately said: "What the young master said is very true, since this subordinate joined the Youtian Department, he has been thinking about his loyalty to the sect all the time, but if the kid surnamed Cheng is not eliminated, it will be difficult for the subordinate to do anything about it." .”

After thinking about it, Liu Jiaming couldn't help showing color on his face, and said: "My young master has already taken care of it, but I still need your uncle's help in this matter." Wu Junchi asked: "What is the young master's order?" Liu Jiaming said : "You go to see him with me, as long as you accompany and agree."

Although Wu Junchi had already joined the imperial court, he felt uncomfortable listening at this moment, and thought: "After all, you are my apprentice, and I have to listen to your assignments if you want to talk about everything..." Thinking of this, I feel very grateful Feeling embarrassed, he continued: "It must be?????? It must be?????"

Those two people found Yuchi Dekai, and asked for help when they described the whole situation like this, but Yuchi Dekai said angrily: "As the prisoner, I should be in charge of the school's Zhonggangji. I didn't want to be with this surname before." Cheng's brat cares about me, unexpectedly he wants to punish me, this time the elder has to go to the master nephew and ask him to remove this brat's position."

Although Yuchi Dekai wanted to punish Hongjian, he did not join the Demon Cult, and Liu Jiaming did not reveal his identity, he just laughed and said, "I have an idea, maybe it can help the elders to share their worries." After talking, Waiting for the other party to ask, he continued: "The elder is in charge of Zhong Gangji, and if I worship under your seat, I can also take care of these affairs for you, so I must find some crimes for that kid surnamed Cheng. "

Wu Junchi only agreed with his words according to the prior conspiracy, Yuchi Dekai thought for a while, then turned to Liu Jiaming and said, "This kid is also doing his duty, how can you find out a crime?" Liu Jiaming smiled and said, "" I have a problem, I can find a crime for the little girl of the Tianzhi Gang, and then imprison her, so how can the kid surnamed Cheng not be implicated?"

Yuchi Dekai asked immediately, and Liu Jiaming continued: "The Tianzhi Gang is indistinguishable from this faction, and the faction is always on guard. We just need to frame Miss Yao and steal the secret book."

Yuchi Dekai still hesitated, after such a short interval, he couldn't help but sighed softly, and said: "It's just that the head nephew is always a little jealous of the Tianzhi Gang, if he wants to do this, he must have some proof."

Liu Jiaming's calculations were settled, and he said to the other party immediately: "I heard that the head of the sect has been out frequently recently, and Qin Haoxuan was sent to guard the residence. The disciple is willing to enter the elder to obtain some secret books, and then finish this guy and plant it on Xiaoni of Tianzhi Gang. Son. It’s just that the elder really dealt with that little girl, and the Tianzhi Gang will not come to seek your misfortune, so it’s better to stay here and let me let her go.”

Let's say that this guy is always fond of beauty, and he really wants to please both sides, and Yuchi Dekai has some scruples after all, so he thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "That's fine, you can deal with it properly."

Liu Jiaming showed embarrassment, and said: "The head of the sect has a high position and authority, so he named the kid surnamed Cheng as the fourth rank. As an elder, if the disciple's position is not as good as this kid, it will always be difficult to act. .”

Wu Junchi echoed from the side, and Yu Chide said: "The kid surnamed Cheng didn't have much credit, and you were captured by the officers and soldiers before, and you haven't lost your integrity. This elder should accept you as a disciple, and also want you to accept the fourth-rank position." Division, rectify the sect's Zhong Gangji." After finishing speaking, he handed the token he wore to Liu Jiaming, allowing the other party to use it to dispatch law enforcement disciples.

Liu Jiaming felt that everything was ready, and Yuchi Dekai said to Wu Junchi: "Qi Lai, you have to do it neatly, don't leave Luo Mo behind." As soon as the words fell, Wu Junchi laughed and said: " Uncle, just take it easy, I'm already tired of playing with Pei Cuilian, I'll send her on the road with Qi Lai's bunch of birds tonight." Yuchi De relented, "It's a good move, but why don't you leave any openings?"

Wu Junchi was embarrassed when he heard the words, and he didn't know what to do. Liu Jiaming bowed to Yuchi De and said, "I have a plan, but I don't know if it's feasible." "After Qi Lai's death, Wu Du said that he can kill Pei Cuilian with his hand, and then put the dagger into Qi Lai's hands. If you want to come to the people in the faction, you have nothing to say." At the end of the speech, Fu thought about the trick again, and then continued: "Wu Du said that after killing Qi Lai, he can lead Cheng Hongjian and Yao Zhenzhen to investigate the case, and I can put the things in charge into their house."

Hearing this, Yu Chide felt no scruples, he smiled heartily and said: "You are a bit courageous, and you are also very filial. From now on, you will be a great reward for your teacher."

Liu Jiaming showed flair, and provocatively said: "It is already a great blessing for the disciple to follow the master to practice magic skills. I don't ask for other rewards, but Miss Qin has been thinking about the master recently."

Yuchi De opened his mouth to swallow his saliva, and then said: "It's rare that Miss Qin is thinking about this old man, and she just waits for this matter. She will go there as a teacher. You two should step back now. I will stand out for you."

Liu Jiaming and Wu Junchi came out as ordered, so they wanted to act according to the plan, no problem.

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