Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 276

Chapter 270 Six

The Sound of Xiaodi Accompanied by Crossing Lingbo (1)

Cheng Hongjian saw that Qi Lai was worried, so he said something to comfort him: "Since the head of the sect has ordered me to rectify the discipline, I shouldn't be perfunctory. Although I don't accept these gifts, I will act impartially." , Qi Lai bowed to greet him and said: "Young master is so clear about righteousness, you must have a bright future."

Cheng Hongjian felt uncomfortable listening, so after a while, he asked respectfully again: "I don't know what's important for you?" Qi Lai sighed: "Nowadays in the general altar, Elder Yuchi only knows how to seize power. Selfishness, and his nephew is bullying us even more, the villain is really angry, so I want to tell you about an old case, I don't know if you dare to take care of it?" Cheng Hongjian nodded and said: "You just need to be at ease."

After saying this, Qi Lai let go of his courage, and then narrated: "Just seven years ago, the villain was originally the head of the prison in the main altar. I was sent to guard the prison gate."

Cheng Hongjian sighed and nodded, and said: "That year my little sister was about to enter the general altar..." Qi Lai said: "This matter is really related to the two of you. I think you two still remember the old days. Let's take that essay test."

Cheng Hongjian listened intently, and Qi Lai sighed and continued: "I think the test paper she wrote was very good, but Xue Jing was instructed by Wu Junchi to change his mother's test paper. The leader Xue Jing was imprisoned , I wanted to find out the matter, but Deputy Wu said that he wanted Xue Jing to deny it to death, Miss Yao just couldn't explain why."

Yao Zhenzhen saw Qi Lai's intention to provoke, she said with a slight smile: "My little brother and I have already entered the main forum, besides, it's been a long time."

Qi Lai looked awkward, and said again: "Miss Yao shouldn't be thinking so much, after all, you are the only daughter of the leader of Yao Da's clan. If you really swallow your anger this time, you won't be ridiculed."

Cheng Hongjian thought about it, so he asked Qi Lai to describe it in detail, while the other party explained the past in detail, and took out Xue Jing's burnt slip from his bosom.Cheng Hongjian took the fragmented slip, looked at it with the Yiren, and said, "This thing is really old??????"

Qi Lai laughed, and said: "How dare a villain arrange things indiscriminately. Although Xue Jing burned a lot of this letter, it can still be seen that Deputy Wu has given money to his family. If Wu Junchi didn't do anything, why would he?" Give Xue Jing so much money?"

Cheng Hongjian thought so deeply, nodded his head immediately and said: "Let me check it out, you don't want to mention this matter to others??????" Use this matter as an introduction, and then find out all the activities of that nephew."

Cheng Hongjian sent Qi Lai out of the courtyard, and Yao Zhenzhen said to Tan Lang, "Qi Lai was annoyed by Wu Junchi, but he didn't dare to do anything. He just mentioned the old incident suddenly and asked my little brother to vent his anger for him." Cheng Hongjian said: " If that's the case, I want to investigate this matter." Yao Zhenzhen sighed lightly: "Actually, I don't want to see my little brother accept such a job??????"

Cheng Hongjian inquired about the reason, Yao Zhenzhen continued: "Little brother rushes forward for the head of the sect, so he will not offend others, and Yuchi Dekai eats very well in the party, if he gets annoyed, the head of the sect should do it again." Undecided."

Cheng Hongjian had already made up his mind, and he blurted out: "I also know about this festival, but the little sister has been wronged, so she was not allowed to join the general altar, and I should take care of it." : "Right now it is difficult to uphold the righteous way, so that many people in the faction are discouraged. If everyone can't stand up, the general altar will have no future??????"

Yao Zhenzhen knew what it meant, but seeing that little girl nodding her head sweetly, she said softly: "Then I will fight with my little brother, I think the head will always protect you, otherwise he is not friendly enough. "

Cheng Hongjian looked at Yiren with a smile, and played with him for a long time, before he got to bed and was about to rest.It was the beginning of summer, and Yao Zhenzhen was lying with her, and whispered softly, "My bed is a bit cold?????" After saying that, she snuggled into Tan Lang's arm, looking cute and intentional.

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, then hugged Yiren, and asked warmly: "Is it still cold?????" Yao Zhenzhen giggled, Cheng Hongjian gazed at it with pity, and then he stroked Yiren and fell asleep comfortably.

Here the mandarin ducks fly side by side, sleeping together under the curtain, loving each other, making the bright moon envious, peeping through the window panes, seeing the red dust billowing under the stars, but not all of them are happy marriages.

But after Qi Lai said goodbye, he went to the main altar wine place to drink for a while, and then staggered back to his own residence, just as the woman in the house was arranging her makeup, she suddenly felt angry, and said angrily: "Good you stinky Wife, you want me to be a bastard, if you can find a good one, you have some skills, but you are with Wu Junchi, a bunch of birds??????? The **** in the brothel???????"

The woman was quite pretty, she put on her rouge at this moment, and said coldly: "I, Pei Cuilian, would marry you when I saw that you had a slight promotion. Unexpectedly, you are just a worthless person. Now thanks to the fact that Wu Du has been promoted, you still have a lot to ask for."

Although Qi Lai was jealous, but relying on the guts in his belly, he slapped the opponent's big ears and shouted angrily: "You're a f***ing trick."

Pei Cuilian covered her face in astonishment, and after a while, she came back to her senses, pounded her fists repeatedly, and said angrily: "You only dare to find my bad luck, if you have the ability, you can go to Wu Du to talk about wild things, so this old lady is also convinced." you."

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