Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 250: The Three Golden Ge Jingyan Moves

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Chapter 250

Three Golden Ge Jingyan Movements (10)

Tianzhi helped everyone to discuss and decide, so he went to Lulin Mountain, but the remnants of the officials and the army were still running away, and they were in a panic, so there is no need to say more.After going on like this for a while, Wang Kuang opened the curtain of the car, peeking at the few soldiers around him, and the generals he led were either dead or injured, he became more and more frightened, and even shivered.

Seeing this situation, Yunqi immediately spoke out to comfort him: "Your Highness, rest assured, even if we risk our lives, we will protect Your Highness." Wang Kuang reprimanded in a trembling voice: "It's easy to say, you are all like this If you are virtuous, if you encounter rebels again, you will have to catch them..." As soon as the words fell, Fan Tong snorted softly, and said: "Your Highness knew today, why did you have to compete with your emperor brother for the Jingzhou Shepherd? So that I was in danger..."

Wang Kuang feared that the other party was favored by his father, so he just said in a dark way: "I always knew that the father-in-law and the fifth brother had a good relationship, but the eldest brother and the second brother were executed before they became princes, and the third brother and the fourth brother were killed. They are all rebellious, so they were deposed by the emperor, it seems that those who are brothers will not be able to please in the end."

Liang Qiucifu wanted to please him, so he bowed flatteringly and said: "The general thought that we have not suffered defeat, after all, we have wiped out many grassroots bandits, and now we just go back to Xiangyang to rest." Wang Kuangqiang said with a smile: " What General Liang said is very true, this time you have contributed a lot, and I will definitely promote you."

Yan Youzhi felt quite uncomfortable when he heard it, so he said in a rough voice: "The situation is critical now, why do you still have the time to make noise?" Wang Kuang said angrily: "If the old general has the ability, he will lead everyone out of trouble, otherwise don't preach " Yan You said: "The last general Shicai wanted to offer advice, but why Naier and others only know about disputes. In fact, most of our troops come from Jingxiang, why don't your highness ask them if there is any small road nearby, which can protect our army from rebels?"

Although Wang Kuang felt that the other party was not very respectful, but considering that his life was at stake, he had no choice but to accept his words at the moment, and then asked that there was an unnamed path leading to Xiangyang nearby, so he ordered his soldiers to find this path and retreat to Xiangyang.

The defeated soldiers marched according to orders, and when they were almost exhausted, they just passed a pass. At this moment, Ma Wu of Lvlin Village led two thousand soldiers and rushed out, which shocked Wang Kuang's remnant army. , and even the general was beheaded by Ma Wu before he could parry.

It went on like this for a while, only a few officials and a few members of the Devil's Cult protected Wang Kuang to break through the encirclement, while Ma Wu led the cavalry from the stronghold in hot pursuit.The eunuch Fan Tong stood on the shaft of the chariot and shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Quickly hold our family back!"

Looking at the situation, Wang Kuang suddenly said grimly: "Eunuch Fan should cut off the empress himself." After finishing speaking, without waiting for a word from the other party, he pushed him violently.

Fan Tong rolled around on the ground a few times before he got up in embarrassment, before he had traveled far, Ma Wu led his minions approaching, and the eunuch had to kneel down in panic and said: "Grandfathers of heroes, please forgive me!" Ma Wu reined in, Immediately he asked, "Who are those birds in the car?" Fan Tong trembled and said, "Yes...it's the villain Wang Kuang...this guy is the sixth prince of the Holy Majesty today. His mother brought Jing Xiang up, hero grandpas hurry up and eliminate harm for the people..."

After saying this, Ma Wu couldn't help but take a deep breath, and said to himself: "Damn it, Wang Kuang was very powerful in front of the battle back then, but I didn't notice this disheveled face. I think Ma Wu is nothing but You are a grassroots person, how dare you capture and kill such a big official..."

The leader of the cottage was feeling embarrassed, and Fan Tongfu begged for mercy: "Our family is just an old eunuch with no power and no power, so he was pushed down by the villain Wang Kuang. Our family... I haven't done anything bad, so I beg the heroic grandpas to spare the old slave's life..."

Ma Wu let out a loud haha, and said in a rough voice: "You picky eunuchs, what kind of birds are there!" As soon as the words fell, he threw away the single knife in his hand, and taught the opponent to receive several punches, and then turned to Then he said to his subordinates: "Brothers, hurry up and beat this bastard to death!"

Hearing the noise, all the gangsters in the village surrounded the eunuch and beat and kicked him, but after a while, the eunuch Fan Tong was beaten to the point of being unable to move, he said in a dying voice, "Rao... ·Forgive me..."

Looking at this situation, Ma Wu couldn't help but feel compassionate, and immediately said: "Everyone has the right to save half of this guy's life, and take him up the mountain to receive a reward." After that, he put the eunuch on the saddle and went straight to the village.

Several groups of rebel soldiers returned to the village one after another. Wang Feng was overjoyed, and immediately ordered the minions to reward the army with wine and meat. Zhu You led the minions to play drums and music, making it even more lively. It's no problem for Miss Xun to report back to the army.

Yao Zhenzhen was accompanying Tan Lang to talk in his father's house, the two hall masters Chen and Chang led many gang leaders to pay homage, and now they want to report the military situation.

After all, Cheng Zhuo was born as a civil servant, and seeing the blood-stained robes of those people, he couldn't help feeling startled. Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said, "I'm relieved that all the leaders can go up the mountain safely. Everyone, let's go back and rest. There is no need to rush to report the military situation, tomorrow will be rewarded for meritorious service."

The leaders of the Tianzhi Gang thanked each other one after another. Cheng Hongjian saw that Chen Jun was inconvenient and a little haggard, so he asked, "Is this senior injured?" Chen Jun replied, "Is there any trouble?" My son is in the way, a little injury is fine, I can only hate the enemy for stabbing people in the back, and I am too tired to continue arresting Wang Kuang to make meritorious deeds..."

Shen She was ashamed when he heard the words, so he said: "The enemy general who stabbed in the back is called Gai Yan. I blame my subordinates for being lenient. At that time, I just shot him. This guy almost killed Master Chen Tuozhu." Hung-chien's heart tightened, and he asked again: "Then how did Tuozhu Chen escape from danger?"

Chang Youjiu told the truth in the future, and then he said: "The old drunkard is eager to win. When he was in ambush in the Valley of Beauty this time, he encountered Huyan Rongdi leading the army. The subordinates thought that they had not separated from this person. In the event of a victory or defeat, just now he suddenly got excited and started fighting with that fellow, causing many officers and soldiers to retreat and join forces with the remnant army led by Wang Kuang."

Yao Zhenzhen shook her head slightly, and then said: "My little brother reminded Hall Master Chang not to underestimate the enemy, and I also told you to just block the retreat of the officers and soldiers, but it's a pity that Hall Master Chang refused to obey, which delayed the big event."

Hearing this, Chen Yi thought that the eldest lady wanted to punish her, but she said to herself: "It's also my fault that my subordinates didn't stop me in time. If the eldest lady wants to be punished, let's punish my subordinates." Chang Youjiu said angrily: "It's clear. It was my fault, but your enemy is the most guilty." Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said, "Master Chang saved Duo Master Chen, so the merit and demerit will be equal, but you don't want to ask for reward."

There are often drunkards who laugh loudly, then cup their fists together and say: "It's a blessing to be able to serve the gang loyally, and I don't ask for rewards."

Yao Zhenzhen didn't pay attention to the words, but the little girl half-jokingly said: "The two hall masters have to compete with each other even when they are punished, it is really worthwhile for me to arrange you two to work together.".

The two hall masters Chen and Chang knew that their master intended to make a match, but they didn't know how to say it, so they both laughed to themselves. At this moment, Cheng Hongjian went straight to Chen Jun and Ji Zun and said, "Master Chen Ruo Having gone through this battle with General Ji, it can be said that we are utterly sympathetic, after Master Chen Duo recovers from his injuries, how about the two of you marry Jinlan?"

The two of them felt that this remark was very appropriate, Yao Zhenzhen nodded her head, and said: "It is a good thing that Chen Duozhu wants to make meritorious deeds, but many things require everyone's help, and since you have sworn obeisance to General Ji, I will send him Be a sub-rudder master in Jingxiang sub-rudder, and if there are more things in the future, I can share some with you."

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