Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 249: The Three Golden Ge Jingyan Moves

Chapter 240 Nine

Three Golden Ge Jingyan Movements (9)

After spending half a cup of tea in this way, Jiu, Chen Yi, and Ji Zun often lead the gang to rush here, and they don't stop for a while until they see the gang at the helm.There are often wine watchers watching the battle just after Sisi Li, so they ask each other: "How are the brothers' gains?" At this moment, a famous sub-rudder master said angrily: "Yan You of the official army is about to commit suicide. But Huyan Rongdi sprang out from nowhere and rescued this bird..." Chang Youjiu said anxiously: "You guys are chasing after him!"

Chen Jun picked up the long-handled Elephant Trunk Knife that Yan You had discarded, and said calmly, "This black-stem Elephant Trunk Knife is Yan You's weapon, and I hope Hall Master Chang will present it to you immediately." Miss, and we will definitely not allow the officers and soldiers to escape easily."

Chang Youjiu had already started a fight with the officers and soldiers, but seeing him take the elephant trunk knife, he blurted out indignantly: "Huyan Rongdi and the group of birdmen escaped from the hands of the master, the old drunkard will definitely catch it with his own hands. he."

Chen Jun wanted to lead the rudder to help the crowd win the first prize, so he said to Chang Youjiu: "Since we have been ordered to stop the officers and soldiers here, we will take the credit for this. Hall Master Chang, hurry back."

Chang Youjiu had a haha, and then he said angrily: "Chen Duozhu has no reason, it is clearly a licensed product in the hands of the hallmaster, why did he come to you, then his mother is yours!" Chen Jun asked: " Dare I ask Hall Master Chang, how did Miss assign you and others?" Chang Youjiu said: "Miss told me to wait in an ambush in Beauty Valley, and I killed more than half of Hu Yanrong and Di's soldiers before I was taken away by you. It's cheap." Chen Jun said: "Since that's the case, Hall Master Chang should go back to Beauty Valley."

Chen Yideng felt that the boss didn't mean anything, so he snorted resentfully, and said coldly: "Since Duo Master Chen is so competitive, I'll see how you can achieve great achievements."

Chen Jun didn't answer any more, he just ordered his subordinates to set off and chase the remnants of the official family along the way. Seeing the situation, Ji Zun immediately shouted: "There are quite a few strong generals in the official army, and Section Master Chen is so greedy for meritorious service. , how can we win a big victory?" Chen Jun said: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements for the Jingzhou sub-rudder." Then he said to the subordinates: "There is still an ambush ahead of me, everyone just needs to follow Together, they can capture Wang Kuang, and I will make a great contribution in Jingzhou." Chang Youjiu was so angry when he heard it, but he didn't want to argue, so he called his subordinates to help him. The people turned back the same way.

Moreover, since Wang Kuang was ambushed again before, he felt that there were ambushes behind the grass and trees, and he just yelled at the generals to whip the soldiers and marched quickly. It was only when Yan You led the defeated soldiers to join them that he regained his composure and then waved the whip himself. It is easy to flog the troops of the troops.

The soldiers followed Wang Kuang around for a long time, and they went straight to the mouth, and they were overjoyed when they passed by the small stream in the shallows. Unable to stop drinking, some soldiers took off their helmets and went to fill them with water.

In the fundraising field, a loud arrow flew across the sky, and hundreds of crossbowmen suddenly shot out from the hills beside the road, firing arrows at the remnant army of the officials, directly instructing the generals, officers and soldiers to be killed or injured before they could respond. After more than a hundred, Fu fell into panic again.Someone on the mountain shouted loudly: "Jingzhou sub-helm Shenshe is here, you can catch it before you let go, and when!" As soon as the voice fell, he set up the carved feather arrow, eager to shoot Wang Kuang.

The carved feather arrow was flying towards Wang Kuang quickly, another arrow shot out from the slanted stab, accompanied by the sound of "Zheng", it missed Shen She's carved feather arrow, only to save Wang Kuang's life.But before the two feathered arrows fell, Gai Yan, the general of Polu, shouted loudly: "The rebels come and take another arrow from me!" The head of the name, at this moment, deliberately distinguishes between superiors and inferiors, so he did not take advantage of his unpreparedness, and spoke out to tell each other.Shen She saw that the eagle feather arrow shot just now was shot down, so he didn't dare to underestimate the general, turned around and bent his bow, and began to fight with the opponent.

The two men fought inextricably, Wang Kuang curled up into the chariot, surrounded by many generals one after another, then fled away in a panic, [-] rudder disciples rushed out from the hill, trying their best to stop the officers and troops.Not long after that, Chen Jun led the Jingzhou sub-helm disciples and came running from behind, killing more and more officers and soldiers at a loss.

When Yan You was about to fight Chen Jun again, Cen Peng stretched his arms to stop him and said, "The last general will be cut off for you, and the old general will retreat quickly." As soon as he finished speaking, he dragged his Yanyue knife to urge his horse to go, and slapped Chen Jun on his head. The cut will pass.

Chen Junguan saw that the other party was in a desperate posture, but he felt very tricky. After such a few rounds, he didn't get the slightest advantage. It took more than 30 rounds before he gained the upper hand. However, Wang Kuang had already broken through the encirclement under the guard of the general , fled in panic.Chen Jun became restless, and immediately put all his strength into action, but Cen Peng felt more and more exhausted, so he shouted loudly: "General Gai, go!"

Hearing this, Gai Yan wanted to help his colleagues to win, but he was wrestling with Shen She, and it was really hard to get away, but seeing the arrow clusters fired by the two colliding with each other in mid-air, it was still barely a draw.At this moment, Gai Yan had exhausted all his feathered arrows, Shen She only felt that Gai Yan was a good man, so he just set up the last carved feather arrow and shot deeply into the opponent's forearm.

Seeing that he had won a move by a narrow margin, Shen She couldn't help screaming inwardly ashamed, before he could capture it, Gai Yan suddenly pulled out the feathered arrow from his arm, and using his hands and feet together, he fully stretched the sandalwood bow, and shot towards Chen Jun. .

It was too late, but it was too late, Chen Jun was rushing to attack Cen Peng, when he suddenly felt an arrow shot in his back and almost fell off his horse.Cen Peng swung his saber along the way, and Chen Jun had no choice but to fight back. The two of them fought like this, often drinking and leading soldiers and horses to rush from behind, but look at him, using the iron chain tied to the wine gourd, he drove away. Cen Peng's Yanyue Broadsword immediately shouted: "It's a pity that everyone spared your life before, but now you have come to avenge your favor!" The two generals Cen and Gai felt ashamed, and then turned their horses around, leading some remnants of the defeated generals, looking for Wang Kuang up.

There was often wine to help Chen Jun off the horse, he examined his wounds, and said: "The arrows have not penetrated deep, so they shouldn't hurt the viscera. Chang Chang will heal Chen Duo's injuries." After finishing speaking, he took out a dagger , dug out the cluster of arrows on his back, and then asked Chen Yi for hemostatic spray, mixed the wine in the gourd he was holding, and applied it to Chen Jun's wound, then pulled out a piece of cloth from his sleeve robe, and bandaged him up.

Looking at the situation, Chen Jun felt even more ashamed, he panted slightly and said: "Thanks to Master Chang's generous rescue, otherwise my life will be in danger...".

Chang Youjiu laughed and said: "Master Chen Duo, you don't need to say thank you, I was going back to Lvlin Village, but the priests of our gang followed the overall situation and insisted on persuading everyone to come back to support. I took your life." After saying that, he recommended Ji Zun.Chen Junjing cupped his hands towards Ji Zun and said: "The leader of Ji really understands the righteousness, I am ashamed of myself..."

Ji Zun returned the salute with his fists clasped, and said: "Master Chen Duo has been praised too much. Since you are all disciples of this gang, you should take care of yourself." The stronghold is relatively close, so why don't you follow me back to recuperate, and Wang Kuang's remnant army will be handed over to the brothers of the rebel army." Chen Jun sighed softly: "The gang leader is still at the helm of the town, I will send some leaders back to report the military situation. Then follow Hall Master Chang to the cottage to pay a visit to the eldest miss."

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