Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (12)

All kinds of gossip are a little annoying, but it is said that Qin Miaohong's military information has been conveyed through several layers, and it has just entered Wang Kuang's ears.Knowing this military situation, the fellow was inevitably frightened secretly, so he hurriedly ordered his cronies to investigate carefully.After three days of this, the camp of the officers and soldiers was already panicked, and some of the generals and leaders went to the Tianzhi Gang or the Lulin Village.

Wang Kuang only said that those generals who defected feared that the incident would be revealed, so they captured several generals under their tent in panic, killing and beheading them one after another, causing countless soldiers to panic all day long.General Nayan Yanyou repeatedly said that the guarding general Liang Qiuci only cares about flattery, but many times Yanyou is not, and he meant to praise Wang Kuang for his wisdom, not to mention.

There is a saying that the sun and the moon fly quickly, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye. I thought that I would go to the Green Forest Village together during the flowering period in February. Sheng, the scenery is picturesque, and the end is wonderful, but watching the rain in the mountains for several nights, and then the sky is sunny, Zhenzhen, Lihua, Miaohong and Lanxin caressed the music, and then they wandered together, passing the school grounds of the cottage, just in time for Hong Gradually and his close brother is leading the official family to surrender the army to dry the grain and grass.

Yao Zhenzhen greeted her happily, then jumped to Tan Lang's body, and happily asked: "Why didn't you practice today, but instead dried the grain and grass?" Cheng Hongjian smiled congenially, and said: "Wang Zhaizhu sees that it has been raining recently. , for fear that the food would get moldy, they had to take it out to dry, but the cottage still needs to be heavily guarded, so we were asked to do this just now." Yao Zhenzhen grinned and said, "So that's how it is."

Qin Miaohong saw that there was a lot of food and grass in front of him, and the soldiers were still running around, so he chatted with Hung-chien, and then asked: "Now the officers and soldiers are going to trap everyone to death, but they never expected that there would be enough food and grass in the village. It's been a long time since I thought about it." Cheng Hongjian nodded and said, "Little sister gave me a lot of food earlier, and the cottage will last until the new food is harvested." As soon as the words fell, Yao Zhenzhen took up the conversation and said, "Where did I give it?" With so much food and grass, we will be starving soon." Cheng Hongjian said with a smile: "There must be enough to eat, little sister, just rest assured."

Yao Zhenzhen turned to Tan Lang with winks, Cheng Hongjian didn't say anything about it, Qin Miaohong said with a grin, "Miss Yao is really, sisters are not getting along well these days, why do you still want to talk about it?" Hiding such a trivial matter from me?" Yao Zhenzhen smiled slyly, then turned the subject away and did not mention the issue of food and grass.

In fact, the pair of wings wanted to make a countermeasure, so they had already planned to dry the food on a sunny day, and Zhen Zhen led Miss Qin to the school grounds to watch. As for the abundance of food and grass, it is true, and Jian Zhen had already agreed on how to talk to Xi Zuo It's just to lure the Naji people to pass the news to Wang Kuang, and then they can make a clever plan.

Qin Miaohong didn't know what was going on, but she said in a coquettish voice, "The grain and grass are about to be harvested, and I don't know where you have hidden the grain and grass."

Jian Zhen was just covering it up, Qin Miaohong was about to inquire again, but Wu Han went to that Ji Ren by himself, and shouted, "You should know about such a big matter."

But Wu Han didn't know that Liu Xiu, Li Hua and Jian Zhen had planned for a long time ago, so the words he said were very strict and righteous, which made Qin Miaohong feel ashamed, so at this moment, Geng Yan said in a loud voice: "Hong Hong is in love with me. Why did Junior Brother Wu scare her?" Wu Han said: "I don't think this bastard is a good bird. He usually hinders your affection, so he just tried to endure it, but she came to inquire about the military situation. Could it be that she wants to harm everyone?"

Geng Yan cared about the friendship of the same family, and he didn't want to care about it, so he laughed to himself immediately, and then said: "Hong Hong is just worried that everyone will run out of food, brother Wu needn't be so concerned."

Wu Han has always been straightforward, even though he saw what the other party said at this moment, he still refused to stop talking, but he said solemnly: "It's not that I want to care about it, I think this woman may be a secret agent of the court, besides, what is there in the whore?" Good bird, Big Brother Geng is involved with her, isn't he willing to degenerate!" Geng Yan shouted angrily: "You don't want to be messy, Hong Hong is a bitch after all, how can you allow you to be humiliated like this." Wu Han said: "She is willing to do it. In the flesh and blood business, there will be a lot of face."

Geng Yandeng couldn't hold it back anymore, he immediately raised his fist, and wanted to punish the opponent, Cheng Hongjian, Liu Long, and Zhu You hurriedly stood up to stop him, and they all wanted to make peace, Wu Hanfu said: "Brothers don't need to stop him , Brother Geng has long been fascinated by that woman, why don't I fight Brother Geng to prevent him from getting confused."

Qin Miaohong felt ashamed and wanted to leave, Zhenzhen and Lihua both expressed their comfort, Geng Yan even took Ji Ren's arm, and said: "Honghong don't pay attention to such idiots, I will never dislike you????? ?”

Seeing the situation, Deng Yu suddenly let out a long sigh, and then turned to Wu Han and said, "Miss Qin is a dignified person even though she came from a brothel. What you said just now was a bit blunt. Besides, Miss Yin and Miss Yao came from famous families. Now you can tolerate her, but you insulted Miss Qin so much, where are you going to leave your eldest brother and Hongjian brothers?" Wu Han resentfully said nothing, Deng Yu then said to Geng Yan: "I know you admire Miss Qin, but Brother Wu is younger, and he is thinking of you, so why should he hit him?"

Geng Yan felt that it was not right to do what he did, and Liu Xiu said kindly: "Those stumbling blocks are inevitable, but family members should never abandon family affection for this, and since we are as close as brothers, we shouldn't seriously harbor resentment, otherwise How can we contribute to the righteousness together, and how can we gain a foothold in this arena?"

Everyone felt that this remark was very reasonable, Zhu You actually laughed to himself, and then said: "Brother Liu is very true, why do my brothers feel unhappy over such a trivial matter." Said: "Besides, there is nothing wrong with Miss Qin, otherwise how can I be the top card in Cuiyuxuan? If I meet such a person, I will also lead her up the mountain." Liu Zhi immediately angered his younger brother, and turned to Miaohong She clasped her fists and said, "My younger brother is stupid, I hope Miss Qin can't be blamed."

The beautiful girl grinned and made jokes, obviously not paying attention to Liu Long's words, Liu Xiu said to Geng Yan: "I'll wait here to dry the food, third brother takes Miss Qin around Let's go." Geng Yan happened to have this thought, and when he heard this, he bid farewell to all the brothers, and then led Naji to go alone.

Qin Miaohong followed Geng Yan to rest for a while, and then led him back to the house where he lived, and accompanied him in the morning and evening. I don't know how long it will take, the Ji Ren said happily, "Today, if Geng Lang really has sex with Wu Han, Come on, don't you want to hurt brotherhood, this move is really a bit reckless."

Geng Yan tasted Ji Ren's crispy neck lightly, and then said: "I know that Brother Wu Han didn't mean any harm, and he was thinking of me in the end, but after all, he insulted your reputation, I'm just angry."

Qin Miaohong stretched out her hand and pushed down the other person's forehead, and said with a grin, "Geng Lang is confused, since I was born in a brothel, how can I be famous??????"

Geng Yan caressed Jiren Zhuyan, and said meaningfully: "So what if you were born in a brothel, in fact, you are a poor and good woman, even if others don't know, how can I not know?????" Qin Miaohong sighed softly: "After all, you come from a respectable family, and you are an official son. If you favor me like this, I really don't know how many criticisms you will get in the future." Geng Yan laughed loudly: "Why should a man be afraid of the eyes of the world, but just ask for a clear conscience. "

Seeing the other party's partiality, Qin Miaohong couldn't help feeling deeply, and immediately asked, "I have something to say, and I don't know if it should be said. If Geng Lang thinks it's inappropriate, let me pretend that my knowledge is shallow." Geng Yan said with a smile: "This Where are you talking?" Qin Miaohong said: "Recently, King Kuang of Jingzhou suffered a defeat, but he still has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands, and the imperial court has millions of troops, and he has also recruited the help of the Demon Cult. Since Geng Lang is a son of an official family, he will enjoy inexhaustible wealth and glory in the future, so why bother to follow others to attack stones with eggs?"

The Ji man was afraid that the other party would be defeated, but he didn't want to be an enemy, so he said that just now, but Geng Yan didn't take it seriously, he laughed to himself, and then said: "Hong Hong don't need to worry, now the benevolent people don't want to enter The court is an official, and the people of the Li people cannot seek justice. It seems that this kind of court has already lost the hearts of the people, and the general trend of uprising will start a prairie fire." Qin Miaohong knew that she could not persuade her anymore, so she could only say: "I hope????? ?”

Geng Yan looked at Ji Ren's gloomy expression, and said to comfort him, "Don't worry about Hong Hong. The village is now strong and strong, and there is still plenty of food and grass. If you stick to the danger, you will win a big victory. I might as well take you to the food and grass camp to have a look." , I want you to rest assured."

Although Qin Miaohong wanted to inquire about the location of the grain and grass earlier, she was in a dilemma, and then she declined, "how can I know about such things?????" Keep it from you." Qin Miao said with a heart: "Although Geng Lang is a bit of a dandy, but he confided in me like this, how could I have the nerve to hurt him??????"

This is exactly: as the saying goes, there is no balance between good and evil, and the end of love is unknown.If you want to know how Qin Miaohong will act, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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