Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 239


Chapter 230 Nine

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (11)

It was too late to say it, and it was soon, Cheng Hongjian hurriedly grabbed the wrist of the leader holding the knife, and turned to ask Liu Jiaming, "Are you convinced?" Liu Jiaming hurriedly said: "I will, I will Convince me, if I dare to provoke you again, I would rather die..."

Hearing this, Cheng Hongjian just moved to unlock the other's acupoints, and then said seriously: "Let's spare your life today, my little sister and I don't want to listen to your noise, and you don't want to disappoint the one who treats you sincerely." Miss." After saying that, he kicked Liu Jiaming staggeringly, forcing him to go away in despair.

Many onlookers broke up laughing, Jian Zhen was hugging each other, Lu Lanxin walked up to her, bent down and bowed slightly: "Fortunately, you two are very capable, otherwise you will be insulted by him..." Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said: "There are so many people in the cottage, even if I can't beat my little brother, I won't tolerate that guy's frivolity." Lu Lanxin nodded quietly and said: "Miss Yao is really right, how can a girl from a good family be so frivolous?" Waiting to see these people."

Yao Zhenzhen giggled, and then happily blurted out: "It doesn't matter if that guy isn't this kind of person, I only have my little brother in my heart??????"

Cheng Hongjian couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and hugged Yi Ren tightly. Seeing this situation, Lu Lanxin bowed her head and whispered: "Looking at how Miss Yao has such a good relationship, it is really enviable. It's not like I can't be myself." Your master??????" Cheng Hongjian interrogated: "Why can't the girl be her own master?"

Lu Lanxin sighed softly, turned to think for a while, and finally said: "I don't want to mention this matter, I want to tell you something, I want you two to be on guard, it's just that you know it, don't mention it to others... ????"

Seeing her hesitation, Yao Zhenzhen smiled sweetly and said, "Sister Lu, don't worry, my little brother and I won't tell anyone." Cheng Hongjian thought it was true, but seeing Lu Lanxin look around, he whispered again : "Miss Qin peeked at the note with military information??????"

Cheng Hongjian felt that the other party had nothing to do with the meticulous work, so he clasped his hands together, and was about to tell the truth, Yao Zhenzhen took Tan Lang's sleeve, and then wisely asked: "Then why didn't Sister Lu stop?" Lu Lanxin timidly said : "I?????? I dare not?????? Later, when my aunt heard me mentioning this matter, she was really worried that you would lose the battle, so she ordered me to come and find you and Brother Cheng, and told about it. ???????"

Yao Zhenzhen still didn't know Lan Xin's details, so she pretended to be pondering, and then said with a smile: "That Miss Qin is really too, I didn't want to show her the note earlier, but she played tricks on others and insisted on peeping." " Lu Lanxin hurriedly said: "That's not the case, she is ??????" Yao Zhenzhen asked: "What is she?" Lu Lanxin was silent for a while, and then said: "You and Brother Cheng are both good people, I just I'm afraid that the military situation will leak out, and if it is true, the two of you will be in danger."

Cheng Hongjian saw the worried look on his face, so he said comfortingly: "Miss Lu, just rest assured, my little sister and I will be fine." As soon as the words finished, Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said: "Little brother is very true, Since Miss Qin is on good terms with Geng Yan, even if she read the note, it wouldn't be a problem if she didn't get along with everyone for more than a month, I would definitely not follow her."

Lu Lanxin felt that she could no longer find a reason to persuade her, so she had to repeat her instructions, and then she left. Cheng Hongjian looked at her lingering figure from a distance, and blurted out: "Miss Lu and her aunt are so concerned about our safety. He's not a bad person." Yao Zhenzhen said: "I don't look like it either, but it's better to be careful, as long as the two of us are careless, it will be difficult to deal with."

Cheng Hongjian nodded slightly, and then said: "That's reasonable, I'll take you back to the house first, and after I've greeted the two masters, we can go play."

Yao Zhenzhen looked at her with a bright expression, and said with a smile: "Let's go to practice with the two masters first, just now I saw my little brother knocking down Liu Jiaming, I feel a lot of headaches, and you are even worse. Yehuo Palm is useless, only the new boxing method taught by the second master, it seems that it is really not in vain.".

Cheng Hongjian laughed heartily, and then said: "Little sister's flower-picking finger looks delicate, but with a little internal energy, she can twist the opponent's muscles and bones out of place, which is really very skillful." Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said: "Although the flower-picking finger skill It is full of femininity and strength, but there is no lack of masculinity in it. In the "Tai Gua", it means that some things look soft, but they are not embroidered pillows, just like wicker that is not broken by snow. , and this Nianhuazhi is consistent with the way of the Tai Gua." Cheng Hongjian suddenly nodded and said: "In this way, this martial art is to lead people to the realm of Tongtai??????" Later, after thinking for a while, he blurted out and continued: "Move the yin outside and control the yang inside, and the two phases are in harmony, and you can reach prosperity??????"

Yao Zhenzhen was talking casually, but the little girl was very happy to see that Tan Lang had some enlightenment, but seeing the joy of the mandarin ducks, she happily accompanied them and went to the two monks to practice martial arts.

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