Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 236

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Chapter 230 Six

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (8)

However, Jingxiang officers and soldiers have not dared to send troops lightly since their previous invasion and defeat. Yao Zhenzhen either played the rhythm with Lihua, Miaohong, and Lanxin, or accompanied Tanlang to watch Gu Chengzhuo, and his behavior was extremely dedicated; All the brothers practiced the newly demoted army, they practiced together with Zhenzhen and had a rest together, and they usually thought of ways to make Yiren happy, although sometimes they were clumsy, but Fairy Jiaona felt deep affection and fell in love with her.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, Wang Kuang's army and the Lvlin army were still confronting each other, while the sub-helm disciples of the Tianzhi Gang captured several counties in Jingxiang and captured many officials' wives and children.This day, Zhenzhen, Lihua, Miaohong and Lanxin were playing music in the courtyard. Suddenly, a student from the Tianzhi Gang held a note in his hand and bowed after entering the courtyard. There is an important military situation to submit."

Qin Miaohong was drinking tea from a cup, as if she didn't notice, but seeing Yao Zhenzhen read the note, she ordered the disciple in the gang to accept the reward.At this moment, Yin Lihua sighed sadly, Yao Zhenzhen asked why, Yin Lihua said: "The two armies have been facing each other for more than a month, I really don't know when we will win?????" Yao Zhenzhen laughed: "Sister, don't worry , I think we are about to win." Yin Lihua asked: "Although the officers and soldiers lost some soldiers and horses earlier, they are still outnumbered, why is my sister so determined?"

Yao Zhenzhen kept silent, Qin Miaohong wanted to inquire, and smiled frivolously, saying: "Miss Yao is very powerful in Jianghu, but don't underestimate the officials, she has lost some knowledge."

Yao Zhenzhen didn't think it was disobedient, she immediately asked, "Why do you say that?" Qin Miaohong said: "I once presented my skills to the sixth prince Wang Kuang, and I was lucky enough to see Jingxiang Wenwu, do you know how many talents there are there? Yao Zhenzhen said: "Miss Qin is here to listen."

Qin Miaohong couldn't help feeling complacent after hearing this, and then boasted: "That's really like a cloud of counselors, and a fierce general like rain. Although the cottage has won a small victory, it hasn't shaken its foundation. How can we win soon? Did this note reveal the flaws of the officers and soldiers?" Yao Zhenzhen grinned and said: "What sister said is very true, I really underestimated them." After speaking, she put away the note and did not let the other party see a single word.

Qin Miaohong looked at this situation and thought to herself: "It seems that there must be important military information in that note, maybe it really wrote the flaws of the officers and soldiers, but this little girl doesn't pay attention to those mocking words, how can I get out of it?" That note??????" The Ji man felt that he was exhausted, and suddenly changed his mind: "This is extremely difficult to do, so it must be because I haven't done my best, and if I get out of the military situation right now, On the contrary, I can't help Geng Lang."

That Ji man thought so much, but he was very forgiving. Before noon was approaching, Cheng Hongjian took off the rabbit and entered the courtyard. Lu Lanxin suddenly bowed her head, showing a shy look on her face. Yao Zhenzhen found a bamboo basket and took the rabbit. The son buckled it, then smiled and took Tan Lang's arm, handed over the received note, and said sweetly: "Little brother, look at this good thing. Sister Lihua and I will go to the back kitchen to cook."

After saying this, Yin Lihua interjected: "Today, my sister and I want to cook two big fish, and one of them will be given to your father to taste, and neither of us cooked it when we were at home. If the fish is not well cooked, Brother Hung-chien, please don't dislike him." Cheng Hung-chien cupped his hands in thanks, and then said, "Sister-in-law, what's the point? Brother Liu is inviting Brother Geng to take care of some affairs in the school, and he will come over after a while."

Yin Lihua nodded in response, Yao Zhenzhen invited them to the back kitchen, Cheng Hongjian was reading the note by himself, Qin Miaohong joked, "Mr. Cheng is really lucky, he is so handsome and rich, he cooks for you, even the concubine The whole body is covered."

Cheng Hongjian smiled conciliatively, Qin Miaohong was thinking about how to inquire about the military situation, when suddenly there was a bang in the back kitchen, Cheng Hongjian put down the note and rushed into the back kitchen, the Ji man took the opportunity to pick up the note and look at it , but saw that it wrote: "Since my Jingzhou sub-helm took down several counties, I have captured many officials' wives and children. Now many generals have surrendered privately and are willing to lead their troops to take down Wang Kuang. I hope the eldest lady will show you how things should be done, and the sub-rudder Chen Jun bows down."

The Ji man hurriedly arranged the notes as they were, and Yao Zhenzhen joked in the back kitchen: "This big fish is so crazy, seeing my sister and I want to kill it, I threw the pot upside down."

When Qin Miaohong heard this, she couldn't help but smile, and then she thought to herself: "This little girl is a big lady after all, she has been spoiled and spoiled, so she can't even kill a fish."

That Ji man was thinking about it, Yao Zhenzhen asked Tan Lang again in the back kitchen, "Where did the note I gave my little brother just now?" Cheng Hongjian said, "I was thrown in the yard, so I'll go back and get it "Qin Miao said heartily: "I have read this note, alas, should I inform the imperial court of this military situation??????" Take the note back.

Jian Zhen and Li Hua were preparing the meal in the back kitchen, Liu Xiu and Geng Yan had just entered the courtyard together, after everyone had eaten, Geng Yan came out with Miao Hong to say goodbye, Lu Lanxin hesitated to speak, then bowed down to salute, but herself left.

Yao Zhenzhen gladly fed the little rabbits in the basket, and joined hands with Tan Lang to deliver food to his father, Cheng Zhuo. Seeing Biyi's happy companionship, Yao Zhenzhen asked with a wan smile, "Little brother is playing tricks to lure Miss Qin, why? Want to mention a little rabbit?" Cheng Hongjian smiled heartily, and said, "I see that little rabbit is cute, so I want to catch it for you to play with..."

Yao Zhenzhen nodded sweetly, and then said leisurely and softly: "This land is not only beautiful in mountains and rivers, but also has a lot of interesting living things, which is just suitable for the two of us to have nothing to do, but everyone uses this place as a battlefield. It's a pity."

Cheng Hongjian didn't want Yiren to feel sorry, so he said in a loving and gentle way: "If we stay here, it won't be a battleground. Let's go back here for a revisit."

Yao Zhenzhen murmured in Huai Chunjiao, and said with a smile: "At that time, it is best for us to live in the hut for a while, I will weave in the house, and you will plow the land in front of the door." Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard this, and then he understood Said: "Little sister wants 'men tilling and women weaving'." Yao Zhenzhen shyly said: "Little brother should lead a living creature." Cheng Hongjian asked: "What living thing?" Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said, "That's right. An old cow."

Cheng Hongjian smiled when he heard the words, and went on like this for a while, and took Yiren to De's father's residence, Yao Zhenzhen arranged the wine, vegetables and soup reserved in advance on the table, and then Wanyue invited Cheng Zhuo to have a meal, it was easy.

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