Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 235

Chapter 230 Five

Intrigue intersects with ups and downs (7)

Only Liu Xiu, Li Hua, and Jian Zhen are still talking together in the small courtyard in Chunshen. Unknowingly, noon is approaching, Zhen Zhen and Li Hua join the back kitchen to cook, and Hung Chien also wants to take care of him, but he is ridiculed by Yi Ren pushed back.

Liu Xiu smiled at the situation, then turned to Hongjian and said, "Lihua and Miss Yao are both excellent women. You and I must have a deep destiny, so we can each have a beloved companion." Cheng Hongjian couldn't help thinking Han, followed by a gentle smile and said: "The younger brother also thinks so."

Liu Xiu stroked Hongjian's arm, Rende said with a slight smile: "Seeing that my virtuous brother loves his younger brother and sister, I feel very happy as a brother. If my third brother can also find a good relationship like you, that would be the best , but I think Qin Miaohong is not that easy to get along with, I'm afraid the third brother has been confused." Cheng Hongjian blurted out after hearing the words: "So the eldest brother thinks the same way?????" After talking, Unexpectedly, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "The younger sister asked me not to rush to persuade Brother Geng?????" Liu Xiu said: "I think the younger siblings must have cares about it."

Cheng Hongjian nodded leisurely, and then said: "I also hope that Miss Qin is not a member of the Demon Cult, she is really willing to be with Brother Geng..." Liu Xiu said: "So everyone is happy, but we You still have to be prepared. The younger brother once mentioned that Qin Miaohong and Liu Jiaming are both members of the Demon Cult, and I also see it this way as a brother." After talking, he couldn't help but sighed, and continued: "I'm afraid that apart from this In addition to the two, there are still some people in this faction who have defected and become the secret agents of the imperial court."

Cheng Hongjian's heart tightened, and he asked, "Why did elder brother say that?" Liu Xiudao: "Before, my third brother and I rushed to Xiangyang to rescue our fellow disciples, but we saw that Liu Jiaming was covered in whip marks, while Wu Junchi was He was bandaged by the officials, what do you think is the reason?" Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and then asked: "Could it be some yamen servant with a kind heart?" Liu Xiudao: "I'm afraid that the officers and soldiers would only do so if Wu Junchi surrendered to the enemy." Give him medical treatment, and when Shi Bufan met me, his expression was really different, and then he even threatened to speak loudly when he met the officers and soldiers, it seems that this kind of behavior is not quite right."

Cheng Hongjian didn't dare to believe it, so he asked again: "Deputy Wu said that he is Elder Yuchi's nephew anyway, why would he do such a thing?????" Liu Xiudao: "I don't dare It is asserted, but Wu Junchi is usually very young, and such characters can easily be unable to withstand threats and temptations."

Cheng Hongjian felt that this remark was justified, and he said with a sense of regret: "If everyone is not united, it will be difficult to defeat the government and the army, and return the common people to a peaceful world." It is usually inconvenient for me to speak like this with others, but fortunately my brother is honest and virtuous, so I can confide in my heart."

Cheng Hongjian was moved when he heard the words, and immediately asked gently: "I wonder if the younger brother can share the worries for the elder brother?" Liu Xiudao: "We want to make Xiao Xiao appear, and we should get real evidence, but Deputy Wu said that we have never been on good terms with each other. The matter still needs to be investigated secretly by Master Wang." Cheng Hongjian thought so, and Liu Xiu went on to say: "Nowadays, younger siblings are very important in this village. If she mentions this matter to Master Wang, then it will be fine. It's the most appropriate." Cheng Hongjian nodded again and again, Liu Xiufu then instructed: "Also, Qin Miaohong seems to be familiar with that girl from the Lu family, my virtuous brother also needs to remind his younger siblings to be careful."

Cheng Hongjian couldn't help being confused, but he has always respected the other party, so he will not be ambiguous at this time, but seeing that he accompanied Yiren to eat with his father, he truthfully relayed what Liu Xiu said earlier, after Yao Zhenzhen heard it, she was surprised. Huixia jokingly said, "This group really does a lot of secret work. I was afraid that the officers and soldiers would not get news of the copycats, but now I don't have to worry about it."

Cheng Hongjian smiled at each other, and immediately said again: "I don't know why Brother Liu said that Miss Qin and Miss Lu's family are familiar, and we should be more careful. Little sister, do you know?" Yao Zhenzhen said happily: "Then Miss Qin mentioned earlier that Miss Lu is famous, but we haven't mentioned it yet, how did she know?"

Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and then said: "If you say that, then the girl from the Lu family will also teach everyone, but she looks so weak, it's really not like that." Yao Zhenzhen said: "Now I I'm still not sure, and her aunt cares about the head of Xuanyuan, and I don't know why." Cheng Hongjian sighed softly and blurted out: "Little sister is so smart, it's hard for me to figure this out, so I'll make it easier. It’s hard to figure it out.”

Yao Zhenzhen didn't want Tan Lang to underestimate himself, so Wanyue persuaded her immediately: "Don't underestimate yourself like this, you are really shrewd a lot of times." Cheng Hongjian asked with a smile: "How do you say that?" Yao Zhenzhen Jiaohan said softly: "Little brother sometimes looks stupid, but everyone trusts you and is willing to entrust you with important things. Those who look shrewd may not have this ability."

Cheng Hongjian heard his voice full of emotion, and couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and suddenly thought of Yi Ren's first half joke, and forced himself to laugh, and then said: "You call me 'stupid'???? ??”

Yao Zhenzhen teased Tan Lang's cheeks, then laughed and said: "Then you come and chase me." As soon as the words fell, she moved with her own spring, happily calling Tan Lang to come and chase, but seeing Cheng Hongjian's affection Also, at this time, the mandarin ducks are looking for joy together, and they are very happy, which is exactly: love is worthy of Xiao Shizhi, and they can't leave each other when they fly and drink.I don't envy crossing the phoenix and ascending to the fairy world, but I like to be wing-to-wing.

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