Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 223

Chapter 220 Three

Jin Ge Resurrected Warrior Army (5)

Cheng Hongjian immediately agreed, and then said: "Since you always respect the master so much, why don't you get a personal visit from our sect? Your lord once taught martial arts to juniors, and I would kowtow to him during festivals. Let me introduce you." Yao Zhenzhen smiled sweetly, Lu Qiang showed a little joy, then turned sad, and then said: "I only hope that he will live better, but there is no need to meet again???? ???"

Although Yao Zhenzhen could see that there must be something inside, she also knew that the other party must have something to hide, so she turned around and said happily: "Yesterday, my little brother and I raided the camp of the army and captured the Demon Sect Zhu Shun, but I see him It's not like you and Lu's elder sister were targeted earlier, if you have spare time, you can go and interrogate them, don't look for the wrong person."

Lu Lanxin trembled when she heard the words, and immediately asked: "Are you? That's good??????" At the end of the conversation, he was afraid that what he said just now would show his feet, so he said again: "It's a life anyway."

Lu Qiang didn't care much about Zhu Shun and that guy, she just asked about the recent situation of the head, Cheng Hongjian only said that he really respected the head, that's why he did that just now, then suddenly recalled what Lu Lanxin said earlier, and looked at him, Bluntly asked: "Miss Lu mentioned earlier that she finally found that man in the cottage, and he treated you very well, but why didn't you want to marry?"

Lv Lanxin didn't know what to say, so Lv Qiang immediately interjected, "The two of them just quarreled a few words, the young lady is being petty, how can Mr. Cheng take it seriously?"

Cheng Hongjian felt that this remark was justified, so he said to Lan Xin: "Although I have never met that person, but since you two are in love with each other, you should cherish each other..." After talking, he couldn't help thinking for a while , sighed and blurted out: "I really don't know who the person Miss Lu mentioned is, if I have a chance to persuade him, I can try my best??????"

Lv Lanxin looked at Hongjian's sincerity, but she was very moved, and then thought about Jiaming's slickness, and said to herself: "Qin Miaohong mentioned that Jiaming has a good friend, but I don't want to care about it. Alas, I am teaching After all, I have no choice but to admit it??????" Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Qingying with self-pity, she was as beautiful as Yu Yumei, and at this moment, Yao Zhenzhen smiled and said: "The chicken soup is about to boil Alright, little brother, hurry up and eat some food with me, and let's serve some chicken soup to send to Uncle Cheng." As soon as he finished speaking, he handed a piece of sweet and sour ribs to Hongjian's bowl, and Wanyue continued: "How is this dish?"

Cheng Hongjian tasted the small ribs, then smiled, and Wen Liang blurted out: "This dish is sweet and sour, very delicious." Yao Zhenzhen's eyes were full of emotion, and she said softly: " Then you can eat more." Saying that, Fu Youhan picked up the chopsticks and picked up the small ribs, and fed them to Tan Lang.Seeing Jian Zhen's intimacy, Lv Lanxin was fascinated by it, and said to herself, "Brother Hongjian and Miss Yao are so affectionate, there is no room for others in my heart??????"

Everyone had eaten the dishes in this way, and it was almost time. Hung-chien and Zhen-zhen brought chicken soup to his father, and after talking for a while, they left for the school grounds. Yao Zhen-zhen continued to sit smilingly, accompanied by After talking with his father, he just returned to his own residence.

In the blink of an eye, for a few days, Wang Kuang and his fellow reorganized their troops, allocated a large amount of food and grass, and then adopted Yun Qi's words and divided the army into five groups, intending to attack Lulin Mountain again.Who are the five groups of people? Let's talk about the South Road first. General Nayan Yan You is the general, and the guard general Liang Qiuci is the deputy general. The two generals led [-] soldiers and horses to erect Wang Kuang's banner and captured Lulin Township at the foot of the mountain. , Zhijiao town people fled to the cottage; Zhaowu General Luan Bao, as the main general of the East Road, personally led [-] officers and troops, and attacked the cottage in a mighty way; They also led [-] officers and troops with great fanfare, and the momentum was very grand; General Cen Peng of the Dangkou and General Gai Yandu of Polu led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, but they stopped their flags and drums on the North Road, and were about to attack the northern city of Lulin Mountain by surprise; Wang Kuang and Yun Banner led many generals, and led an army of tens of thousands to prepare for dispatch near Lulin Town, waiting for the counterfeit soldiers and horses to recapture Lulin Town, and then encircled the counterfeit soldiers and horses with an iron wall. .

In the Green Forest Village, many important people have been invited to gather in the group hall to discuss good strategies to defeat the enemy. However, Wang Feng has not yet condemned his followers to invite Wei Detao. The leaders discussed the military affairs, and Wang Feng was happy to agree, and then ordered the minions to send wine and food for him to drink and feed in the house.

But seeing that the leaders of many cottages are discussing how to defeat the enemy, but they really can't find a plan, they can't help but feel anxious, the turmoil is uneasy, Zhu You thought for a while, his face turned pale, and then he said in a loud voice: "I was originally The disciples of the faction were ambushed by the army in the valley. If Brother Cheng and Miss Yao had not captured Wang Kuang, the brothers of the faction would not have been able to reach the Green Forest Mountain. This time the officers and soldiers were besieged from three directions, and there were heavy troops on both sides of the east and west. Not only are there few soldiers in the south, but Wang Kuang is still sitting in Lulin Township himself, if we capture him, the officers and soldiers will lose their backbone again?" Fan Chong also felt that this made sense, so he said with a bold smile: "As long as Wang Kuang is captured That guy Kuang, the brothers made his mother a fortune."

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