Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 222

Chapter 220 Two

Jin Ge Resurrected Warrior Army (4)

Liu Xiu, Hongjian and others were having a lively drill in the school grounds, and many disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect came over after hearing the news, wanting to practice with them. They practiced until noon, and then they decided to gather at the end of the day to continue practicing the coordination of arms. Having been able to rest, Cheng Hongjian and Liu Xiu returned to the residence of the two beauties, but seeing that the tables in the courtyard were already full of dishes, Yin Lihua walked out of the back kitchen with a plate of roe leg meat, and then said: "Zhen Zhen The girl is still busy in the back kitchen, Brother Hongjian will sit down first, I will go in and greet her." Cheng Hongjian knew that Zhenzhen had many subordinates, and he was used to being served by others, so he couldn't help being startled when he heard this. Then he said: "Let me go in, sister-in-law just talk to my elder brother."

These titles were not meant as a joke by Hung Chien, Yin Lihua smiled virtuously, and sat down with Liu Xiu.Cheng Hongjian entered the back kitchen and happened to see Yiren mixing tofu coldly. Yao Zhenzhen greeted happily, "Little brother, come and taste it." My sister can cook, and this tofu is delicious." After talking, Fu picked up another piece of tofu, intending to feed it to the beauty.Yao Zhenzhen also felt the taste was sweet, and then she smiled and said: "Fortunately, Sister Lihua is thinking about it with me. From now on, my little brother will practice soldiers and horses. I will cook at home, and I will cook for you even at noon."

In fact, during the Qin and Han Dynasties, the common people often only ate breakfast and dinner. Cheng Hongjian smiled when he heard this, and then said softly: "There are so many dishes that are enough to eat, so you don't have to work too hard." Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said: "I'll make chicken soup for Uncle Cheng first, and then I'll go out to eat." After finishing speaking, he walked to the bamboo cage with a knife in his hand, intending to slaughter the pheasant in it, but he didn't know how to do it. That's good.

Cheng Hongjian looked at the situation, took the beautiful woman Xianyun's hand, took the knife from her hand, and said gently, "Why don't I do it."

Yao Zhenzhen nodded happily, and at this moment, a famous woman walked into the kitchen and greeted her politely: "Brother Cheng????? Sister Zhenzhen????? My aunt and grandma saw you coming... ???" Jian Zhen looked at the woman, and Zhen Zhen greeted her sweetly: "So it's the elder sister of the Lu family, my little brother and I want to make chicken soup, so we should stay for dinner."

This girl is Lu Lanxin. She followed Jian Zhen to the mountain and never revealed her real name to anyone. When she heard Zhen Zhen's invitation, she immediately nodded. Hung Chien asked, "Has Miss Lu ever found that The son who is engaged to you?"

Let's say that Wei Detao led the Green Forest Army to a battle with the official army, and suddenly felt that Wang Kuang's troops were so powerful that his father, Wang Mang, was naturally more difficult to fight against. Seeing that Wang Feng wanted to distance himself, he named Liu Jia Let it go, so as to leave a way out for yourself.Although Liu Jiaming got out of trouble, he didn't dare to act rashly, so he only sent Wu Junchi to win over Wei Detao, and then heard that Lu Lanxin had arrived in the village, so he wanted to give and receive in private, no problem.

Lv Lanxin looked at Hung-chien's inquiry and couldn't help being silent for a while, then he hesitated and said, "I have met him before, and this man treats me very well..." Cheng Hongjian smiled and said, "That's good. "After that, he reached into the bamboo cage and grabbed the pheasant.Yao Zhenzhen looked at Lan Xin's gloomy expression, and said with a slight smile, "This is a good thing, Sister Lu should be happy." Lu Lanxin shook her head and sighed, "But I?????? Don't want to marry him? ?????"

The pheasant couldn't stop thumping, Hongjian was similar to Zhenzhen, and he had never cooked in the kitchen himself. He was slaughtering it for some reason, and suddenly heard Lan Xin's words, and then he forgot to pay attention, which made him lose his attention. The bird in his hand took the opportunity to break free and knocked off the eggs on the table, where the kitchen ran around in a panic.

Cheng Hongjian was catching himself, Yao Zhenzhen stretched out her slender fingers, and poked at the pheasant, then brushed the animal's hole, making it look like a wooden chicken.

Lu Lanxin couldn't help smiling, and put aside her worries for the time being. Yao Zhenzhen picked up the pheasant, and joked cleverly: "This is the 'chicken flying egg' at the back kitchen." Cheng Hongjian smiled, and then said: " I'll kill the pheasant now." Yao Zhenzhen smiled sweetly and said, "I'll do it." At the end of the speech, she couldn't help but pretend to sigh, and teased Tan Lang, "It seems that I'm going to be a little maid in this life. They will all serve the Grand Master."

Cheng Hongjian was delighted, and seeing Yiren holding a pheasant in his hand about to cook, he said with a smile: "I'm really a bit clumsy, if I can't marry a good wife like you, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it." It's time for dinner, let's feed you tofu now." After saying that, she wanted to feed Yiren delicious food again, Yao Zhenzhen opened her cherry mouth with a coquettish smile, exposed her teeth and tasted the white jade, and then said foolishly: "I still want to eat." .

Yao Zhenzhen's love is like spring flowers blooming, although Cheng Hongjian is usually honest, he has become more interesting, Lv Lanxin can't help shyly envious of Jianzhen's joy, and secretly said: "Brother Hongjian and Miss Yao It really was made in heaven??????" Thinking of this, he looked at Hongjian one more time, then came to his senses and went to sit in the courtyard with his aunt Lu Qiang.

Jian Zhen put the pheasant into the pot and just left the kitchen, Lu Qiang chatted for a while at the banquet, then asked Liu Xiu and Hong Jian about Xuanyuan Qiguang's recent situation, Liu Xiujing She bowed her hands to Lu Qiang and asked, "Senior, you care so much about the head of this sect, do you have an old friend with your lord?" Lu Qiang shook her head and sighed with a smile, and said, "The head of your sect is a hero in the Jianghu. I have no chance to get to know this kind of people, but I have been friends with them for a long time, so I feel very respected..." After talking, he looked at Hung-chien himself, and continued: "The head of your sect has a lot of opportunities every day. You must take good care of yourself. After you have defeated the officers and soldiers, you will leave to return to the main altar, and I have some gifts that I want to give to the sect master, can you send them for me?"

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