Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 218

Chapter 210 Eight

Why is it a mandarin duck (9)

Yao Zhenzhen accepted Tan Lang's words with a smile, and questioned her: "What my little brother said is very true, and your daughter can make good tea, so she will have a good husband's family, why don't she find someone who is pleasing to each other and have a good relationship with each other?" Wouldn't it be much better if the husband sings and the wife follows?"

Hearing this, Zhao Meng felt as if a pimple was stuck in her throat. After a while, she smiled coyly and said, "Miss Yao really has a lot of tricks. If you don't ask Master Cheng for help, you don't want me to break up your marriage. "After speaking, he cupped his fists towards Cheng Zhuo again, and said: "This matter still needs to be decided by you."

Cheng Zhuo was in a dilemma, so he had to appreciate Zhen Zhen's gift of calligraphy, and then said: "This "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" was originally a treasure collected by a merchant. Cheng wanted to buy it with a lot of money, but the man cherished this treasure very much. At the beginning, I didn't sell me, but later the sixth prince Wang Kuang seized this famous article for himself??????" Cheng Hongjian didn't have time to think about it, but blurted out: "This "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" It was the younger sister who led the army and found it from Wang Kuang's camp."

Zhao Meng laughed, and said in a strange way: "I said earlier that Miss Yao has means, and Wang Kuang is very good at robbing, but he also planted it on you, a 'good wife'."

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but hesitate at the moment. Yao Zhenzhen surpassed Chen Yu with a smile, and she was shy and shy, and then half-jokingly said: "Thank you senior for helping me and my little brother. Since the little girl is a good daughter-in-law of the Cheng family, Then we should plunder this kind of ill-gotten wealth and honor our father-in-law and mother-in-law." At this moment, Duan Feng laughed and said: "Miss Yao snatched Wang Kuang and that guy, it's just very satisfying, let's If he catches the opportunity, he will definitely take it all away, brother Zhao, why bother to make things difficult for the younger generation."

Cheng Zhuo had already seen Jian Zhen's deep love and deep affection, and now he couldn't bear to force him to break up, so he pondered for a while, and then said: "Miss Yao values ​​the dog so much, he is really lucky in his life, but the dog came from a scholarly family, and usually Gentle and refined, you and your father are calling the wind and rain in the rivers and lakes, I'm afraid the dog can't help you??????"

Yao Zhenzhen is very understanding, when she heard this, she said gently: "Although my father and I live in Jianghu, we have also read a lot of poetry and books. Treat the Five Constants of Confucianism as the foundation of your business, and if it wasn’t for the pressure of others, you would never have used a knife or a gun.” As soon as the words fell, Zhao Meng snorted softly, and said calmly: “I’m not afraid of the grass bandits shouting to kill you. I'm afraid that people in the Jianghu have literary talents, Miss Yao was born in the Jianghu, and she even brought out the five elements of Confucianism, Zhao admires her very much."

Cheng Hongjian wanted to help the beautiful woman, but he couldn't find a way to talk about it. Yao Zhenzhen ignored these words, and continued leisurely: "Little brother is a virtuous person, I just want to help him and accompany him happily, and in the Book of Songs there is The sentence is very well written, I wonder if uncle would like to listen to it?"

Hearing this, Cheng Zhuo immediately asked, Yao Zhenzhen smiled happily and said, "Tao Zhiyao, it's Ye Zhenzhen. The son of Yugui is suitable for his family??????" Its beauty is hard to hide. Xu Qingxin, Cheng Hongjian looked at each other with a smile on his face, showing deep affection and compassion.

Cheng Zhuo looked at this situation, although he felt that Jianzhen was still childish, he also saw that the pair of winged wings were inextricably in love, so he couldn't bear to beat the mandarin ducks with a stick, so he thought about it for a while, and then said: "The girl gave you "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" It is an authentic work, and the score on it is also very profound, if you can listen to it, it must be like hearing the music of heaven, but this thing is too expensive, it is really inconvenient for Cheng to accept it lightly, you should take it back first."

Yao Zhenzhen teased Yun Binhui's mischievous thoughts, then smiled wanly and said: "Then I will take back this piece of "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" with my little brother, and I will invite Uncle Cheng to give me some pointers after I have mastered the score."

Zhao Mengzheng felt depressed, and several cottagers bowed in, mentioning that Wang Feng had something to discuss with Jian Zhen, Cheng Zhuo immediately said: "Since the owner of Wang Feng has something to discuss, you should go first, the rest All things??????" At the end of the conversation, he thought about it for a while, and continued: "We can discuss it from a long-term perspective..."

Jian Zhen readily agreed, and followed her out to Wang Feng's residence, but when she saw him lying on the kang, she grinned in pain and looked slightly embarrassed.Cheng Hongjian looked at the situation, and took a few steps forward to ask about his injuries. Wang Fengqiang smiled to himself and said, "That group of officers and soldiers shot in the back, if I didn't pay attention, I wouldn't have caught it. , but it will be a few days, so it doesn't matter??????"

Seeing that Wang Feng's breath was weak, Jian Zhen must have been seriously injured, so Yao Zhenzhen summoned the subordinates from the cottage, and ordered Chen Yi to ask for a good gold medicine, and then comforted Wang Feng, "Village Master Wang is good to have a baby, and I will continue to give birth later." Lead everyone to fight the officers and soldiers, and let them also take a few arrows."

Wang Feng hesitated, and blurted out: "Miss Yao mentioned earlier that there are too many officers and soldiers, so you can't go out to fight. It's all because I was deceived by lard, and I was so tired that thousands of brothers were killed and injured in the village????? ?” At the end of the speech, he couldn’t help weeping, and the others were moved by the situation, Cheng Hongjian said gently: “Master Wang, don’t bother yourself, the brothers in the village are still counting on you.”

Wang Feng sighed sadly, then remained silent for a while, and said: "Brothers in the village have suffered a lot with me. Seeing so many brothers die in vain, my intestines are about to burst from pain. I have to clean up this mess for me. " Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, and blurted out asking: "How can I help you win the village master Wang?" Wang Feng said: "In the past, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses followed me to fight, but now there are only more than 3000 brothers who can fight again. Let Mr. Cheng lead the intercourse." Cheng Hongjian felt embarrassed, and then he cupped his hands and said, "The younger generation is not from the village, so it should not lead the army."

Wang Feng had already made up his mind, and seeing Hung Chien's refusal made him feel more relieved, and then said: "Although Mr. Cheng is not a member of the village, you can take Miss Yao to protect my village, so why not claim it?" Soldiers and horses in this village?" Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, then replied immediately: "This junior has never led soldiers and horses, I'm afraid I will miss a big deal." Wang Feng said: "Mr. Cheng is safe, far better than us vulgar people. Besides, I will hand over the soldiers and horses to you, Miss Yao will definitely help you, Mr. Cheng is still in a difficult situation."

Yao Zhenzhen's fragrant dimple is fat, pretty and charming, and then she happily said softly, "Since Wang Zhaizhu is begging so much, my little brother should do it." Cheng Hongjian saw Yiren's words, and he agreed with Wang Fenggong respectfully , and then said: "The junior has an important matter, and I hope the village master will agree."

Wang Feng was about to support Hongjian, so he was unequivocal at the moment, and immediately said: "Mr. Cheng, just tell me." Cheng Hongjian said: "The younger generation has little knowledge, and I am afraid that I will miss the important matter of the Shanzhai. There are Liu Xiu, Deng Yu and others in our school. , Geng Yan, Kou Xun, these big brothers usually take care of me very much, and they are also literary and martial arts. Besides, there are a few other brothers who are very good. I wonder if the village master can invite them to supervise me together There are more than 3000 brothers in the village, if there is a major event, it will still need to be decided by the village master."

After saying this, Wang Feng couldn't help but look at him with admiration, and blurted out: "I really didn't expect Mr. Cheng to be so delicate, so I can rest assured to heal my wounds."

Don't worry about it, Cheng Hongjian got Wang Feng's permission, and immediately invited Liu Xiu and others to lead the army. He wanted to help the village to repel the army, but Yao Zhenzhen felt that the troops led by Tan Lang were not enough, so he went Ask Fan Chongqin to lead the army under his command and let Hung-chien command him.

That day the birds were moving in the front forest, the morning light was in the east room, the mandarin ducks had eaten together, and Hung-chien went to train with Liu Xiu. Zhen-zhen and Li-hua had already gone to sleep. Follow up.

Liu Xiu and Hongjian went to the school grounds side by side, and Wang Chang, the deputy village chief, greeted Ma Wu and Liu Xuan with clasped fists; Liu Long and Zhu You also greeted the general, and greeted them intimately; while the more than 3000 cottagers whispered to each other, looking a little tired. .

Wang Chang looked at the situation, fearing that Hongjian and the others would be hard to restrain, and was about to tell the soldiers to silence, suddenly a reckless man said in a rough voice: "Vice Chief Wang, please speak slowly, I have something to say."

This is exactly: being ordered to turn the tide in the face of danger, and wanting to dye the golden orchids.Jishui Xingxiu will stand out, and the clouds will rise and the dragon will continue to lead.If you want to know what happened next, let's see the next chapter.

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