Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 217

Chapter 210 Seven

Why is it a mandarin duck (8)

Yao Sufeng watched Jian Zhen's love for each other, and he became more relieved, then he felt the matter again, and said just now: "Seeing that you two love each other, I can feel relieved, now I should get up and go to Jingzhou Hearing this, Jian Zhen had no choice but to go downstairs with him and go back to the banquet first.

Yao Sufeng invited everyone to have a drink of turbid wine, then discussed with several leaders of the Red Eyebrow Army, and then said: "The leader of the gang wants to lead the gang to be horns with the Green Forest Army, but the little girl will still Staying on the mountain, after all, she is still inexperienced, so the leaders have to help out a little bit." As soon as the words fell, Fan Chong smiled and said: "Missy is very intelligent, and she is very righteous. Brothers can lead horses Falling pedals are all blessings from previous lives."

Liu Xuan had already harbored jealousy and resentment, and now he became more and more annoyed, he immediately laughed and said lightly: "Fan's leader is not bad at flattering people, but if you really want to be loyal, you should keep it in your heart , there is no need to play tricks like this."

Hearing this, Wang Changwen immediately shouted: "Leader Fan is a well-known hero in the Jianghu, how can you run on him like this, if he didn't follow Tianzhi to help save us this time, I don't know how many brothers in this village would have died. If we don't repay the great kindness, is it human who will return his mother's favor?"

Liu Xuanzhi's face turned ashen when he heard it, and he bowed his head and begged for mercy repeatedly. Wang Chang scolded: "You and I are so noisy, why don't you go to Fantou to apologize?"

That fellow Liu Xuan was always well-behaved, upon hearing this, he hurriedly poured some dirty wine, and said in a trembling voice: "Little people are not supposed to drink alcohol???????????? ?”

Seeing this situation, Wang Chang took the bowl and respected each other solemnly: "Liu Xuan vomits blood after drinking, I should pay compensation to Fantou for him." After that, he drank the wine for Liu Xuan.

Although Fan Chong felt resentful, he felt that the current situation was inconvenient, so he laughed and said: "Vice Chief Wang, don't worry, I won't care about such young men and ruin the elegance of Master Yao and Missy." Wang Changwen Hearing this, he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Leader Fan is very knowledgeable about the general situation, I really admire it."

Cheng Hongjian saw that there was no trouble among the people, Deng felt relieved, Yao Zhenzhen praised: "The king also knows the general situation."

General Fan Chong looked at Wang Chang for a while, then picked up the wine bowl, and said in a rough voice: "If there is no Tianzhi to help cultivate, our Red Eyebrow Army will never be so prosperous. Continue to be loyal to Leader Yao and Missy. The Guizhai people don't understand the truth, and the leader only knows the word "loyalty" in this life. Since Leader Yao and Missy want to help you, I, Fan Chong, will not be ambiguous."

Ren Yi had a drink by himself, although Yao Sufeng knew that the leader wanted to flatter him, but he felt that he could be useful, so he nodded slightly and said boldly: "Leader Fan is taking care of the overall situation, I am very relieved by this leader, brothers They are all in the same way, as long as they work together, they will definitely destroy the usurpers and rebels, and create a legacy. At that time, the leaders will be able to sit on a thousand hectares of fertile land, embrace beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, and live happily. "

Many leaders laughed, and Yao Sufeng continued solemnly: "The benefits in the mountains are really worthless. As dignified men, if we only value those petty benefits, we will definitely not be able to accomplish great things, and we will be wiped out by the army instead. Brother Only when they help each other can they have a wife and son, and they don't have to hide in the cottage.

Many good men thought it was true, and agreed one after another. Yao Sufeng knew what the leader was thinking, so he had no choice but to speak like this. At this moment, he saw that the people's hearts were initially determined, and he felt a little relieved. Wang Mang, if the people of the Li people can enjoy peace in peace, then my ambitions in this life can be comforted."

Hearing this, Wang Changwen couldn't help but feel admiration, and then he said: "I heard that the ancestors of Yao's gang leader and Wang Mang were both Emperor Shun Yao Chonghua, and that old thief took care of your Yao family lineage. Can hold a high position."

Yao Sufeng didn't shy away from it, nodded slightly at the moment, and said: "However, what Wang Mang did is not righteous, and the leader of this gang really doesn't think much of him."

Wang Chang respected each other with wine, and blurted out: "Guangzhu Yao is by no means a mediocre idiot, no wonder your gang is so prosperous, Wang Chang really admires it."

Yao Sufeng smiled and indulged, and then drank again for a while, then he wanted to get up and go to Jingzhou to take the helm, many leaders greeted him courteously, and when Yao Sufeng was far away, all the leaders clustered around Jian Zhen's carriage and drove away Went to the cottage.

Cheng Hongjian arrived at the cottage, and immediately rushed to Cheng Zhuo's residence together with Zhen Zhen, but happened to bump into Zhao Meng and Duan Feng who were also in the house.Then Zhao Meng saw Jian Zhen's intimacy, and felt that the boss didn't mean it. Cheng Hongjian was kind and said that he had already made the decision, and gave the jade phoenix to his little sister.

Cheng Zhuo thought that Hung-chien was not his own flesh and blood, so he didn't know what to do, Zhao Meng laughed dryly to himself, and sneered, "Master Cheng wants my daughter to wait in the house, and only mentioned that Hung-chien will send his wife Yufeng, But this brat is promiscuous, and actually gave these treasures to the empress, so he is going to be the husband of the stronghold."

Cheng Hongjian felt deeply apologetic, cupped his fists together, and said respectfully: "Little sister is a good wife, she is definitely not a queen, I blame the younger generation for being bad, if Uncle Zhao Meng beats and scolds, just come to the younger generation, my younger sister My sister has nothing to do with it."

Zhao Meng didn't want to humiliate Hung-chien too much, but also feared that Zhen Zhen's subordinates would be so powerful, even if he had resentment, he didn't know where to vent it, so he snorted softly and said, "You are very responsible."

Cheng Hongjian was thinking about how to speak, Zhenzhen smiled and said: "Uncle Cheng, my little brother and I have found a calligraphy treasure, and we are going to honor you with this." "Seeking the Phoenix" was handed over, turned to look at Zhao Meng, and continued: "My little brother and I have been on good terms for a long time. If we really separate, he and I will be sad to death. I hope you will hold me high and let me go." Two."

Zhao Meng knew that Yao Zhenzhen came from a prominent family, at this moment, she suddenly thought of a calculation, and then said haha, "I don't care if you are young." Yao Zhenzhen said with a smile: "Even if I really became a concubine, little brother Always be nice to me, your daughter stays alone in the empty room, what's the fun in that?" Cheng Hongjian nodded, and then said: "If the younger generation marry Uncle Zhao Meng's daughter and my younger sister, then I will be I have lost to two good girls, and your niece is in her prime, so following me like this??????, you will have to waste a good time??????"

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