Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 187

Chapter 180 Seven

Yusheng Lantian Puzhong Yun (11)

Hearing this, Yin Lihua greeted her in person, turned her hand away from the maidservant, made tea for Jianzhen, and said apologetically: "If you offend me, I hope the two gentlemen will forgive you."

Holding the tea in his hands, Cheng Hongjian said: "It's okay, the girl didn't know about it beforehand." Yao Zhenzhen smiled happily: "My good sister, don't call me son, you see, she is also a girl."

Ever since Zhenzhen entered the door, Yin Lihua had noticed it, and she smiled and said: "That's it, then we two sisters get along well, how good is that?" Zhen Zhen said happily: "Very good, very good. My family I don't have brothers or sisters, and I just want to have a good sister." Yin Lihua asked happily: "I think 'Yu Zigui' is not my sister's real name, I don't know how you call it?" Yao Zhenzhen giggled and said: "I won't hide it from my sister. Lah, in fact, people call her Yao Zhenzhen."

Yin Lihua was stunned, and immediately said kindly: "No wonder there are rumors in the world that if women in the world are compared with their younger sisters, no one can be called the most beautiful girl in the world."

Hearing this, Cheng Hongjian couldn't help laughing heartily, then clasped his fists together and said, "Xiao Ke is called Cheng Hongjian, and he is a Xuanyuan disciple like Brother Liu Xiu." Yin Lihua nodded her head as a signal, and then said gently, "So you are Hung-chien, Uncle Wen mentioned to me that you are worthy of entrustment, but I don't know why Brother Hung-chien is here?"

Yao Zhenzhen was very happy, Cheng Hongjian smiled and said: "Brother Liu Xiu misses you very much, my little sister and I want to take you up the mountain to be with him, but I don't know what the girl wants?"

Yin Lihua couldn't help but sighed, and whispered sadly: "I would really like to go to Green Forest Mountain to find him, but my father won't agree??????"

Yao Zhenzhen had been thinking about it for a long time, but seeing that little girl said with high spirits: "Before my little brother and I went down the mountain, I had already thought of a way. As long as my sister is willing to go up the mountain, we will help you." As soon as the words fell, Yin Lihua blurted out and asked Said: "what can my good sister do?"Yao Zhenzhen half-jokingly said: "As my sister said, Uncle Yin likes my young master, so I just begged him to allow me to take you to live in Seven Yage for a while."

Yin Lihua immediately understood, then pondered for a while, and said slowly: "It seems that this is the only way, otherwise my father will never agree..." Jian Zhen was very happy to hear this, and talked with her for a long time , just returned to the Yinlu banquet place.Fastest network update computer terminal:/

Yin Luxi said: "You guys have been chatting for so long, it seems that you are very hit-and-miss." Yao Zhenzhen said: "The hit is close, but the younger generation told my sister about the place where I had fun, and agreed to take her to Qiya Pavilion for fun. Stay there for a while." At the end of the conversation, he pretended to be troubled, shook his head and continued: "This is full of words, but I didn't have time to inform my uncle in advance." Yin Lu said in his heart: "My daughter is not young, if this If things go on like this, you can't find a good family. Young Master Yu has a very good reputation, so I don't think he would do anything out of the ordinary." Thinking of this, Yan said: "Since the little girl is willing to accompany the young master to play in the pavilion, it is not wrong No way." Yao Zhenzhen smiled happily, then cupped her hands and said, "Thank you uncle for fulfilling my promise, otherwise I would be too shameless if I break my promise." Yin Lu smiled, and then said for a while, and then arranged the guest room in person and supplied all the guests People stay overnight.

Such a night without words, the moon rises and the moon sets like a white horse passing through the gap, and the silver man secretly travels far away. In a blink of an eye, the sky returns to light, and Yin Lu sends everyone outside the mansion. Presented the jade bi to Zhen Zhen, then said with a smile: "These two jade bi are exactly the same pair. If Mr. Yu has a favorite girl, he can give one of them to her. Wouldn't it be wonderful?" Yin Lihua looked at the situation , secretly said in his heart: "Sister Zhenzhen didn't propose a marriage, so my father thought of this way to match up. It's really hard for him these years??????"

Thinking of this, the woman felt like she was about to say goodbye, but Yao Zhenzhen smiled to herself, and said: "This is disrespectful, junior, why don't I take it for Sister Lihua first, and wait until she sees a good man, then I will take care of you." Let's hold each other with that person."

Yin Lu pondered for a while, and could only half-jokingly said: "That's fine, if my daughter likes the young master, she will hold each other with you." Turning to Cheng Hongjian, he said: "Mr. Cheng is here this time, and the old man is also Feel happy, I don't have anything else in the house, the young master has the right to accept these fine silks." After saying that, he ordered the servants to hand over the silks.

Cheng Hongjian cupped his hands in thanks, then reached into his bosom, took out a small thing, and then said: "The younger generation can't give it as a gift. This bronze mat town is from the pre-Qin period. I hope the seniors will accept it with a smile." In the Warring States period, the ancients often sat on the ground, and always felt that it would be indecent to move the mat when getting up. Later, someone cast a seat town and pressed the corner of the mat with this object. .

Yin Lu took the seat town, but saw that it was well-made, he nodded immediately and said: "Thank you for your kindness, sir, the old man will accept it. If you and Master Yu are free, you can often come to sit in the humble house." Jian Zhen Thank you one after another, and then boarded the car.Lihua bid farewell to her old father, then boarded her own car, and followed the others out of Xinye, heading towards the green forest and mountains, when suddenly she heard a group of strong men in front of her clamoring to block the road, one of them yelled rudely: "Listen up, the bird on the other side, hurry up!" Return the beautiful jade you robbed earlier, or chop off your dog's head!" ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网 www..com <>

And the person who said the words and shouted was Hu Sheng, but seeing that there was often some wine for a haha, he turned to pick up the wine gourd, poured some fine wine into his hand, and said casually: "You are defeated, how dare you act wild." The voice just fell , turning his palms forward and pushing, all the wine in his hand shot out towards the opponent.Lu Qiang jumped in front of Hu Sheng, flicked her sleeves and swept back, and pushed the wine back, there was often a mount under Jiu's crotch in the middle.The horse's face was in severe pain, it immediately neighed sharply and threw its feet back.Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Hongjian Yupan", follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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