Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 186

Chapter 180 Six

Yusheng Lantian Puzhong Yun (10)

Yin Lu arranged a big banquet at the mansion, entertained Jian Zhen and the two hall masters graciously, and then according to what Chen Yi said, ordered the servants to bring honey water for Zhen Zhen to drink.Everyone chatted and laughed happily throughout the past, and Yin Lu raised his glass to respect each other, and then said: "I heard that Mr. Yu is a young talent, but I never expected that your appearance is better than the beauty of the world????? ?” After talking, he pondered for a while, and continued: “I really don’t know how you are so delicate and innocent, how to control your subordinates. Yin has admired your virtuous name for a long time, so I just couldn’t help being curious. I dare to ask for your advice.”

Chen Yi is a delicate person. Hearing these words, she immediately thought to herself: "So what if you are born delicate and soft? Is it possible that only burly men can earn a fortune? How can this pavilion be so prosperous if they behave like this." Just thinking about it, Yao Zhenzhen Hui smiled shrewdly and said: "Uncle Yin has won the award. I am nothing special. I can't talk about teaching or not teaching. The younger generation has someone I admire, who is much higher than me. I don't know if you would like to listen." Yin Lu said with a smile: " Please tell me, my lord, Yin is all ears."

Yao Zhenzhen said sweetly: "This man is my father. Speaking of which, the younger generation is quite handsome, but he was born with a short stature, just like a weight. It's just that his weight is small, but somehow, it is To be able to hold down a thousand catties, it seems that you really can't be judged by appearances."

Yin Lu immediately understood, then nodded his head and said: "It is for this reason, I think your father must have great talents and general ideas, so he will gather many heroes to serve him, far better than those who have only appearance. Negligent." Cheng Hongjian was full of joy, and immediately filled Chao Yinlu's cup with good wine, respectfully.

Yin Lu smiled back and said inwardly: "For a person like the young master, if Lihua can marry him, I can settle my worries." Thinking of this, he said: "I have a daughter named Lihua, I'm about the same age as the two young masters, if you invite her to come and accompany you, you will have a great time, I don't know how it will be according to the young master's wishes?" Zhen Zhen said with a smile: "That's a good relationship, the younger generation will listen to you." As soon as the words fell Yin Lu ordered the servants to bring the young lady quickly.

Everyone exchanged glasses, Yin Lu boasted about his beloved daughter a little bit by being slightly drunk, and just as he was talking, he saw Lihua's servant who had invited Lihua back alone, so he immediately asked, "Why didn't Miss come?" The servant replied: "Miss said she was unwell, so she couldn't come to accompany her, and she asked the servant to apologize for her." Yin Lu said in his heart, "It was fine before, but there is still some discomfort." Thinking of this, he shook his head immediately. Said: "The little girl said that she felt a little unwell early in the morning. In my opinion, it's not a big problem. It's just that a woman has lived in a deep boudoir for a long time, so she is so tired. Why don't we drink first, and when the little girl has enough rest, Yin will take her out again." . ” I can’t help but lose interest in my words.

Hearing this, Cheng Hongjian blurted out, "Since she's not aware of it early in the morning, Uncle Yin should find a doctor to take a look, don't underestimate her."

Yin Lu knew that the other party really had good intentions, so he could only smile embarrassingly, saying that it was all right.At this moment, Yao Zhenzhen took over the conversation, said with a slight smile: "I think Uncle Yin's words are not bad, Miss Lihua has no one to talk to, so it is inevitable that she is tired. My little brother and I came to visit this time. She is not feeling well, why don't you go to visit now. Maybe we can chat a little, and Miss Lihua will be fine."

Seeing Jian Zhen's intimacy, Yin Lu thought to himself: "Since Mr. Cheng is so favored by Mr. Cheng, he must be quite a respectable person." Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a little joy, and immediately nodded and said: "It's very good , Yin is here to accompany the two hall masters, and I will not follow your peers in the conversation." After speaking, he called the servant to lead the way for Jian Zhen, and went to Lihua's boudoir.

After walking like this for a while, Jianzhen arrived in front of De's house, and just heard the melodious sound of the qin inside. Yin Lihua sang softly: "The male pheasant is flying, and let out its feathers. I am pregnant, and I am blocked by Yi Yi. The male pheasant is in the air. Fly, up and down its sound. Show me a gentleman, really work my heart???????

After Zhen Zhen listened to the song, she flicked her flute and acted like a lovesick, playing a jade song gracefully, her clothes fluttering in the wind, her bright eyes turned to look forward to the first lotus, Hong Jian was so intoxicated that she looked at each other lovingly.

Yin Lihua listened to the elegant music, and yearned for Liu Xiu even more, and now she would like to make peace with her brocade se, and only after Zhen Zhen finished singing the next song, did she repeat what the other party sang: "Looking at the sun and the moon, leisurely I think. Yun Yuan of the Tao, Ge Yun can come? The gentleman of Baier does not know virtue. If you don’t ask for it, why don’t you cherish it??????”

The song of the two beauties comes from "The Book of Songs? Xiongzhi".

The servant who led the way before saw this situation, bowed and left, and reported to the master.After Yin Lihua's song was finished, Rou Ning's ten fingers lightly laid on the strings, and said warmly: "I heard that you are a good-looking and talented young master, and today we meet again, and he really deserves his name." Yao Zhenzhen laughed and said: "Miss, I have won the prize, can you please invite me?" Talk to my little brother." Yin Lihua was noncommittal, and said: "Young master is such a talented person, the beauties in the world will definitely yearn for him, and I wish you a good marriage." As soon as the words fell, Yao Zhenzhen joked: " Isn't the young lady a beautiful woman, where do I go to find her?"

The servant girls in the room couldn't help laughing, Yin Lihua said with a smile: "I heard that the young master is only 14 years old, and the little girl is four years older." Yao Zhenzhen giggled and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. They say girls The senior year is full of blessings and longevity, this young master will be blessed and live longer, wouldn't it be just right."

The maids in the room pushed and laughed, Cheng Hongjian said with restraint: "Let's tell her what we want in the future." At this moment, Yin Lihua sighed softly: "You two gentlemen don't need to explain, I already know."

Cheng Hongjian was stunned, and then he said knowingly: "No????????????????????????????????" Yin Lihua continued to herself: "My father brought the little girl to Qiyage to visit the young master, because Admiring the virtuous name, I just wanted to make friends. This time you came from a long way, my father must be very happy. It's just a little girl??????" After speaking, Yao Zhenzhen shook her head and sighed with a smile: "It's just that Miss is thinking about it, They are all people with black hair in their hands."

Yin Lihua thought about it, and asked in a trembling voice: "You?????? How did you know??????" Zhen Zhen smiled and said: "Not only do I know, but there are also good things. I wanted to talk to you It’s a pity that my little brother and I are always talking to each other outside the door, and I’m afraid we can’t say anything.” I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Hongjian Yupan", follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to watch Novel, talk about life, find a confidant~

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