defend the truth

Chapter 193: This Night

In this night, it is not only the remaining disciples of the Taiyi Sect who need to flee.

Since the mysterious monk appeared on Moon Mountain, the hounds hiding at the foot of the mountain were beaten into bald dogs.Although only a small number of them were able to break through the net surrounded by neon water smoke.

But in the end, there were still fish that slipped through the net and escaped, and the direction of their escape would inevitably coincide with the escape route of some disciples of the Taiyi Sect.

"Little brother, the suspension bridge has been built."

A submissive voice came to the ears of the freckled boy who was dozing off on the tree.

Of course, the freckled boy didn't really fall asleep. Those outer disciples who don't know how to live or die can feel at ease, but he can't.He is a person who has been on the battlefield. Once he goes down the mountain, he is ready to enter the battle at any time.

He couldn't sleep that night, and every night after that, he couldn't fall asleep either.

The freckled boy somersaulted from the crooked-neck tree, turned over and fell to the ground.He didn't even bother to take a look at that tall young man named Jiang Li. From the time he closed his eyes just now, amidst some small chattering voices, he already knew that this person was just a spineless dog.

The young man with freckles picked up the newly built vine suspension bridge and said with a playful smile, "Oh, the handwork is not bad! With this handicraft, I will wait for Qucai on the mountain! How about going down the mountain to weave straw sandals and sell them, and you can also do a great job! "

The meaning of ridicule is not concealed, but everyone can't do anything except being belittled to the point of embarrassment and looking ashen.Who made them recognize their grandsons just now, and now they deserve to be scolded?

But the young man laughed at him, and he didn't procrastinate when it was time to do serious things. He used his sword light to go back and forth, and a brand new suspension bridge was rebuilt at both ends of the canyon.

After the freckled boy returned to the crowd, his playfulness remained undiminished.With one hand behind him and the other open, he bowed slightly as if to invite guests to the door, and said with a smile: "Everyone, please! Or do you want to eat breakfast before going on the road?"

After all, everyone has a heart of shame, because of the young man's repeated cynicism, the shame and indignation accumulated in everyone's hearts can also encourage courage.

The team began to turn into long snakes, climbed up the suspension bridge hundreds of feet long, and walked staggeringly to the other side of the canyon above the clouds and mist.

Looking at those freckled fellows who walked like quails, they showed a mature look of indignation.He has to worry!In his opinion, protecting such a group of trash on the road, how could throwing their heads and spilling blood on Tianjian Square be as happy as it is?

The freckled boy recalled that when he was only 14 years old, he left the war-torn homeland in order to be able to enter the fairyland and also to survive.

After walking hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, I don't know how many turbulent rivers I have crossed, and how many dangerous peaks I have climbed with bare hands.He felt more and more that those people in front of him were not worthy of becoming monks.

The freckled boy couldn't help but muttered: "Stupid, the threshold of our Taiyi door is so low? Who dragged these bastards up the mountain?"

The freckled boy was about to look up to the sky and sigh, but he only lifted his head halfway, and his eyes were already wide open.Because at the same time, three sword lights happened to flash across the air, flying right above his head, flying towards the west.

There is no shelter here, such a long suspension bridge spans the canyon, unless you don't lower your head and look down, it's hard to guarantee that you won't be seen with the eyesight of a Qi practitioner.

Now I just hope that the other party really just happened to pass by, once they turn back, it is [-]% the enemy.

"Don't bother you, hurry up and cross the bridge!" The freckled boy couldn't help shouting angrily.It's not that he didn't even think about using the flying sword to drive them over like ducks.

Didn't I mention the bridge, hide in the opposite woods, and you'll be fine.

But at least when the three sword lights really turn back, no one will die because of the bridge breaking, and there will be no one left.

If such a tragedy really happened, who will bear the responsibility?Just thinking about it, the freckled boy felt that he was so innocent and it was too difficult to be a human being!

The boy's angry shout echoed several times in the empty and deep canyon, but the team on the bridge didn't increase much in speed except for a little restlessness.

The freckled boy almost vomited blood from anger, so he simply waved his sword finger, letting the flying sword hanging by his side shoot out sword energy towards the opposite cliff, knocking down several rocks weighing hundreds of catties with a flick of his fingers.At the same time, it caused the suspension bridge to shake violently a few times, which frightened everyone, almost turning pale.

However, the more exciting thing was the next warning from the freckled boy, "I will make dozens of calls. After ten calls, I will cut down the bridge. You can figure it out yourself!"

Who is the freckled boy?His contemporaries called him the "Great Demon King" in private, and the act of crossing the bridge just now has solidified his reputation as perverse and violent in the hearts of everyone.

Even if he is greedy for life and afraid of death, he dare not risk his own life to gamble on whether the freckled boy is just a simple threat.The people who were walking slowly were finally forced out of the ability to run away and run away.

It's a pity that this kind of awareness of scrambling to be the first came too late, when the freckled boy only counted to the third sound.The three sword lights had already come to their senses and turned back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Dozens of sword qi shot down in the air, clearly aiming at the people on the suspension bridge.

"Yangguan Avenue, you don't leave, why come back to seek death?"

The freckled boy shouted angrily, he didn't even step on the flying sword, he stepped heavily on the edge of the cliff, and suddenly rushed up.When it jumped to the highest point, a wide arc of sword energy slashed out from under the bloody sword!

There was a loud "bang", and the fluorescent light scattered in the night sky, which was extremely dazzling!

And that arc-shaped sword energy is like a scythe for mowing grass. Although the enemy has a lot of sword energy, they all explode and return to heaven and earth aura at the touch of a touch.

High in the sky, a bearded young monk, with excitement and surprise, sneered and said: "You are so young, with such surging spiritual power and amazing combat power? He must be a direct disciple of the Supreme Unity Sect! Guys, we've caught a big fish!"

And the young man with disheveled hair on the side also picked up a cruel smile, and said, "It really pays off! Tonight's trip was not in vain. After returning, we don't have to be looked down upon by others!"

The smile of the young man with loose hair gradually became stronger, and he was finally able to spit out the anger he was holding back.It's not that he loves this uninhibited look, it's because when he just escaped for his life, something unbearable happened.

Those monks with unknown origins and bad intentions seemed to be talking to the freckled boy on purpose, and the latter was furious and gritted his teeth.

In a young man's life, he could not bear to be underestimated, but on this day, his patience exceeded the limit!

And the boy's pupils were completely red after a blink of an eye, not a bloodshot red, but a bright red that radiated blood.

Then, the young man who looked like a madman turned around and swept with his sword!

"Little brother, you..."

The crimson sword gang set off a cruel blood mist above the canyon.Immediately, thousands of streaks of blood were sucked into the blood sword. The boy's face was ferocious, but his spirit was shocked!

"What's going on here?" The astonishing scene, even the enemies in the air were stunned!

" all have to die!"

That night, the bloodthirsty monster washed the sky with blood amidst the heart-piercing wailing!

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