defend the truth

Chapter 192: The Immortal

After Zhang Chaohu left the Xiaozhufeng secret mansion, he used the escape method at full speed, turned into a lightning bolt, and returned to the dojo in Xuanyue Mountain.

This ashram called Thunder Altar is extremely famous in the Taoist sects of the world, except for occupying the Xuanyue Mountain Scenic Langdongtian, a treasure land of practice.

The most mentioned by outsiders is that there is such a large immortal family dojo, and there are only one master and one apprentice sitting in it.

Of course, as a branch of Zhengyi Dao, Lei Mingtan cannot be viewed as an independent sect.

But don't say that it is a branch thousands of miles away from the sect, even some elders in the sect, there are only a very small number of them who only accept one apprentice.

If you look at it with common sense, it is only natural that Lei Mingtan has a hundred and No. 80 disciples.

But there are also people who give different voices. The Leiming altar altar master takes care of himself alone and never breaks the branches. In fact, it is correct, and it belongs to returning to the basics!

Like in ancient times, most monks practiced alone.At most, one or two apprentices will be accepted, leaving a legacy.

But I don't know when it started, practicing alone has turned into a group to keep warm.It seems that many people can do things better, and one person can gain the Tao, which is enough to ascend to heaven like chickens and dogs!

So what if there are thousands of disciples?Except for most of them who make up the numbers, how many of them can truly become immortals?

However, every altar master in the Thunder Altar has the ability to ascend at any time.

Seeing Zhang Chaohu hurried back to the dojo, the boys guarding the temple were all startled.Just because a few days ago, a certain person vowed to go to Longhu Mountain to beg for wine, and their share would be indispensable when he returned.

But how many days have you been away?The New Year's Eve is not here yet!Back so soon?

Such an abnormal scene naturally made these children panic, wondering if something big was about to happen!

After Zhang Chaohu came back, he didn't even visit his master, Master Ziyuan.He hurried back to his fairy mansion, and stepped into the secret training room that he hadn't stayed in for many years, as if he was going to retreat.

Zhang Chaohu's actions alone are already a huge anecdote to the Leiming Forum.Everyone here knows that this master has never seen him take the initiative to cultivate since he formed the alchemy, and they don't know how his cultivation has increased.

Although, the huge Jinglang Cave Heaven is exclusively occupied by the Thunder Altar.The monks who can practice here are not limited to Zhang Chaohu and his master.There are also some monks who serve as guest ministers, most of whom are from sects that He Zhengyi has made friends with, communicate with each other and enhance contact.

That's why Zhang Chaohu extended an invitation to Li Weizhen back then, hoping that he could go back to Xuanyue Mountain with him and practice here as a guest.With the aura of Jinglang Cave Heaven, if you find a better fairy mansion, your cultivation will definitely increase by a thousand miles.

Seeing Zhang Chaohu hastily go back to the mansion for retreat, many people are guessing that this master may have encountered a chance to break through outside, and he is preparing to break through the retreat!

It's a pity that everyone still misunderstood, Zhang Chaohu stayed in the practice room, but it was not for cultivation.She just wanted to use this turtle shell to protect her own body.What he wants to do is to get out of his body!

Whether it's shrinking the ground to an inch, or splitting the shadow to escape the sky, the speed of many escaping magic powers exerted through the physical body can reach the speed of traveling thousands of miles when the primordial spirit comes out of the body.

And as long as he had been to that place before, Zhang Chaohu's primordial spirit had already arrived at the place he thought of in almost a single thought.

Although, this heaven-defying supernatural power displayed through the primordial state will consume a lot of primordial power, but it will be done soon.

But in terms of simply rushing on the road, this is a luxury, and ordinary Yuanshen stage monks really can't enjoy it.

In just one thought, Zhang Chaohu has arrived at the land of Guibei, which is [-] miles away, at the foot of a huge mountain on an overseas fairy island.

Just to reach this fairy island, one has to break through the layers of dharma circles around it, otherwise, in the eyes of outsiders, this place will only be a lonely sea full of death mist.

Of course, Zhang Chaohu had already been here a long time ago, so naturally he didn't need to bother.But the problem is that this fairy island is not his final destination.

The place Zhang Chaohu wants to reach is not even in this world in a strict sense.The mountain in front of him is called "Luofeng Mountain", which is equivalent to a transit station leading to the underworld.

Ordinary people think that the underworld is just under their feet.As everyone knows, it is in another world at all, and you can't get there just by escaping, you have to find the entrance of the Yellow Spring Road.

And Luofeng Mountain is one of the entrances, also known as Xiaofengdu, Xiaoyouming.

Zhang Chaohu first tore open the entrance to Xiaofengdu with an unreasonable thunder method, but he didn't choose to enter it.Instead, he called out the Thunder Tiger called "Aman" first, and rode on Thunder Tiger's back, before blatantly trespassing on this otherworldly ghost.

After walking through a dark passage, a capital gradually appeared in front of my eyes, like the huge capital of a human dynasty, majestic and majestic!

In fact, ghosts and monsters are not so eerie.However, the sun will never shine here!But for those who are used to being out at night and like the night, this may be a rare place to stay!

Zhang Chaohu, who appeared riding a thunder tiger, was really majestic, but the ghost soldiers guarding outside the capital were not wandering ghosts in the mortal world, but ghost officials who ate public food in the underworld and were recorded in the roster.

Facing the unfriendly Zhang Chaohu, a nine-foot tall ghost soldier who was obviously different from other gun-wielding ghost soldiers, with a long knife on his waist, resolutely blocked Leihu's path.

The tall ghost general who can be called a hero among ghosts is naturally a person with eyesight. Even before he became a ghost general, he was also a mortal monk, so he can naturally see Zhang Chaohu's extraordinary.Once there is friction between the two sides, neither he nor his comrades will be the opponent of this unexpected guest.

But this is not a reason for the tall ghost to let go, at most it is a respectful tone.He clasped his fists at Zhang Chaohu and said, "I am the general soldier of Luofeng ghosts and five ghosts chasing souls: Wen Liang, dare to ask the god, what is the purpose of coming to this ghost?"

For Zhang Chaohu, who was able to ask the righteous gods of the Ministry of Leisure to borrow a law, a mere underworld general who is not even a miscellaneous general is not enough to look at.But he admired the other party's neither humble nor overbearing attitude, and he was very suitable to be his herald.

Zhang Chaohu cleared his voice, and said solemnly: "I came here to pay a visit to Xie Wuyan. Of course, it's okay to let him come out to see me!"


The tall ghost general yelled angrily, and brazenly pointed his knife at Zhang Chaohu. He had a blue face, but now his face was even darker against the ghost aura exhaled from his nostrils.

And that group of ghost soldiers also consciously formed a battle formation, pointing their spears at Zhang Chaohu.

It's because, in their view, Zhang Chaohu's brazen words are already tantamount to provocation, challenging the majesty of the entire Luo Feng ghost!

In the final analysis, it is because the Xie Wuzhang that Zhang Chaohu said is exactly the name of the person in charge of this ghost!

Ghost Immortal Emperor - Xie Wuhai!

Seeing that he seemed to be outraged by the public, Zhang Chaohu quickly waved his hands and said, "Everyone, don't hurt your temper! Your master and I used to be able to chat for a few words. We are all friends of our family, so don't just copy guys at every turn?"

"Wen Liang, isn't it? I'm sorry, please let me know that Mr. Zhang from Tianloulei Mansion is here!"

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