defend the truth

Chapter 186: The Last Stand

It was unclear whether it was Jian Guang who set off the huge waves, or the huge waves pushing up Jian Guang.

It was only Li Weizhen who slashed with his sword, followed by a huge wave with a height of tens of feet.He pushed him into the air, including the sword and the man.

When the waves reached the highest point, they did somersaults in the air and landed on the water again.

And after the tide went down, the uninvited guest also revealed his true body.It was a huge black snake with an elephant's waist, light purple patterns, a body length of seventeen or eight feet, and a head like a triangular soldering iron.

On the forehead of the black snake, there are also two dark green horns that resemble crystal stones. The two small crystal horns emit a faint light, which makes this huge monster even more majestic and extraordinary in appearance.

After Li Weizhen quickly looked up the knowledge about snakes and pythons in his mind, he already roughly knew the origin of this black snake.

According to the records in "Chemical History. Volume [-]. Orochi Ji", this black snake should be named: Green Horned Black Viper.

The green-horned black viper has four horns on its head, two green crystal horns on the forehead, which are the most eye-catching, and two thorn-like horn scales grow above the eye sockets.

There are two rows of spike-like horned scales on the back, and the scales on both sides near the abdomen are jagged.

There is also a network of lavender patterns on the back scales, which are complex and mysterious. If it is in the sun, it will definitely shine.

The adult green-horned black viper can reach a size of more than ten feet, but compared to the real body of its distant cousin, the forest poisonous water boa, it is really nothing.

However, the frightening thing about the green-horned black adder is that it is dozens of times more poisonous than the forest poisonous anaconda, and it is also a notorious blood poisoner.

Compared with the forest poisonous anaconda, it needs to absorb the natural poisonous miasma and refine the acquired poisonous mist in the body.

The toxicity of the green-horned black viper comes from the natural blood power, and the powerful poisonous talent makes them often have the ability to kill the enemy by leaps and bounds.

And because of its natural strength, the green-horned black viper is also more greedy and aggressive.They like to challenge monsters that are stronger than themselves. As long as their opponents cannot kill them quickly, they can consume their prey to death with their terrifying poison.

After that, it is time to eat, drink, and find a place to sleep, so that the cultivation level can increase.

Being targeted by such an existence among monsters, which can also be called a top predator, really made Li Weizhen feel his scalp tingle.

After the first fight, the green-horned black viper climbed onto a muddy shoal, pulling away from Li Weizhen by several feet.But this is definitely not an evasive gesture, because this monster snake never backs down.

The green-horned black viper began to curl up and press tightly into a circle. This is its unique attack posture, which can make the muscles of the whole body dormant and maintain elasticity, ready to make a strong bite at any time.

At the same time, by rubbing the jagged scales, there will be a "rustling sound" similar to a saw, which is loud and piercing!And when the prey hear this sound, it's time to cheer up.

The green-horned black viper slightly swayed its weird snake head like a branding iron, and those pale golden snake eyes showed a strong sense of scrutiny, giving people a taste of understanding human nature.And after looking around, it finally locked its eyes on Li Weizhen.

And Xia Chan, who stood on the tree trunk, her face was as white as a sheet of paper, said in a crying voice, "Senior brother Li, what should we do?"

A very depressing statement, but it is a portrayal of reality.In the midst of hopeless terror, what was there to do but fight to the death or run for our lives?

But the point of despair is that the cultivation of this colossal monster in front of him is definitely not lower than the initial stage of concentration.Even monsters on land, once their cultivation level is comparable to that of human monks, most of them have the ability to ride the clouds and travel thousands of miles.

It's not an existence that Yujian can easily get rid of.

After Li Weizhen knew the identity of the black snake, he hastily replaced the flying sword in his hand with the earth-attributed Shuofeng, while Zhan Gang hung by his side and waited for orders.

Facing this kind of monster with dual attributes of water and wood at the same time, and still encountered in this dangerous land, it is unintentionally a wiser choice to regard the Shuofeng Sword as the main flying sword.

Li Weizhen even secretly regretted in his heart that he didn't refine the giant sword in time to use it for himself, otherwise it would have increased some temporary combat power.

Of course, in the end it was just an unrealistic fantasy. After a series of encounters today, he simply didn't have the extra effort to refine that flying sword.What's more, his original idea was to sell it.

Li Weizhen held tightly the Shuofeng Sword that was glowing with gray-white sword light, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "This guy's target is me, I will try my best to delay time for you!"

Xia Chan's thin lips, which were like pink petals, couldn't help trembling, tears were gurgling, and she desperately shook her head in response.

And Zhao Hongxue's two cinnabar red moles were even more angry and pressed his eyebrows, and said in a stern voice: "You don't look down on people there anymore, do you really think you are great?" After finishing speaking, the scarlet flying sword in her hand slammed Crush the flames, and the mighty sword move is ready to go.

Luo Yicheng's eyes were as firm as his name, and the long knife in his hand was cold.He strolled to Li Weizhen's side, and said boldly: "Although you and I entered the mountain gate at the same time, we have never really fought side by side. We should not have such regrets in this life!"

Li Weizhen smiled miserably, but his figure suddenly rushed out, with sword energy like a rainbow!

"Then let's die here together!"

In an instant, the body of the green-horned black viper also shot out like a violent spear. Between the lightning and the flint, with the hard crystal horns on its head, it flexibly and skillfully resisted the sword energy of Li Wei's true energy penetrating Changhong.Then, with a flick of his head, he couldn't help but disperse the sword energy, and even removed the cold light that followed.

But at this time, the green-horned black viper just opened its bloody mouth, revealing the slender fangs hidden in the upper jaw, shaped like a scimitar, full of poisonous gas!

After the offensive was completely parried, Li Wei, with a livid face, couldn't talk about ups and downs in his heart. The difference in strength between the two sides was so obvious that it was only natural to miss a single blow.

Subconsciously, before the fangs cut his neck, Li Weizhen forcibly displayed the movement he had prepared for, and made a strange sharp turn in mid-air. After barely avoiding the fangs, he landed on the snake's head with a series of afterimages.He didn't dare to stay longer, and with a little tiptoe, he turned over and jumped to a higher altitude.

Because, at the same time, Luo Yicheng's snow-white saber aura and Zhao Hongxue's flaming sword light also came later.It hit the blue-horned black viper's forehead with a single brain, and there was a "boom", and there was a huge explosion!

And in the smoke generated by the combination of ultimate moves, the green-horned black viper quickly retracted its body, and took a tight coiling posture again.It is obvious that the attack just now did not cause the slightest damage visible to the naked eye.

The majestic crown is still intact, not even a single scale has been knocked off.Let everyone despair again and suffer unspeakably.

As a monster, with such a powerful body, if he has considerable magic power, how easy is it to dominate one side?

Therefore, in the eyes of the green-horned black viper, just by smelling the breath of these four, they already feel that they are extraordinarily delicious blood food, and there is absolutely no reason to miss them.

These flesh and blood exuding pure aura, this is a nourishing medicine to increase mana!

Especially the guy who took the lead in attacking it, this little guy actually has an aura that can suppress its bloodline?Intuition tells it that as long as it eats this guy, it will be of great benefit to the future when it goes into the river and turns into a dragon!

"Don't stop, keep the bottom of the box and go to the Palace of the King of Hades to show yourself?"

Li Weizhen, who didn't want to be a food in his stomach, was not discouraged yet, he yelled angrily and waved his sword.The two flying swords under his command began to intertwine with each other, rubbing against each other, creating a combination of wind and thunder, shaped like an awl for chiseling stones, chiseling down with great force!

Red flowers are bound to bloom on the black snake's head, preferably red and white splashes!

In a last stand, one must be unreserved and vigorous!


The thunder and sword light came fiercely, and the green-horned black viper couldn't help spitting out the letter angrily. The crystal horns on its head were shining brightly, and they collided angrily with the spear-like snake head!


Then there was another loud explosion, but the sound was only several times stronger, so that the airflow exploded under the strong collision caused the surrounding trees to shake crazily.

Some "weak" trees whose torsos were only the size of a person's arms wrapped around them, were shaken less than twice under the impact of the airflow, and were actually broken in the middle, extremely innocent!

Under Li Weizhen's all-out blow, the green-horned black viper was not easy this time. One-third of its erected body was swaying, and it was obviously hard to completely remove it, forcing it into the body.

But even so, this huge snake with an extremely strong body was still not knocked off half of its scales.

On the other hand, Li Weizhen had blood dripping from his fingertips.He was already injured, but because of this powerful blow, the white gauze wrapped around his arm was shattered, and the wound also burst open.

Li Weizhen let his right arm hang down, conveying as much spiritual power as possible to the meridians of his left hand, and spread the five fingers of his left hand like eagle claws to control the two swords and continue to exert pressure on the black snake.

In this way, the green-horned black adder couldn't withdraw its body and regain its strength, and a large area of ​​its belly scales would also be exposed.

Li Weizhen really didn't believe it, every scale on this guy's body was equally hard, and he was able to treat the flying sword's sharpness as nothing.

Although, Li Weizhen's left hand also has an old injury that has not healed, and a new injury has occurred.But there is really no way to worry so much. If you risk your life, can you still care about losing a hand?

However, there is one thing that Li Weizhen really cares about, he shouted angrily: "Can you hurry up?"

The tacit understanding between this team that came together temporarily is really not satisfactory.The follow-up attacks that were supposed to come one after another have not yet arrived. Seeing that the opportunity is about to slip through the fingers, it is really frustrating!

And the thoughts will inevitably become sad again.

Recalling those former colleagues who are now separated from each other, and even separated forever.The sense of loneliness of not being able to rest assured to hand over his back is lingering.

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