defend the truth

Chapter 185: Difficulty in Traveling

Compared with Li Weizhen and his party, the undercurrent of trying to cross the Shadow Swamp is surging.

The rugged mountain road that the dozen or so people headed by the freckled boy was also full of ups and downs.

Li Weizhen and the others are able to control the sword, but they try not to control the sword as much as possible.

As for the freckled boy, he wanted to control the sword, but he could only think about it.He was the only Qi trainer in the team, he was happy and had no loyalty by himself, and he didn't have the ability to bring everyone with him, it was really aggrieved.

But the more embarrassing thing is yet to come. The goal of the team is Dayanling, which is a majestic mountain range including the main vein, branch veins, and residual veins. The overall range is not smaller than the Yuelun Mountain Range.

The freckled boy had also been to Jishuijian in the hinterland of Dayanling in the past.That was when he had just joined Yuzhantang, and his first mission was to follow Li Weizhen and go down the mountain to eliminate a mountain spirit that endangered the people.

It was a long-tailed ape, which had been cultivated into a half-human, half-demon appearance. It had a high level of intelligence and knew how to use the environment. It even took hostages to gain advantages for itself. In addition, it had killed people and had an extremely violent temperament.

Rao the cultivation level of the ape spirit is only equivalent to the Dzogchen period of the Qi training period of a human monk, and there is no magic weapon available.

But relying on the joint efforts of the young man and Li Weizhen, he had to chase and kill the ape for nearly half a month before finally killing it at Jishuijian.

Therefore, the young man with freckles was very impressed with the Jishuijian and Dayanling.After all, during those half a month, he often suffered from hair loss in the mountains.

It's the first time I went down the mountain to perform a task, so it's okay if I didn't get a good performance.He also made mistakes again and again, which made Li Weizhen take care of the aftermath for him.

Thinking of the unbearable past, the freckled boy subconsciously wanted to scratch the back of his head again.

However, the shame and embarrassment of the past was nothing compared to the huge canyon that lay before the young man's eyes.

There is no need to confirm again and again, the boy is already sure that he is leading the wrong way.

Although this is indeed the shortest shortcut to Jishuijian, as long as you fly over the canyon, the road behind is easy.

But the problem is that, except for the freckled boy, no one in the team can "swish" and leap hundreds of feet to reach the opposite side of the canyon.

Send them over one by one?It is a simple and effective method, if the freckled boy does not intend to take his face into consideration.

If it were Li Weizhen, he should have done that.And if it was Fu Lichi, he should turn around silently and find another way.

But the freckled boy was a boy at heart after all, so he thought of a more interesting way.

The boy first found a lot of thick vines, and asked everyone to help them connect a section of vines that were tens of feet long, until he had two super-long vines that were longer than the width of the canyon.

Later, some branches were cut down and some planks were cut out. Everyone already understood that this was a battle to build a suspension bridge.

This is what the freckled boy can do. He would rather mobilize the crowd, and he would go back and forth to participate in it. The euphemistic name is: Blessings are shared, and difficulties are shared!He didn't easily admit that he had led the wrong way, or bent his knees to be the ferryman and sent everyone to the other side one by one.

I don't read much juvenile books, but I am quite clever.After doing this, it seems that everyone is working together to tide over the difficulties, which is more or less a kind of tempering.

There is a saying that "everyone gathers firewood, and the fire burns high", and the vine-wood suspension bridge hundreds of feet long was built quickly.After the freckled boy took one end of the suspension bridge and flew the Yujian to the opposite side of the canyon, and fixed it, he could pass.

Although the suspension bridge was crudely built, there was only one wooden plank every two or three steps, and the mountain wind swayed so badly that it was impossible for ordinary people to pass through it.

But for the dozen or so outer disciples at the foundation establishment stage, all they need is a foothold in the air, so that they can use it to display their body skills.Although the suspension bridge is crude, it does not hinder their agility.

Of course, in theory, it does.But in fact, it is inevitable to have concerns.

To cross the canyon with this simple suspension bridge, no less than a hundred vertical jumps are required.Once you are looking for the landing point, if you step on the ground, you will lose your balance and fall into the valley of thousands of feet.

At that time, even if there is cultivation in the body, it will be smashed to pieces and die.

Yu Jian, a young man with freckles, returned to the gathering place of the team, looked at those hesitant faces, and asked knowingly: "People who practice, meet mountains and open mountains, and build bridges when meeting water. Now that there is a bridge, why don't you go there?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one wanted to step forward first, and no one gave the boy an answer.

Seeing the young man's face darken, the tall and thin young woman with pointed cheeks and thin mouth quickly gave a wink to the thick-browed young man beside her.Although the latter has a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes, his appearance is outstanding, but it is a pity that his eyes are dull.According to the Xiangshu, this person is probably hesitant when encountering problems, and rarely has his own opinions.

The thick-browed young man understood the meaning of the woman beside him, but he shook his head slightly, turning back the intention of the other party with his eyes.

The young woman immediately glared at each other sharply, and with a subtle movement, she ruthlessly pinched the waist and abdomen of the thick-browed young man.

The young man with thick eyebrows suffered from pain, but he didn't dare to speak out, fearing that he would continue to anger the woman next to him, so he had no choice but to fulfill her wish.

The thick-browed young man turned around to face the freckled young man, bowed slightly and said, "Little senior brother, Jiang Li. Everyone thinks that this suspension bridge is so crude, just in case, why don't I consolidate and perfect it carefully, It will be much safer."

The freckled boy thought to himself: I have an opinion, but didn't I say it earlier?Now that the bridge has been erected, why are you here to run on me collectively?These people are really interesting!

The young man knew very well that most of the people in front of him were older than him, and some of them were "senior" who had already started a few years ago, but they had never broken through the foundation building, so they were stuck in the status of outer disciples.

That "Little Senior Brother" sounded probably out of resentment and reluctance.

The freckled boy pretended to be scratching his head in embarrassment, and stammered, " that so? Brother Jiang is right, this case, we will have to delay a lot of time. "

Seeing that the boy was always a boy, the thick-browed youth couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, straightened his back a little, and waved his hands as if making up his mind for him, "Hey, that's wrong, after all, human life is at stake, so don't be careless. "

The freckled boy nodded slightly and said: "Since you all think so, I think it's better to be like this! Anyway, we have already walked a long way, and everyone should be a little tired. I will take back the suspension bridge and install wooden boards." Just leave it to me, everyone, hurry up and rest, let's wait until dawn before going on the road!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and they all showed joy.The thick-browed youth nodded and responded: "Little brother, what you said is true. After dawn, the mountain road will be easier to walk!"

The freckled boy walked to the edge of the cliff, turned his back to everyone with a playful smile, "Well, let's make it so!"

After all, the young man raised the blade of the sword in his hand without warning, and slashed it down. The suspension bridge that had just been erected broke with a sound. The sound of breaking echoed in the canyon unconsciously, stunned everyone.

This time, it was the turn of the thick-browed youth to stammer and say: "Little...little brother, why is that?"

The freckled boy turned around slowly, and said with a sneer, "Don't call me little brother, I am your uncle, the ancestor of your grandchildren!"

The stern young man raised a finger, shook his head and said, "But no matter what, I'm not your real father, I'm your uncle, I won't serve you!"

Everyone's faces turned pale, and everyone bowed their heads in silence.

But once the young man's swearing mouth was opened, it was not easy to close it.

"I am your uncle, but you grandsons want to be my ancestors? Are your heads caught in the door? Now you are fleeing, but you want to go on the road comfortably?"

The young man pointed behind him, "Okay! Either way, you're dead. If you jump this far, you'll have a good pregnancy in your next life, and you'll have everything!"

Seeing that the young man is not very old, these people think that he has no cultivation and no intelligence.

As everyone knows, what kind of people does the boy deal with on weekdays.It's really a mouse playing with a cat, and it doesn't know how to live or die!

Seeing that the crowd looked like they couldn't get a fart out of them with sticks, the young man felt that it would be pointless to continue cursing, so he waved his hands with a straight face and said, "I'll give you two ways to go now, or you can fend for yourself, I don't care about life or death. Either start again and get a suspension bridge out, at most I'll hang it up for you, don't bother me about other things!"

"Sleepy, go to bed!"

After finishing speaking, the boy yawned and jumped onto an ancient tree with a crooked neck growing on the edge of the cliff.A branch on the tree is just enough for him to lean on and lie down halfway, and it looks quite comfortable!

The young man turned a deaf ear to the whispers of the crowd.Of course, if he really got tired of hearing it, his flying sword was always hanging by his side.

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