defend the truth

Chapter 169: Absolute Dragon Formation

Rui Hongchang kept his eyes closed and controlled the sword all the way. He didn't see people with the naked eye, but relied on his unique magical power in the exercises he had learned: the mind eye of reincarnation.

Whenever he points his sword like a bright sword out of its scabbard, the four dharma protectors behind him will follow the point of the "sword's edge" and pull out those scumbags who think they have hidden well from their caves. dismembered.

As a result, the rest of the people who followed have all become idle spectators.

Later, many people came to their senses, and it turned out that when swimming with the big fish, they would not even catch the leftovers.So they spread out their nets and made meritorious deeds according to their own abilities.

After chasing for more than a thousand miles, Rui Hongchang found that there were still traces of the enemy ahead?

For most of the Golden Alchemists, it takes a quarter of an hour to travel more than a thousand miles.

For Rui Hongchang, it was nothing. If he hadn't had to suppress his speed a little bit, the Four Swords Guardians would have fallen behind.At this time, he had already flown hundreds of miles ahead.

What Rui Hongchang wondered was, among those fleeing remnants, there should be no Jindanke left?

Why is there still such a trace ahead?And the breath left behind is clearly similar to the one that was followed all the way.It wasn't some passing monk who accidentally left behind to confuse the public.

If this is the case, wouldn't the speed of Yu Jian's escape to the sky for the person who was still fleeing in front be not inferior to him, a top-rank Golden Core cultivator?

Rui Hongchang hesitated a little. Although he hadn't gone down the mountain for many years, it can be said that he had been out of battle for a long time.But he is not a fledgling stunned young man. He was also known for his resourcefulness when he became famous.

Right now, it really looks like a bureau, a bureau that invites you into the urn.

Rui Hongchang asked himself: "Could it be possible that the kid really made a promise, so the poor should not chase after him?"

"Master, there are another three hundred miles to go, and we will enter the boundary of "Yuxiaomen". Shall we continue to pursue?" Among the four swords of Dharma Guardian, the disciple who is the head of the sword said expressionlessly.

Yuxiaomen, located to the northeast of Taiyimen, belongs to the orthodox sect of Xuanmen. Strictly speaking, it is a vassal sect protected by Zixiaozong.

A year ago, when the situation in Tiannan Territory began to be turbulent, the weak Yuxiaomen quickly approached the mountain of Zixiaozong.

Such behaviors of selling one's body for glory are mostly shameless for the local Taoist sects in the Tiannan Territory. Although the Zixiao Sect is powerful, they are outsiders from the neighboring mainland after all.

To put it a bit harsher, the Taoist schools in Tiannan have always been "brothers fighting against the wall and defending against their humiliation".

Back then the Taiyi Sect was in such a difficult situation, they still silently abide by this rule.But now that the Yuxiao Gate has opened this precedent, it is hard to guarantee that there will not be more powerful forces interfering in domestic affairs in a big way in the future.

In the eyes of Taiyimen, Yuxiaomen's behavior is not only shameless, but also deeply pressured invisibly.Who can be sure that this is not a plan for long-distance and short-term attack.

With the banner of the Zixiao Sect, they secretly suppressed the neighboring sects including the Taiyi Sect, encroaching on them day by day, swallowing elephants with snakes!

Therefore, after hearing the reminder from the guardian behind him, Rui Hongchang's hesitant face became firm in an instant, and he said in a deep voice: "Could it be possible that the Yuxiaomen still dare to protect those thieves? They'd better see it with their own eyes." Come on, what will happen to the enemy of my Supreme Unity Sect!"

A group of five people continued to go deep alone, until they crossed the maze and came to a valley with towering mountains and dangerous peaks, and then completely lost the enemy's trace.

It is notorious that there are mountains all over Tiannan.The valley here is even more deeply hidden among the mountains and rivers of thousands of rivers.

The top of the highest mountain can penetrate seven or eight layers of clouds, and the deep pool, which is as flat as a mirror, can't be found by spiritual consciousness.

Being in the valley, surrounded by mist and mist, it is quiet and eerie everywhere.

This place is probably a desperate place that even the fairy boy who gathers medicine is afraid of danger, and humans, beasts and creatures can't avoid it!

Just when Rui Hongchang realized that the mind of reincarnation he relied on was inexplicably suppressed here, unable to reveal his supernatural powers, and he felt withdrawn again.

Several scarlet chains, carrying a billowing evil aura, rushed from among the mountains in all directions!

"Mice, get out!"

The four swords of the Dharma protectors are like facing a big enemy, occupying the guards in all directions, and Rui Hongchang stands in the center of the ground, sacrificing the Shuanghe sword, stirring up the situation in Liuhe.

The ice river, like a raging dragon in the abyss of war, couldn't help repelling the chains, protecting the five people well, and even condensed the misty smoke that was lingering and lingering into a thin frost, which shattered to the ground, making the mountains and rivers appear clear.

However, if the authorities are confused, you can still be lucky; but if the authorities are clear, your face will be ashamed in an instant.

At this moment, Rui Hongchang had just completely seen the pattern in all directions.In the trend of the mountain range and the valley, there are nine town towers standing impressively, as if they are adding evil to the dragon!

"Nine evil dragon formation!"

This name seems very fierce and sinister, but Rui Hongchang, who has read the ancient books, knows that this is a mountain formation that originated from the authentic inheritance of Taoism!

It is formed according to the specific mountain trend, as long as the location is found correctly, let alone the carefully crafted town platform, even nine spirit stones can play a role.

This mountain range is like a green dragon entering the tomb, looking for death, and it is the place where the dragon is buried.

Now, someone with a heart takes advantage of the opportunity to sacrifice and practice into a formation, plus the nine evil spirits of "defeat, kill, poverty, rush, dump, filth, prison, wither, and utterly" to trap Yinlong with fierce light, gather the fierce energy of heaven and earth, and close the door , Shut up dead households!

The correct use of this formation should be to trap the dead energy in the Yin Sha land, preventing it from escaping and endangering the living beings of one party.

It can be said that there is absolutely no evil spirit in the hundreds of miles outside this valley.Any sneaky ghosts who pass by are easily drawn into the formation, trapped here and unable to survive.

Of course, as long as the cultivation base is high enough, it is not difficult to break through the formation, as long as the towers are smashed, every time a tower is destroyed, the power of the formation will be reduced by one layer.

However, since you have the intention to invite you into the urn, how can you just sit back and watch the guests break through safely?

On every town platform, there is a monk standing impressively. Everyone's face is full of joy, which is completely different from the lifelessness that fills the world.

The aura of cultivation revealed by these nine people is not shocking to the world, only the person occupying the killing position has stepped into the realm of golden core.

Rui Hongchang guessed that it was this person who brought him here just now.I can't help hating it to the bone, wishing I could put it in a cauldron and burn it for 49 days to get rid of my hatred!

But there is still a mystery in the Nine Shattered Dragon Array, that is, the nine defenders can all be blessed by the town, the lower the strength, the more promotion they get.

In other words, these nine defenders may all have the strength to fight Rui Hongchang.

As for whether they are evenly matched, or whoever stabilizes the other, then only the real fight will know.

Rui Hongchang moved Jianhe angrily, and slashed towards the dry position whose strength should be above the middle, not the poor position who should be the weakest.

Without it, how can longevity wood die?

If he really fell here, he would not even have an afterlife!

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