defend the truth

Chapter 168: All living beings after the catastrophe

"A Yi, blood coagulation nectar, hurry up!"

"Brother Wen, no more..."

"What are you talking about, speak up!"

"The blood coagulation nectar is gone, and even the golden sore medicine, Xiaohuandan, and Shisui powder, there are only seven or eight copies left... We have no medicines!"

There had never been such a large number of wounded patients in the medicine hut.

In a ward with hundreds of beds, it is now necessary to place seriously injured and dying disciples in the corridor.

Since the start of the battle, Wen Renyu has been rescuing the wounded, and now it is heard that the battle is over, but the battle that belongs to him is just at a tragic time.

Beside Wen Renyu, a newly promoted disciple of Yaohu, wept into tears. He was not scolded for crying, nor was he scared to cry because he saw too much blood and blood.

The reason why this Yaolu disciple couldn't stop crying was entirely because of the doctor's pity for the loss of life, and his own self-blame for his helplessness.

If it was normal, Wen Renyu would definitely comfort him and appreciate his quality.

However, now, Wen Renyu wants to cry herself.It's just because he is the second in command of the medicine house and the backbone of the young disciples.If even he collapsed, then this medicine house would collapse in an instant just like the gate archway.

Wen Renyu could only ask calmly, "What's going on? Where's the medicine in the warehouse?"

The Yaohu disciple sobbed and said, "Brother, I don't know something. Unfortunately, the warehouse was burned down by the flames from the sky."

"Is it possible that it was the previous shock?"

Wen Renyu really didn't know about it. All along, he had been rescuing the seriously wounded in the rejuvenation room. When the treatment started, he had to concentrate on it.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if an enemy kills Shang Yaolu, as long as Wen Renyu is still trying to save people, he will not take half a step towards the Rejuvenation Room.

And how do you know that because of a sudden fire, one-third of the current medicine house has actually been destroyed.

Wen Renyu speeded up the movements of his hands to remove the blood clots in the skull of the wounded on the bed, and asked in a deep voice, "Is the pharmacy still open?"

"Yes, the pharmacy is safe and sound!"

Wen Renyu nodded, and continued: "Arrange some manpower, go to the medicine garden to collect some medicinal materials as much as possible, and don't be afraid of the immature ones. It is better to have less effective medicine than no medicine. Prioritize refining a batch of hemostatic and analgesic medicines." The medicine came out. Go!"

The disciple hurried out, and the other hurriedly took care of his original work.

Now the disciples of the medicine house who share the same room with Wen Renyu are all immature faces with little experience. Half a year ago, they were still working tirelessly in Taiyi Academy.

All experienced disciples are now busy treating the wounded, the burden on everyone's shoulders is very heavy, and there is really nothing to shoulder.

Without the support of the elixir, Wen Renyu would spend several times as much spiritual energy in treating the wounded as before.His face gradually became pale as paper.


"What are you doing? I said wipe my sweat!"

In the face of these newcomers in a hurry and the "hopelessly" wounded, it is really: the house leaks and it rains all night, and the boat is late and the wind is blowing!

On the other side, at the foot of the mountain, Li Weizhen sat paralyzed on the ground, staring at the Fan brothers who died tragically in front of him, dazed for a long time.

On the one hand, Li Weizhen has a splitting headache and feels dizzy when he stands up;

Let me ask Li Weizhen, who has experienced hundreds of battles, it is also the first time in his impression that he has seen the eyes of a dead person, they can stare so big that they almost jump out of their sockets.

There is also Fan Jihai, whose chest is like a piece of duck skin, only the skeleton and meat membrane are left, and the outer layer of flesh and blood has been cut off including the belt.Is this the death of a living being drained of essence and blood?Or is it painful?

But one thing, Li Wei can really be sure that it was done by him, but not by himself.

Ever since Li Weizhen listened to the voice in his head saying that it could help him make a quick decision, he gradually lost consciousness.

Especially after the inverse scale was taken off, his world became even darker before his eyes, and soon he completely lost all perception of the outside world.

After regaining consciousness, at some point, the rain stopped and the sky gradually cleared up.

Not long after, Li Weizhen saw the sky above his head, and a group of disciples of the Taiyi sect flew past quickly.Looking at the momentum, it doesn't look like fleeing, but more like a hunter chasing prey.

Later, he even saw the blue bird belonging to Linghutian fly by, which made Li Weizhen very happy, and wanted to catch up, but he couldn't do anything, so he had to give up.

Thinking about it, I should have retreated from the enemy. After the remnant party is wiped out, there should be a reunion that I was looking forward to!

After having this thought, Li Weizhen simply stopped thinking about other things.I started to compete with myself, racking my brains to know what memory I was missing.

Gradually, he began to sulk.

It was rare for him to lend his body out, but how the person who borrowed his physical body shouted to him now, just kept silent, as if he didn't exist at all.Just like an old Lai hiding in Tibet!

The problem is, I just want the other party to give an explanation of the process, and I don't really want him to pay back, is it embarrassing?

Li Weizhen said to himself: "Let me tell you, if you pretend to be deaf and dumb again, don't expect me to let you out in the future. When I can go in and face you face to face, you just wait for me every now and then. I'll beat you up!"

"You live in my place, pretending to be a calf with me? Okay, just remember..."

After scolding until his throat was almost smoking, Li Weizhen felt that he had regained some strength, and his head didn't hurt so much.So he got up and planned to pack up and go back to the mountain to see the situation.

Li Weizhen first picked up the ownerless two-handed giant sword "Juque". The material of this earth attribute flying sword should be "Wutu" which is more masculine.Rough and steady, it is a guardian sword!

In terms of quality, Ju Que and Zhan Gang should be comparable, but compared to Zhan Gang, Ju Que is more compatible with Li Weizhen's skills and attributes, thus providing more assistance.

But it's a pity that they are not completely consistent with each other. Li Weizhen himself is very clear, because the natural nature of his spiritual root is more inclined to Gengjin among the golden spirits!

Yang metal is more suitable to match with yin soil, so as to achieve the harmony of yin and yang.That's why Jin Cheng made him a new "Shuofeng Sword" to help him raise his combat power to another small level.

If he had gotten the Shuofeng Sword before, maybe Li Weizhen would have liked this giant que very much. Although it was a bit off, he would use it conveniently.

But nowadays, it is somewhat tasteless.As for the idea of ​​replacing Zhan Gang with Ju Que, he didn't even think about it at all.

Li Wei really cherishes the people and things that helped him when he was still in his infancy.

Of course, Juque is a good sword, it is a pity that it is so dusty.

Li Weizhen rolled his eyes, and a figure appeared in his mind, Fu Lichi with his pockets bulging, Mr. Fu!

As for how to sell this giant que for a good price, that is something that Cai Ruoxian should consider.

Li Wei really didn't mind paying an extra fee, since the wool came from the sheep anyway.

In order to fiddle with Leizhu, Li Weizhen is really poor now!He lost his position as the governor and lost a considerable monthly salary.

It's still the same old saying, it's okay for adults to live frugally, but you can't suffer for the two little dolls in the house!

After thinking about the expenses that are now beyond his means, Li Weizhen has much less resistance to the next act of searching among the dead.

And in Tianjian Square, there is also a figure busy working.

Cai Ruoxian, who looked weak, was sitting cross-legged in meditation, but he couldn't calm down when he saw the freckled boy busy.Reluctantly said: "Brother Duan, didn't I tell you, do you need to restrain yourself? It will be really bad if someone sees it later!"

The freckled boy waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay! There are still three bottles, stop when you're done filling them! This is the blood essence of Jindanke! How can you let it go to waste for a treasure that is hard to find even with drums and gongs?" Woolen cloth?"

Fu Lichi, who was also almost depleted of spiritual power, sneered: "We are all exhausted, but you are running around! With this energy, don't chase the remnants of the enemy, wait for the master to come back. I will definitely punish you for the crime of not fighting!"

The freckled boy shrugged his shoulders and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? The master said that the pig disciple obeys orders, and I'm not a pig, so I definitely won't go!"

"That Zhu, is the Zhu next to the words..."

"Forget it, don't spend too much time talking to an uneducated person like you!"

Fu Lichi rolled his eyes, got up and walked a lot farther away, simply out of sight.

At this time, a young man dressed as a disciple of the medicine house came running from a distance, and he hurriedly shouted to the three of them: "Senior brothers, do you know a senior named Fu Lichi?" ?”

The freckled boy raised his hand without thinking, "Here, that's the stinky face!"

Fu Lichi looked a little displeased, but he still nodded and replied, "I'm the one you're looking for! What's your business?"

Overjoyed, the young man from the Yaolu ran to Fu Lichi's side, but his face showed embarrassment, and he hesitated and said: "Brother Fu, I'm here to deliver a message for Elder Fu... She said... Elder Fu said that he wanted to see you!"

Fu Lichi couldn't help frowning, and said sharply, "Speak clearly!"

The young man from the medicine hut was startled, but his words were sharp, he quickly stood up and said: "Elder Fu has been seriously injured, he is about to die, he really is about to die!"

Fu Lichi was struck by lightning immediately, and he stood there in a daze, like a statue carved in stone.

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