defend the truth

Chapter 143: The battle flag will never fall

As more and more companions around him were seriously injured and fell to the ground, Li Weizhen, who was already red-eyed, suddenly woke up with a start, and his hair stood on end!

The extremely ominous premonition that had always been present surged, and Li Weizhen couldn't help but suddenly withdraw from the battle situation. He thought: something is wrong!How long has it been?Whether or not something will happen over there, a signal should be sent out!

Suddenly, Cai Ruoxian's figure appeared in Li Weizhen's sight, so he quickly used his body skills, approached him, and helped him kill a casual cultivator who didn't have long eyes.

After successfully approaching, Li Weizhen hurriedly said: "Brother Xian, what time is it now?"

Faced with this sudden question that seemed to have nothing to do with the situation of the battle, Cai Ruoxian was also taken aback for a moment, but quickly made up his mind.Afterwards, his complexion also changed suddenly, and he said with a stick in his throat: "'s Xu time!"

Indistinctly, both of them realized the seriousness of the problem, Li Weizhen said with a low voice: "Before I know it, it's been an hour, there is a ghost, bastard, don't let me guess it!"

Before he had time to think about it, Li Weizhen shouted with all his strength: "Everyone retreat! Everyone hurry up to the mountain!"

Those who belonged to Li Weizhen's team were naturally very familiar with this voice, so they subconsciously carried out the order and began to retreat with all their strength.

And the people in the other teams, seeing that someone started to retreat, naturally began to follow suit.

Only those who belonged to the same level of Dutong remained unmoved, only puzzled in their hearts.

Sui Wenyan also knew who was shouting, she followed the sound to argue, glared at Li Weizhen angrily, and shouted angrily: "Li Weizhen, what are you yelling about?"

Li Weizhen struggled against the chasing casual cultivators and bought time for the team to evacuate. He said in a hurry: "I don't have time to explain to you. When everyone returns to the mountain, you will naturally know whether I am right or wrong!"

There is nothing orderly about retreating in a chaotic battle.

No matter how well-trained you are, once you have the idea of ​​running for your life, once you start running, you can't care about anything.

Perhaps, there are only a few or a dozen who are really chasing after one person, but when you look back, you will feel that the hundreds of people behind are all thinking about their own head.

All of a sudden, among the rushing crowd, a few people flew into the air desperately with their swords, hoping to get rid of the pursuit as soon as possible.

However, almost at the next moment, dozens of flying swords intersected with each other, blood rained down in an instant, and the vicious monster roared ferociously!

"Don't go to the sky, run into the woods, spread out, spread out and run!"

Li Weizhen felt that some liquid was running across his face, and he couldn't tell whether it was tears or blood.He was hoarse, but he couldn't hear every word he yelled.

At this moment, Li Weizhen finally felt his powerlessness and insignificance.All battle halls are unified, and all Taoist masters are nothing. In the face of fear, they are nothing.

Linghutian also realized that the situation had changed. When he also joined the ranks of blocking the pursuit, it was as if he had transformed into a towering city wall. One man, one sword and one blue bird, actually stopped more than half of the pursuers.

But when the manpower is exhausted, facing the rogue cultivators all over the mountains and plains, he is as strong as Linghu Tian, ​​and he can't save all the lives!

"Brother Li, hurry up, you can't sacrifice yourself here!"

When Li Weizhen was also determined to fight to the death and strive for more people to evacuate back to the camp, the freckled boy Duan Tianqing resolutely chose to go upstream and stood by Li Weizhen's side!

On the shoulder of the freckled boy, there was a flesh-and-blood sword wound at some point, and the blood dripped down his arm, and the flying sword in his hand was covered with a layer of leaping blood, which was very evil!

Looking at the freckled boy's expression of determination and generosity, for no reason, Li Weizhen felt thunder roaring in his mind.

Looking at the boundless mountain of ghosts that seemed to be endless, Li Weizhen almost gritted his teeth. He took the freckled boy's hand and said with hatred: "Let's go together!"

With all his strength, even if he brought an extra boy with him, Li Weizhen was better than that ghost without a trace!

Fleeing for his life in the cruelty of blood and fire, Li Weizhen still didn't forget to look around again, after all, he was not the kind of person who was so rational that he was cold-blooded and ruthless.

He didn't dare to think that he had the ability to save everyone, but as long as it was in his team, no matter if it was someone as close as Cai Ruoxian, or Fu Lichi who had a lot of gaps.He wants to try his best to pull it up!

However, until the protective circle was in sight, the only one Li Wei could take away in the chaos was the freckled boy.It's not like he didn't see faces that he missed along the way, but they were all just bloody and pale faces that died with death.

After a narrow escape and returning to the camp, Li Weizhen looked around and looked at the only surviving panicked faces. Among them were Cai Ruoxian and Fu Lichi, but only seven or eight of his comrades who had fought side by side with him for more than seven months were left. named.He was nearly the last to return to camp, and he knew what that meant.

His team was completely broken up, became a rout, became a mourner...

Li Weizhen's face was ferocious, like a wounded wolf, terribly frightening.He passed through the crowd, and no one dared to stand in front of him, until he walked to the camp of the Chinese army, roaring and slashing down with his sword!

The tent collapsed suddenly, and after the smoke and dust drifted away, there was nothing left but a mess!

"There is a sentence, I don't know if I should say it or not. After you left, Huo Ming went to meet the spy who came back injured. At first, I couldn't see anything, but later, I found that the spy had been stabbed in the heart. Pulse, found too late, can't be rescued..."

Nie Geng sighed quietly, and there was something pointed in his words.

Everything has been confirmed as a betrayal!

"You bastard, I'll kill you!"

The freckled boy couldn't hold back his anger for a long time, he angrily drew his sword and killed a disciple of the Xuanguimen who was beside him, that person was stunned and had to stare blankly to die.


"Don't be silly!"

Two surprises in succession came from Li Weizhen and Cai Ruoxian, one of them was far away from the water and could not put out the fire, and the other tried his best to stop it!

In fact, Fu Lichi was closer to the freckled boy, but he only had eager approval in his eyes.

"Xiancai, let me go and let me kill these bastards! Huo Ming, plague!"

The freckled boy had red eyes, wept bitterly, and cursed at the same time, trying to get rid of Cai Ruoxian's desperate obstruction.

The remaining dozen or so Xuangui sect disciples gathered together, and there was a whole space around them, isolated by the eyes of hatred, they lowered their heads, and their eyes were full of tears.At this moment, all the heavy crimes are on them.

Gradually, people began to raise swords around, and they also wanted to respond to the freckled boy, and boundless hatred was awakened in their hearts.

Li Weizhen knew that he could not choose to remain silent, he had no choice but to take heavy steps and stand in front of the group of Xuanguimen disciples who were identified as the accomplices of the criminals.

He said in a deep voice, "Stop it all, what are you doing? I won't arbitrarily judge whether they are guilty or not, but I am sure that they have fought side by side with us! Look, how many of us are left now? Since they are also left behind, they can die, but they must die on the battlefield!"

"So many people, why are they gone like this?" It seemed to be asking and answering, and it seemed to be scolding the sky!

Li Weizhen rubbed the corner of his eyes with his hand, and smiled miserably.Then, he tore off the coalition badge pinned to his chest with one hand, and stomped it into the dirt!

The young Dutong poked his chest with his fingers, and said angrily: "We have failed, but I, Li Weizhen, will never admit defeat! I swear to heaven today, even if I die here today , as long as I step on the reincarnation circuit again, one day, I will avenge all the martyrs who died in battle! I will go to Xuanguimen, hold Huo Ming's head, and pay homage to them!"

"Instead of using the blood of comrades in arms around you to vent and cover up your cowardice! You are fighters, and your swords are not used like this!"

Every word, every word, hit the ground with a loud sound, like a spring thunder exploding, scaring away the dormant venomous insect in everyone's heart.

"Li Dutong, I, Wei Zheng, give in to you! I don't care if I don't wear this dog skin!"

Among the surviving disciples of Xuanguimen, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes stepped out, tore off the battle robe of Lince Mansion, and knelt down in front of Li Weizhen.

Someone took the lead, and the rest followed suit.For a while, Li Weizhen was also a little at a loss, but he was even more shocked.He never thought of instigating anything, but just wanted to do his part in the end to pull the deviated wheels back on the right track.


The next moment, Li Weizhen took a deep breath, and said in a serious voice: "I promise you, if we can leave here alive, there is a place for you in Yuzhantang!"

"Tianqing, is the battle flag still there?"

"Always carry with you, people are with the flag!"

"Raise the battle flag!"

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