defend the truth

Chapter 142: A knife in the back

On Bailong Beach, Huo Ming at least fulfilled one promise, that is, he did not let the dozen or so Kaishan Liannu be set up outside the camp.

But for some things, Huo Ming only fulfilled half of them. Linghutian let him go back alive. He survived and lived well, but he didn't want to go back again.

Huo Ming not only broke a deadlock for everyone, but also left a way of life for himself, a way of life that was exhausted, a hard-won way of life!

The Julou warship sailed away. This ship was most likely built by the Hehuan faction with a lot of money. Perhaps in the near future, it will change its appearance and become the merchant ship of the Huo family, bringing its business to the East China Sea again!

This kind of empty-handed white wolf method has long been played to the extreme by this young man who was brought by the elders of the family to experience the world in the business field since he was a child!

On the deck, Huo Ming changed the black robe with python pattern and the linden crown that he was originally wearing, and only covered himself with a loose black robe.

After taking off the battle robe, for a moment, it seemed that all the restraints were gone!Even the humid sea breeze, which has long been deeply painful, feels refreshing after taking a deep breath at this moment!

Huo Ming couldn't help sighing in his heart, this is the feeling of letting go of his heart, this is the feeling of the rest of his life after a catastrophe!

"Zian, but you brought me a jug of wine, any wine is fine, and three more bowls!"

Liu Zian couldn't help being taken aback, he knew better than anyone else how much Huo Ming hated drinking, if he didn't have to cater to him on certain occasions, he wouldn't drink in private.

Because, Huo Ming is a person who always hopes to stay sober, he hates being paralyzed by the power of alcohol!

But soon, Liu Zian still found a jar of good-looking wine.In fact, he didn't know much about wine, but he just liked the delicate carvings of dragons and phoenixes on the wine jar.

While pouring wine into the bowl, Liu Zian summoned up courage for no reason, and asked cautiously, "My lord, do you want my subordinate to have a drink with you?"

Huo Ming turned his body slightly, looked back coldly, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Oh? You want to rush to drink the dead man's wine?"

If both hands were not busy now, Liu Zian would have slapped himself a series of times, and would have said such stupid things!

Presumably, he felt that his young master should be in a very good mood now, so he also forgot about it for a while.Unexpectedly, this small subconscious thought was still seen by Huo Ming at a glance.

Huo Ming took the pottery bowl full of wine and poured it into the ground in the direction of Leigu Mountain in the distance, "Brother Linghu, after all, we have been friends for so many years. Before parting, I didn't have a drink with you. Let’s drink while celebrating, I lied to you, it’s my fault! This first bowl of wine, I respect your character, chivalrous and courageous!”

After pouring the first bowl of wine, Huo Ming asked Liu Zian to fill up the bowl again, and then he drank it with his head held high!

Then, he raised his wrist high and flicked it hard, there was a sound of shattering, and his smile was also bright!

"The second bowl of wine, I respect your outstanding talent, invincible at the same level! Chic and domineering!"

"The third bowl of wine is to respect your trust in me. It's a pity that you and I are destined not to be long-term friends! We may become enemies in the future, so please go ahead!"

Accompanied by three shattering sounds, it means that the friendship in the past is gone, and Huo Ming's smile becomes more and more cheerful!

Huo Ming turned around suddenly, he stared at Liu Zian, his eyes were slightly red, and his expression was extremely serious, "Zian, do you know? I may never drink such good wine again in my life!"

Liu Zian was silent, he knew that Huo Ming was definitely not referring to drinking, but he was stupid and didn't know how to translate the thoughts in his heart into words.

Then just be a listener, so as not to chew your tongue and spoil your son's interest!

Sure enough, Huo Ming did not disappoint Liu Zian. Instead of asking, he started talking to himself, "I also want to fight him upright, but I can't do it. In front of him, I didn't do anything at all. The courage! But after all, I am the one who wins now, I have waited for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, luck will be on my side once in a while!"

Liu Zian wanted to just keep listening quietly, but it was clear to the bystanders that sometimes, he still wanted to express his opinion.

"However, what if they really hold on to the reinforcements three days later?"

Unexpectedly, Huo Ming looked up to the sky and laughed, with teasing eyes, "Where did the reinforcements come from? There will be no reinforcements. What the spy said was all made up in advance! Tell me, where did the reinforcements come from?"

Liu Zian was stunned. He didn't even know about this matter. It can be said that he almost hid it from everyone!

Huo Ming sneered and said: "The so-called spies who desperately sent back the news, even the forty disciples I sent out... everything is just a blurred vision! You also know that there are really no fools there, so you Gotta be smarter than them!"

"Even without the appearance of this giant building, I am sure to get out within three days. But I must first give them a hope, a hope that is firm enough to attract the enemy for me and indirectly cover my evacuation! With it , my strategy has a chance to be carried out!"

Hearing this, Liu Zian actually felt a bit chilly behind his back. In order to be able to evacuate safely, this young man who is usually gentle and generous sacrificed so many lives?

What Liu Zian was thinking about was not those from the Taiyi Sect. He was feeling sorry for the forty elite Xuangui Sect disciples and the logistics disciples who were still in the camp.

This adds up to more than 50 people, which is not much different from the number of them on board today.

Thinking of this, Liu Zian still muttered with some emotion: "It's a pity that so many of our brothers are left there!"

"It's a pity? Zian! You can't be so greedy! If you don't want a strong man to cut off his wrist, he will have to burn everything! Just think about it, if you can exchange their life for your own, you should give a thumbs up. value!"

After all, Huo Ming really rolled up his sleeves and raised a thumb to the sky!

After that, Huo Ming clasped his fists to the sky again, shook his fists three times, and said impassionedly: "Also, if they can fight together with heroes like Linghutian and Li Weizhen, the future leaders of the Taiyi Sect, to the end, that is Their glory! When I go back, even if it is a tomb of clothes, I will have to give me a grand burial! All descendants will be subject to my Lince Mansion, Mengyin III!"

At this moment, Huo Ming was laughing wildly. He had suppressed it for too long. This kind of indulgence did not come easily!

Perhaps, from the very beginning, Huo Ming felt that Linghutian, an opponent of his generation, could urge him to make continuous progress.

But later, when Huo Ming realized that the gap between himself and Linghu Tian was so big that he couldn't even think of catching up.He had already clearly realized that Linghutian must die!

How can you allow others to snore beside the couch?The future of Taiyi Sect and Xuangui Sect is very likely to fall on the two of them.

Huo Ming has always believed that as long as he wants to stay in Xuanguimen, then he will be the ancestor of the revival of Xuanguimen in the future; if he wants to return to the Huo family to bear a share of incense inheritance, it will also lead the Huo family to a new height !

He is Huo Ming, if you don't sing, you will be fine, and it will be a blockbuster!

It's not because I'm afraid of you Linghutian, I have to go back to Funan City aggrieved, and I don't dare to stay in Xuanguimen to compete with Huo Ming!

It's just that the only thing that makes Huo Ming feel a little regretful is that he dragged Li Weizhen into the water!

"I have to find another sword sharpening stone! Actually, I also practice swords!"

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