defend the truth

Chapter 110: Savior

Just when Wen Renyu wanted to explain to everyone why there was such a dilemma, a doorman waiting outside the medical hall came to report in a hurry.

"Mr. Wen, a carriage came outside. A woman claimed to be from the Luo family in the east of the city. She said she wanted to see his son."

Wen Renyu looked suspicious, her eyes rolled back and forth, and she muttered, "Could it be the Luo family in the east of the city?"

Afterwards, Wen Renyu let out a long sigh, his face became even more ugly, and he said to the doorman: "Although you can bring her in, but you don't need to answer anything she asks you, and don't answer it."

After the doorman ran away, Li Weizhen and Sui Wenyan almost said in unison: "Could it be possible?"

Wen Renyu scratched her head, then continued to lament, "It's almost inseparable!"

Not long after, the doorman brought a luxuriously dressed woman with a pale face, who seemed to have lost her soul, to the main hall.

Strangely, the woman came by herself with an umbrella, and she didn't even have a servant girl by her side.

Before entering the door, the woman threw the exquisite oil-paper umbrella on the ground, staggered in, looked back and forth at the four people in the room, and said anxiously: "Where is my son? Is my son seriously injured? I am him." Mom, can I see him?"

Wen Renyu was the first to go forward and comforted: "Mrs. Luo, hello! When we first met, my name is Wen Renyu, Luo Yicheng's senior brother and his attending physician. To be honest, your son is seriously injured, but I will try my best Find a way to save him!"

The woman seemed to be drowning, grasping Wen Renyu's forearm like a straw, and said very nervously: "Brother, you must save my son, you must save him... "

The woman kept repeating the following words, she seemed to frowned when she saw Renyu, she seemed to suddenly think of something, took out a beautiful matching pouch from her waist, and took out a jade pendant with a faint glow from it.

The woman took the jade pendant and prayed to Wen Renyu: "I know that you are not ordinary people. This is the best reward that the master gave me. It is called "Pecking Green Flower", and it is the only one I think. Only then can I enter your Dharma eyes!"

This jade pendant is indeed a good accessory.It is worth Wen Renyu's attention, but it is definitely not rare.Because he likes jade, he often wears jade.

No matter what the value of the jade pendant is, Wen Renyu will definitely not accept it.At that moment, he said righteously: "Mrs. Luo, I think you are worrying too much! Even if Luo Yicheng is not a disciple of our Taiyi Sect, I will do my best to save him. Please rest assured about this, okay?" ?”

Then, Wen Renyu continued helplessly: "Why don't you let me explain to you first, your son's current situation!"

The woman nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and finally let go of Wen Renyu's hand.

Wen Renyu was worried that the woman would faint, so she carefully moved a chair and arranged for her to sit down.He just took out three pieces of drawing paper and made them all suspended in the air.

Wen Renyu pointed to the pattern on the painting and said: "The most serious injuries are mainly concentrated in the chest cavity. We can see that there are multiple fractures in the ribs, causing internal bleeding. Fortunately, the amount of bleeding is not much. But these broken ribs , pierced many internal organs, and there were many bleeding points, the wound must be sutured before the bones can be connected. Otherwise, even if the bleeding can be forcibly stopped with pills, these organs will still be necrotic."

Wen Renyu paused for a moment, and saw that the woman was still listening despite her extremely grim complexion, so she continued: "There are seven main wounds, one is in the right lung lobe, two are in the great blood vessels near the heart, and three are wounds. It is located in the left lung lobe, and there is another one in the left trachea, which is also very close to the heart. To be honest, if an ordinary person suffers such an injury, the result should be death on the spot!"

As soon as the words fell, the woman's whole body was like a puddle of mud. Even if she was sitting on a chair, she seemed about to slip and fall to the ground!

Li Weizhen on the side reacted the fastest, and quickly stabilized the woman's figure to prevent her from falling.Not only that, seeing the woman was frightened and speechless, he even asked for her: "Then senior brother has a good prescription?"

Wen Renyu hesitated to speak, looking up at the sky and looking back at the ground, neither nodding nor shaking his head, and sighed: "Normally, I should give him surgery as soon as possible. If it is normal, I don't I lack the ability, and I am confident that I can bring people back to life. But the problem is, what I lack now is a medical instrument!"

Wen Renyu then said helplessly: "To do this treatment, I need an "External Symbiosis Apparatus". Using it to temporarily replace part of the heart and lung functions and ensure the entire treatment is the lowest risk! But the problem is that the entire Funan City , there are only two such large medical instruments. Moreover, they are all in the hands of the Huo family, and I can't borrow any of them!"

Speaking of this, Wen Renyu pointed out: "To the four major families, I am just an outsider. But I don't know Mrs. Luo, can there be a way?"

Unexpectedly, the woman looked like she was mourning her concubine, crying and crying: "Now that things have happened, I am not afraid to speak up! In fact, I am not Mrs. Luo. To put it more pleasantly, I am a concubine, a concubine. Concubine, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than a lowly maidservant who has fallen out of favor! It's just that the filial child Ah Cheng has a mother like me, and he is not looked down upon by the master."

It turned out that there was such a reason.No wonder Luo Yicheng has been in Funan City for half a month, and Luo Yicheng has not revealed his identity, wanting to show his friendship as a landlord.

After the woman breathed a sigh of relief, she quickly said: "Ah Cheng is a good boy, I beg you all not to look down on him! It's useless for me to be a mother, and I can't give him a good status."

Li Weizhen, who was beside the woman, hurriedly comforted him: "Madam, don't worry! Brother Luo has performed very well on the mountain. Given time, he will definitely achieve something!"

Unexpectedly, the woman wept even more, and cried: "I'm afraid that according to what this senior brother said, I am afraid that my poor child will not survive today!"

At this moment, everyone was silent, unable to think of better words to comfort them.

However, at the same time, the doorman came again in a hurry.Only this time, the doorman directly led the person in.

The doorman hurriedly reported the identity of the visitor, "This is Baizhi girl from Xinglin Medical Center in the south of the city. She said she came here on the orders of Mr. Huo Ming and Mr. Huo."

Seeing the woman outside the door, Wen Renyu's eyes lit up immediately, it wasn't that this woman had such a shocking beauty, on the contrary her appearance could only be described as mediocre.

What Wen Renyu cared about was the girl's reputation!In the city, the Huo family has 49 medical clinics, and it can be said that the chief rudder in charge of these 49 medical clinics is not any person with the surname Huo, but the Bai Zhi girl in front of him!

Wen Renyu hurried out to greet her, concealing her displeasure and said, "I, Wen Renyu, have heard about Miss Baizhi for a long time. It's rare to see her today, so please come in quickly!"

Bai Zhi was carrying a medicine box on her back, so it was inconvenient to salute, so she nodded slightly and said: "I have heard about the good name of the young master, and the little girl has also heard a little about it. Today, you and I should be able to discuss the way of medicine together, and it will be considered fulfilling!"

Before Wen Renyu was surprised, Bai Zhiying stepped inside, and caught a glimpse of the injury map on the table at a glance, and began to concentrate on studying the pictures regardless of other people in the room.

After a while, Bai Zhi said to Wen Renyu with a serious face: "Actually, this treatment does not necessarily require the use of the "In vitro Symbiosis Apparatus". Although it is the best method, it is really inconvenient for our Huo family to lend it out. "

Before Wen Renyu was surprised, Bai Zhi gave her idea: "Using the "In vitro symbiosis instrument" is nothing more than to maintain the minimum blood circulation of the injured. The blood vessels come out and a bypass of the heart and blood vessels can have the same effect!"

Wen Renyu suddenly laughed and said: "Actually, Miss Baizhi is very similar to my original idea, but to do this, two surgeons are needed."

Bai Zhi nodded calmly: "So, I'm here!"

Wen Renyu licked his lips, but couldn't suppress his excitement and said: "This method can maintain blood circulation, and the time can't be delayed for too long. I don't know about Miss Bai..."

Bai Zhi said with a serious face: "I need three micro-cuts at most to take out the blood vessels and make a bridge. The question is, are you suturing fast enough?"

On the scale of the armillary sphere, there are eight quarters of an hour, and fifteen quarters of an hour.

Bai Zhi's speed, if there is no lie, Wen Renyu could really laugh out loud!Because the opponent's technology is by no means inferior to him!

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