defend the truth

Chapter 109: Can't help

After surviving the beast tide without any danger, Li Weizhen led the newly formed Linghutian to go to the east of the city to find the main force of the Taiyi Sect.

Before this, Li Weizhen never expected that he would meet this second senior brother who was full of legend among the younger generation on such an unexpected occasion.

In fact, Linghutian was also very curious, why did Li Weizhen hang out with Huo Ming?

Or, it should be said: Why are there only two Taiyi sect disciples in the entire western defense line?

If it is said that it is an ordinary deployment of personnel, is this too unreasonable?

If we need to mobilize people to help, there are already more than a dozen people in the Nansha Sword Sect in the west of the city, not two, right?

A series of questions make it hard not to guess the story behind it.

When I asked Huo Ming, the answer I got was extremely perfunctory.In the words, there is a vagueness that is not deeply hidden: it is obvious that this is an internal contradiction of your own, how can you ask me to speak?

When asked about Li Weizhen, the young man looked even more troubled, and it seemed inconvenient to say more.The young man knew that this was Fan Jishan's sinister trick.

Imagine that if you encounter any danger or change, you will be surrounded by people from other sects, which is equivalent to fending for yourself.

Under Wuming's reminder, Li Weizhen kept his eyes open, and didn't even say any accusations against Sanghuai, preferring to suffer from being dumb.After all, he was not sure about the relationship between Linghutian and Fan Jishan.

The two are enemies, will they stand up for this insignificant outer disciple like him?

The two are friends, so isn't that just asking for trouble and embarrassing yourself?

Since neither of them wanted to talk too much, and with Linghutian's unrestrained personality, they didn't bother to inquire further, so they proposed to go to the east of the city.

Because Huo Ming was busy with other important matters such as: commanding the clearing of the battlefield, repairing the barrier points, submitting the battle result report... and so on, he couldn't go together.His words are full of envy that Linghutian can be so free no matter where he is.

As a city covering an area of ​​more than 16 mu, it can accommodate a million people.The east and west walls of Funan City are quite far apart.

If you want to reach your destination as soon as possible, of course Yujian is better.However, Linghutian said that his sword was kept in a gourd, so it was inconvenient to take it out, and he didn't mind walking with the boy for a while.

The so-called walking over is actually galloping on top of thousands of tiles.

The blue bird that was supposed to be a mount was now shrunk down like a swallow, standing on Linghutian's shoulders, and led forward by its master.

Li Wei really didn't know the mysteries of the blue bird, but felt that this blue-feathered bare-footed bird, which looked like a swan goose but with phoenix feathers on its head and long feathers on its tail, was very handsome and must have had an extraordinary origin.Assuming he had such a divine bird by his side, he wouldn't have to guard that flying sword anymore!

Along the way, Linghutian did not forget to chat, and he learned a lot of interesting things from Li Weizhen.There are not only events that happened a few months ago, but also the latest recent developments.

Some topics, Linghu Tianfang is inconvenient to inquire about. He and Huo Ming have a good friendship, but he also knows what kind of work the other party is engaged in at Xuanguimen.

It is because some things are clearly distinguished, so although he and Huo Ming have different positions, they can still be called friends.

Almost all geniuses have weird personalities, or maybe they are eye-catching, so their own shortcomings will be exaggerated and magnified.

Huo Ming, who is known as a mysterious genius, also has a shortcoming that is criticized by others. That is his own motto "Don't do useless work." Will not look too much.

So, at the end of the sentence, Linghutian seriously instructed Li Weizhen: "Be careful of Huo Ming!"

Li Wei is really a little ignorant, why did he get involved with someone like Huo Ming?It's clear that eight poles can't hit it, okay!

After walking more than half the distance, Li Weizhen stopped suddenly, and he suddenly remembered that Wen Renyu seemed to be sitting in a nearby medical clinic.If you want to drop by, you should visit him first, so you can find out whether there are any wounded in the defense area in the east of the city.

Because although there are temporary medical accounts in the major defense areas, they can only provide emergency treatment, and the seriously injured are still divided into medical centers with good treatment conditions.

Just now when he walked into the main hall of the medical center, the first thing he saw was a familiar pretty figure.

Of course, Li Weizhen can only call it seeing, and Linghutian can call it crashing.

Because, after being surprised suddenly, that pretty figure threw herself into Linghutian's arms without hesitation.

After being slightly stunned, Linghutian stroked Qianying's hair and said with a doting smile, "Yan'er, senior brother is back!"

The beauty in her arms is none other than Sui Wenyan, a close junior sister who is in the same line as Linghutian.

Sui Wenyan in Linghutian's arms seemed to have a big change in temperament. Not only was he lovable, but he even said in a crying tone: "Brother, do you know that Master..."

Linghutian nodded and sighed: "Senior brother knows everything. Don't worry, I will be here in the future, and I will take care of you!"

This warm scene, for no reason, actually made Li Weizhen feel a little embarrassed, subconsciously looked away, and suddenly found Wen Renyu standing at the entrance of the corridor, and that face covered with complicated emotions.

There was surprise and joy, but it seemed more sad and lost.Such a contradictory performance made Li Wei really puzzled.There is a non-human non-ghost guy who can answer it, but he is not willing to do so!

After a while, Linghutian also noticed Wen Renyu's existence, and took the initiative to say hello: "Yo, Junior Brother Wen, long time no see! You kid, you are getting more and more handsome, and I'm afraid you stole a lot of girls again." your heart!"

Wen Renyu regained his composure, smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly greeted him: "Second Senior Brother, don't laugh at me. Who doesn't know, you are a veritable heartthrob!"

Suddenly, Linghutian's smile concentrated, he gently pushed Sui Wenyan away from himself, and looked at him: "Are you injured?"

Sui Wenyan's eyes were slightly red, she shook her head, and replied, "I'm fine, it's someone else, a newly promoted outer disciple."

Li Weizhen couldn't help his ears twitching, the outer sect disciples who were at the same time as him here were only those few people, except for Zhao Hongxue, only Yang Xin, Nie Geng, Luo Yicheng, who could it be?

Li Wei kept saying silently in his heart, "I hope it's not Nie Geng!"

Seeing Li Weizhen's eager questioning gaze, Wen Renyu understood what he meant, and said slowly: "It's Luo Yicheng, he was seriously injured. When he was delivered, his heart stopped. I rescued him for a quarter of an hour before he recovered. heartbeat."

Knowing that it was someone else, Li Weizhen breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help being extremely happy in his heart. Although it was very inappropriate, it was just a momentary thought.

The heart stopped, and it could be said that he was on the verge of death. Linghutian couldn't help but asked with concern: "How could there be such a serious injury?"

Recalling the reason, Sui Wenyan couldn't help but feel lingering fear, and lamented: "Suddenly a young "earthquake catfish" appeared from the ground and destroyed the barrier, so that our defense line in the east of the city fell. In the chaos, several The disciples were unfortunately injured, and this Luo Yicheng is the most serious one."

Linghu Tian's face was serious. According to legend, just one turning over could make the earth tremble violently. It's really not difficult to destroy such a barrier.It's just strange that such a rare high-level monster will be suppressed by that dragon's bloodline.

Linghutian couldn't help asking: "Then how did you resist the beast horde in the end?"

Sui Wenyan's face was gloomy, and he said with a wry smile: "It's not a successful resistance! In the later stage, we were basically retreating steadily. If Li Liushuang from the Nansha Sword Sect hadn't come to support us, we would have even regained the lost ground with our strength alone. not."

Linghutian nodded, and after thinking about it, he asked Wen Renyu: "Has the injured been treated properly?"

Wen Renyu was even more distressed, and said in a helpless tone: "If... I stand by and watch now, he can still rely on the pill for another two or three hours. But if I give him surgery, he can only go on for a while at most. Live for a quarter of an hour!"

"Aren't you kidding?"

"Every sentence is true!"

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