Mr. Jiu

Chapter 304

"damn it!",

Lin Yang was furious. He was sucked into the world in the jar. Before he knew the situation, he was hit hard and suffered a big loss!

He checked his condition, and was deeply surprised, the condition was very bad, not only the mouth and nose, but also the seven orifices were bleeding due to the heavy blow and sound waves, and blood streaks appeared on the body.

This is too exaggerated. If he hadn't recovered from his injuries after this battle, and his strength and physical body have improved slightly, wouldn't he be seriously injured again.


Again!This time, he was not injured by the sound waves and shocks, and a soft halo flowed in the cauldron, like ripples, dispelling the power of the bombardment silently.

Lin Yang was relieved that the tripod was really solid, and it was not dented after being hit so hard. This kind of sturdiness is rare in the world. It has saved his life several times, and it seems that there must be some big secret hidden.

Lin Yang tried again, trying to drive the stepmother Wu Ding to escape and rush out of the quagmire. He didn't want to give up, who knew what kind of danger lay beneath the quagmire.

It's a pity that Lin Yang failed, and more bombardments came from the tripod body.The body of the tripod shook more and more violently, Lin Yang was a little desperate, and he couldn't get out of the quagmire at all, and couldn't escape.

"Am I going to be stuck in this world in a clay jar forever!"

He stretched his hand out of the tripod mouth, grabbed a handful of mud and came in, the mud was black, sure enough, it got deeper and deeper!

"No matter! Since you want me to fall into the depths of the mud! Then I want to see what is there!"

Lin Yang gritted his teeth, and drove the Queen Mother Wu Ding to rush down directly.

Follow the suction, very quickly.


The body of the tripod seemed to hit something, and there was a loud noise, and there seemed to be a bright glow coming in from outside the tripod. Lin Yang's expression changed, and he wanted to go out to see what was under the mud.

Lin Yang wrapped his spiritual power around his hand, stretched out his hand again and grabbed it, huh?There seems to be no more mud at the bottom of this swamp?

He was a little strange, not only was there no mud, but there seemed to be Rui Cai Xiaguang around him.

Lin Yang walked out of the tripod and found that this was a vacuum zone, right in the deepest part of the swamp, and the ground under his feet seemed to be brown stones, but after careful inspection, Lin Yang found that it was the clay pot itself.

In this vacuum zone, the shimmering auspicious color turned out to be an ancient and dilapidated building.

Just like a clay pot, it has gone through countless years. It is old, but it has never collapsed.

That is a temple!

Lin Yang's heart was shaken. The clay pot seemed to be abandoned, but he didn't expect that there was a swamp world in it, and there was a temple at the level of the swamp world.

Lin Yang didn't go over rashly, he could feel the extraordinary of this place, the ground is the clay pot body, there are traces of god patterns on it, unexpectedly, from the outside world, the god patterns that were about to disappear on the pot body are now zoomed in After countless times, it turned out to be so miraculous.

The one he saw before was actually full of billions!

The temple is full of ancient atmosphere, and it is also made of mud bricks and mud tiles. Its dilapidated parts explain the traces left by the years.

What kind of existence is enshrined in this temple, is it a certain immortal from ancient times?It is still the original owner of this clay pot.

Lin Yang stretched out his foot cautiously, took a step, and in an instant, he came to the temple.

The thing enshrined in the temple turned out to be a clay figurine. This clay figurine held a book in his left hand and a pen in his right.

Lin Yang knows that the gods handed down from later generations are just the great powers among the immortals in ancient times, and they are also human beings after all, but they have powers that ordinary people can't imagine and reach.

And this clay figurine reminded Lin Yang of the gods in charge of life and death in the world.

Earth Yan Zhenjun!

The book in Zhenjun Diyan's hand is the book of life and death. As long as he knows a person's aura and writes his name in the book of life and death, that person will perish.

There are many legends about Zhenjun Diyan. Ordinary people and later generations regard the ancient power as a god and believe in it. Most of the immortal believers who benefit people are kind-hearted and righteous. And this kind of person who controls life and death is regarded as an evil immortal. Belief in this nature may be a heinous plan.

If you live with death, you will not be afraid of death.

And Zhenjun Diyan really has the ability to give his followers eternal life, which is a different kind of eternal life, accompanied by death, neither human nor demon, it is a state of spirit.

There are many ancient characters engraved on the wall of this temple, which seem to record the origin of this clay pot. Lin Yang looked at it carefully, and was shocked immediately, the content recorded on it was too appalling.

According to the records above, this clay jar was cast from the skull of Diyan Zhenjun. During the battle, Diyan Zhenjun was decapitated and then fled. However, the wound was blocked by Daoyun, and he could no longer renew his head. The head is trained to become a world-class magic weapon, and then fight against the mysterious strong man.

On this wall, the reason for the war was not detailed, nor was it revealed who the mysterious strong man was.

There were many immortals in ancient times, but they were able to cut off the head of Zhenjun Diyan and make it impossible to recover. How can an immortal with such strength be an unknown person? There should be records to explain it.

In this way, this temple should be built later, after the fall of Zhenjun Diyan, someone got this magic weapon, opened up such a vacuum in it, and built the temple.

Lin Yang continued to look around the wall. On the second wall, Lin Yang saw why Yan Zhenjun was fighting. It was vaguely mentioned that Yan Zhenjun was trying to control reincarnation. Only by controlling reincarnation can he not enter reincarnation. It's not as simple as it looks, it's man-made. In reincarnation, there was civilization before ancient times, very far away. Later, after a spiritual decay, everything died, and finally regained new life, but after evolution, it will decline. !

If you control reincarnation, you can make everyone live forever, breaking the end of the decay of aura and the destruction of everything!

Seeing this, Lin Yang was already a little horrified. Was everything destroyed a long time ago?Are earlier ages before extinction? !Is the world going to be destroyed now?

I am afraid that no one will believe these words when they are said in ancient times, but in this world, the ancestors of Taoism are indeed exhausted. All of them have experienced it personally. There won't be any.Everything is indeed decaying!This statement turned out to be true!

It seems that Yan Zhenjun really got a glimpse of some secrets. Lin Yang remembered that when Lan Fengzong got the stepmother Wuding, the letter in the tripod also mentioned only a few words in it that there is a Taoist substance outside the void.

Looking at it now, it seems that it is consistent with the idea that someone is leading behind all these things, and combined with the cloud gate phantom seen in the secret realm of the bronze temple group in the Northland, this series of clues all point to this point of view.

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