Mr. Jiu

Chapter 303 In the Clay Pot

The moonlight is soft, the sky is full of stars, everything is silent, everything is like a picture scroll.

On the way back, he asked Murong Xue why Fairy Miao insisted on the essence of Emperor Bone, since Murong Xue had already said, with Fairy Miao's strength, sooner or later she would be promoted to Emperor Realm by herself.

Then asking for the essence of the emperor bone should be used in other places.Lin Yang really wanted to know.

He had a bold guess in his heart that Fairy Miao had suffered some Taoist injuries during the duel with the Fire Bat Demon Emperor, and only the essence of the Emperor Bone could recover.

He asked this question cryptically, Murong Xue's face was serious, and she warned him not to speak nonsense, it would bring bad influence and terrible consequences.

Lin Yang knew that his guess might be close to ten, but Murong Xue was so serious, he didn't mention it again, but kept his mouth shut.

After Lin Yang returned to his residence, he calmed down and thought about it. He understood that the situation in front of him was becoming more and more uncertain. With his current strength, without the fat man leading him, he would not Can't get in at all.

The reason why he fought in the north before was because the opponents he faced were all at the same level as him, and the real strong ones were all delayed by the fat man.

But now, he has to face more real strong people at any time, and he has begun to struggle.

Lin Yang deeply felt the insufficiency and flaws of his own strength. He no longer wanted to compete with the younger generation of cultivators, but he wanted to be enough to compete with the older generation of strong men.

Lin Yang knew that although half-step hegemony-level powerhouses were not often encountered, he might not be an opponent at all if he encountered them. Right now, he had to continue to break through, improve his strength, and strive to make himself able to have an advantage under the hands of half-step overlord-level powerhouses. The power to escape.

If you can't fight, you can escape.

However, in matters of cultivation, one should not act too hastily. If one is too impatient, it may backfire.

After Lin Yang performed the Sanqing Dao Jue to completely calm his mind, he decided to study the two recently obtained artifacts.

Clay jars from the merchants, and wind chimes selected from the treasure house of the city lord's mansion.

Lin Yang felt that these two artifacts might hide a big secret. If he researched them thoroughly, he might have two extra tricks or trump cards.

Combat power has been greatly improved.

Let's start with the clay pot. Lin Yang took out the clay pot and rubbed it in his hands to observe. There were mysterious divine patterns on it, but they were already very faint.

It was so faint that it was about to disappear, leaving only a residual dao rhyme trace. If you don't feel it carefully, you won't be able to detect it at all.

The clay pot had no lid. Lin Yang tried to inject spiritual power into it, but found that the clay pot didn't respond at all.

He ran the Sanqing Dao Jue to see if there was really any ancestor substance in it, because when he picked it that day, he only felt the strong breath of the ancestor substance, and he didn't check it carefully.

Lin Yang scanned every inch of the texture of the clay jar, but he didn't find any trace of the Taoist substance, but the strong atmosphere of the Taoist substance still existed on it.

Is the method wrong?

Isn't this thing driven by spiritual power?

Lin Yang tried again. This time, he slowly poured his soul power into the clay jar. He felt a destroyed avenue inside the clay jar, as if left by some kind of terrorist bombardment.

All the achievements of this clay jar were broken and turned into an extremely ordinary clay jar.

Lin Yang was a little disappointed, could it be that what he got after spending a piece of Huangquan mirror was just a waste product!

This is not a leak, it is clearly a slap in the eye, and was tricked by that bald fat man. It seems that fat people are not good things!Minada Daifuku and his ilk!Lin Yang thought radically in his heart, and was a little annoyed.

He threw the clay pot to the ground, since it is waste, then what is the need for it to exist!


After the clay pot fell to the ground, it didn't break, but bounced and rolled for a while.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, this clay pot is really tenacious, it has been scrapped, and it still carries it like this.

He sighed, stepped forward a few steps, and picked it up from the ground. After all, it was exchanged for a treasure. Since the aura of Taoist ancestors is so strong, it must have been a terrible object, so let's put it away first.

At this moment, a terrible suction came from above the clay pot, which instantly stuck to Lin Yang's fingertips. Lin Yang felt something in his body flow away in an instant, pouring into the clay pot!

Afterwards, Lin Yang only felt the rotation of the heaven and the earth, his physical body was distorted, and his whole body seemed to be split into countless extremely small states in an instant, and then reassembled.

Lin Yang found that he was no longer in the house, surrounded by a swamp, and he was standing on it, the soles of his feet were sinking slowly.

"I'm going, how could this happen!"

Lin Yang looked around, the surrounding area was vast and boundless, and wherever he looked, there were swamps.

Lin Yang leaped vigorously, wanting to ride the rainbow and fly away from the mud, but the mud below seemed to have some kind of magical power. Lin Yang got up, but his feet did not leave the ground, and then he was pulled back.

This time, it went even deeper.

"Could it be that this is the inner mysterious world of the clay pot, and I'm going to be trapped here now!"

Lin Yang couldn't believe it. He took a closer look just now, and the clay pot was obviously useless and reduced to a mortal thing, but now he was sucked into the world inside the pot!

Lin Yang didn't dare to try to get out of the quagmire easily, he was afraid that if he used brute force, he would sink deeper and deeper.

After standing upright for a long time, Lin Yang still maintained the original sinking depth. It seems that as long as he doesn't make big moves, he won't continue to sink. Lin Yang came to this conclusion.

He was a little flustered, and the cold sweat was already oozing slightly. What's the matter, his mind went blank, and he couldn't think of the slightest solution. Could it be that he just stood here all the time?

Suddenly Lin Yang had a flash of inspiration, he sacrificed his stepmother Wuding, and took himself in.

The tripod body fell, but also did not escape the suction of the quagmire.


Lin Yang hid in the cauldron, thinking about how to get out, suddenly his ears roared, as if someone outside the cauldron was hitting the body of the cauldron hard.

The tripod made the body of the tripod tremble violently, Lin Yang vibrated up and down in the tripod, and blood overflowed from his ears and nose at the same time.

"What is bombarding me?"

Lin Yang was extremely horrified, there was clearly nothing in the mud just now, why is there such a commotion now!


The body of the tripod shook again, and the mouth of the tripod was sealed by a mysterious force to prevent the mud from entering. Lin Yang couldn't see anything clearly, and the whole tripod might have fallen into the mud.

Is someone deliberately bombarding it!Let him sink.

Lin Yang's eyes were blurred, the shock was too terrifying, even his mind was blurred, as if he had been stabbed by a needle, and the pain was beyond his wish.

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