Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 387 Gathering

Jing Lanzhou murmured, "There is one thing that I still can't figure out. According to what Monk Jian Sheng said, Master Nian'a's swordsmanship was on par with the two celestial masters Qi Shan and Xi Bi decades ago. The master is most likely the Japanese monk who fought with his master back then. Even my master praised him for his excellent swordsmanship. Master Xibi also said that he has advanced rapidly. Why did you have to compete with Nie Qiuhuai three years ago? Although the 'Lotus Swordsman' was a well-known master, he is still far behind the two celestial masters. Master Nian'a has lived in the Central Plains for a long time, and he is familiar with all kinds of swordsmen , why do you need to compete with an opponent whose martial arts are far inferior to yours? Master Yuqing said that this Japanese monk does not pursue fame and wealth, but only pursues the peak of swordsmanship all his life, so it is not surprising that he has been unknown in the world all these years; but he Why did he personally rush to Longhu Mountain to assassinate the famous master of the martial arts world, Dian Cang, in front of everyone? This move is completely contrary to his usual behavior."

Xian Qingrang nodded, and said: "I also think this is very suspicious. The 'Diancang Nineteen Swords' was created by the head of Yan Ji's entire life. Under the sword, with the vision of this Japanese monk, he may not take the Dian Cang sword technique so seriously. Three years ago, he was willing to spare Nie Qiuhuai's life, but three years later, he killed head Yan without hesitation. Is it really just to see the essence of 'Dian Cang Nineteen Swords'?"

Jing Lanzhou's heart suddenly moved, and he said: "Miss Xian, do you remember that you seemed to recognize your father when you read the words of the Master?" Xian Qing's eyes darkened, and he said: "Yes, but I don't have a chance to ask now. Father." Jing Lanzhou comforted her and said, "I haven't seen Brother Wen's body in Meishan, so he must still be alive."

Xian Qingrang sighed: "You keep calling Senior Brother Wen, Senior Brother Wen, should I respect you as Uncle Jing?" Said softly: "Lan Zhou, if my father is still alive, can you really call him senior brother forever?"

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, and immediately understood, his chest was agitated.Since he met Xian Qingrang, the two of them have gone through hardships many times, and they have been together and parted for several times. They have a deep love for each other and a very strong relationship. It's just that Jing Lanzhou's temperament is reserved, far less active and enthusiastic than Xian Qingrang.Hearing what the other party said about the idea of ​​getting married, he felt his chest ache when he thought of his brother's narrow escape, and said with a smile: "A man can bend and stretch, and when the real thing comes, then he has no choice but to change his mouth."

Xian Qing made Wen Yan's heart feel sweeter, and said in a low voice: "I hope you don't forget what you said today. Let's go back early, we have to hurry tomorrow." The two of them went to the inn without mentioning what happened at night, and went back to their rooms to rest , All have long nights and short dreams, making it difficult to sleep.


The next morning, the four of them bid farewell to Nian Fu and Luo Yingting's father and daughter at the feudal government office. Xian Qingrang went to the market to buy a fine horse, and the four rode with the reins and headed southward.On the fifth day, when Wuchang was approaching, Luo Yushu said: "Sister Zhi, you have been traveling with us recently and have been troubled, why don't you just go home."

Gu Qingzhi felt very unhappy, and said: "You are dealing with that old fox of King Ning, and you need help, why send me home at this time?" Luo Yushu said: "Nanchang City is full of experts at the moment, it is really It's too dangerous for you to go to a place of right and wrong." Gu Qingzhi said: "You think my martial arts are not as good as the three of you, are you afraid that I will drag you down?" Luo Yushu laughed and said: "I don't have the guts. If there is anything wrong with you, How can I explain to Shibo?" Gu Qingzhi said: "Why aren't you worried about Senior Brother Jing and Palace Master Xian having an accident? After all, I still dislike my poor martial arts."

Xian Qingrang smiled and said, "Young Master Luo, if you open your mouth again, you won't be able to argue with Miss Gu, so let her go with you. With you two masters at your side, there will be no trouble. Besides, are you really willing to let her go?" ?” Luo Yushu smiled slightly and stopped talking.

The four of them entered Fucheng in the evening and went straight to the Thunderbolt Hall. As soon as Men Ding went up, Gu Lei and the two hall masters rushed out to welcome him, followed by a scholar in green clothes, who was Luo Yingyuan, the father of Luo Yushu, "Five Cloud Palms".Luo Yushu rushed to kowtow to his father, Luo Yingyuan helped his son up with a smile, and said: "You are all here, very good, very good."

Jing Lanzhou met the two hall masters, bowed to Luo Yingyuan and said, "My nephew went to Jiangxi due to some sudden business, and I really regret that I didn't go north to pay respects to senior Luo." Luo Yingyuan laughed and said, "When Uncle Gu Shi We can meet each other on our birthdays in August, so why be in a hurry." Yi Qing asked: "Luo is old and blind, this must be the Master Xian of Wuwei Palace?"

Xian Qing asked Xiang Zhi to salute: "'Five Cloud Palm' is famous all over the world, today I have to be respected, and it will be even more famous when I meet you." Luo Yingyuan smiled and said: "I am ashamed of being too famous, but I dare not take it." After the greetings were over, Gu Tieshan saw his daughter His expression was bright, his eyes were pure and resolute, it was obvious that he had experienced a lot of hardships in the Jianghu, he couldn't help being both happy and distressed, and immediately led everyone into the inner hall to drink tea and rest.Jing Lanzhou asked the two hall masters to stand back and tell them what happened recently, and said: "The family teacher and juniors all thought that Senior Brother Wen had passed away for many years, but it turned out that Senior Brother Wen was still alive, and Miss Xian was just him and Palace Master Tang. born daughter."

Luo Yingyuan and the two hall masters were speechless for a long while, and then the former said: "Back then, brother Wen was a hero, he only hated the heavens for the new year, the death of the middle way, all the heroes of the world deeply regretted it, so it turns out that he really didn't die. My second brother once told me about fighting the masked man in Kaifeng, we both guessed that the other party was Senior Brother Wen, today it was confirmed, that is great news."

Gu Tieshan also had a close friendship with Wen Kui in the early years, and sighed: "The old man heard that the respected master would perform the 'Flower Rain' and the Gecko Swimming Dragon Kung Fu, and he guessed a little bit in his heart, but this is too incredible, and Gu did not dare to take it lightly. Lies. Lord Xian, but please rest assured, no matter how powerful the landmine explosives are, they cannot blow up a living person in broad daylight. Brother Jing Shi did not find his father’s body in Meishan, and Brother Wen probably escaped from death ’” Xian Qing’s eyes turned red, and he said, “A lot of good words from Hall Master.”

Jing Lanzhou said: "Master Gu, Sanying's visit to buy firearms was unsuccessful the day before yesterday, so he didn't come to provoke again?" Gu Tieshan said with a smile: "That guy Ma Shun and the three friends of Suihan are going to compete in Nanchang after a few days. Interested in taking care of the Thunderbolt? I'm discussing with Brother Lei whether we should go and have a look." Jing Lanzhou said "ah", recalling the day when the three friends were upset about their previous defeat, when Mei Qian came to the door to fight and asked Mitaka The competition will be held on the first day of next month, and he thought: "Elder Mei was seriously injured by Zhu Yi and Tang Gen outside the Wanshou Temple. I don't know if he has recovered? Tang Gen has already broken face with Mei Lao, and Sanying has the help of the palace again. The three friends of Suihan compete in martial arts How can I win?"

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