Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 386

Xian Qingrang sighed: "Uncle Mu, you really have an extraordinary appearance. I think you were like Song and Pan Zhiyou when you were young. Naturally, you don't have canker sores anymore." Mu Chuan said: "That's right, I tore off my hair myself." Xian Qingrang Wei Yi hesitated, and said: "Uncle Mu, although you and I have revenge for killing my father, but your subordinates allowed me to leave the day before yesterday, I still want to thank you." , Mu Mou was escaped by you, and you came to thank me at this moment, are you mocking the old man?"

Xian Qingrang shook his head and said: "That day in Yiyang County, I pretended to take you to worship at your mother's grave, and halfway led you to the Luoyang branch of our sect, so that we could use the secrecy of the sect to escape. The master of the Luoyang sect He is a dwarf with a peculiar figure, and the secret escape path he built is also extremely narrow. I can barely squeeze in with the bone shrinking technique, so you can't chase after me. But when I just hid in the secret path At that time, with your skill, Uncle Mu, you just need to send out a palm at will, and it is difficult for me to dodge inside. If I don’t die, I will be seriously injured; but you neither launched a move to attack, nor used a hidden weapon. Being a human being always has clear grievances and grievances. You let me go at that time, and I exchanged you from Luo Xiaguan, which is regarded as repaying your favor. If I catch the opportunity later, I will definitely avenge my father." Mu Chuan said with a smile: "Okay , As expected, you have a bit of demeanor from your mother, and you didn't embarrass Sai'er! You go!" Xian Qingrang smiled slightly, and with a flash of her figure, she floated down the tower.

Shen Quan waited for Xian Qing to let him go away, and said slowly: "Master, Mr. Si Guo heard about Xiao Nian, how can we be better?" Mu Chuan said coldly: "If you are afraid, you don't know me as a master " Shen Quan said: "What are you talking about! The world is big, and Gu Dongguan may not be able to find us."

Mu Chuan laughed loudly and said: "Back then 'Hundred Clawed Centipede' Xing Yiyan was unrivaled in the world in his lightness kung fu. He fled from Shanxi to Guizhou, but he still couldn't get out of Old Gu's Wuzhi Mountain. I'm afraid our master and apprentice didn't have that ability either. "Shen Quan was speechless, and his face was very pale.Mu Chuan said with a smile: "Quan'er, I tricked Gu Laoer into killing Xiao Nian for my teacher back then, Meishan planned to blow up Wen Kui the day before yesterday, it was also the old man's idea. There is a grievance and a debt, why are you so afraid?" Shen Quan forced a smile and said: "Your old man's affairs are the same as my disciple's own affairs."

Mu Chuan nodded and said: "When I practice the martial arts in the posthumous chapter, maybe I won't have to be afraid of Gu Laoer anymore. Right now, I need to find a hidden place and put my elder brother in place. If he leaks your whereabouts and me, Gu Luo The two families will definitely come to the door." Leading Shen Quan back to the top of the tower, he suddenly exclaimed, and suddenly a chill came from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, but he saw that the sky above the thirteenth floor was empty, and there was no one there.

Mu Chuan was terrified in his heart, and said to himself: "I tapped the three important points of elder brother just before going downstairs, he must not break through the acupoints and leave. This is the top of the tower again, and Quan'er and I have been guarding the lower floor. Do you want to save people?" Thinking of the word "ghost", I couldn't help but sweat on my back: "Could it be... there really are ghosts?"


Xian Qingrang walked several miles away from Youguo Temple, when a figure flashed in front of him, but Jing Lanzhou stopped him.Xian Qing was startled slightly, and said, "Lan Zhou, why are you here?"

Jing Lanzhou said: "Miss Xian, I was very happy to see you escaped from Mu Chuan's master and apprentice during the day, but I was afraid that you would be too sad for your father. I wanted to talk to you earlier, but I saw you alone. Go out and leave. I feel strange in my heart, so I followed you secretly."

Xian Qing let out an "ah" and said, "Tonight I was so confused that I didn't even notice that you were following me. Then saw everything?" Jing Lanzhou sighed: "Yes, I saw you Going to meet Shen Quan in secret, it turns out that you escaped from Mu Chuan early on, and you pretended to exchange him for "Yao Ding Yi Zhang". Miss Xian, you...why do you conspire with people like Shen Quan? He will never have any good intentions."

Xian Qing calmed down and said: "Although I want to claim the authenticity of "The Last Chapter of the Medicine Cauldron", I want to rescue Dr. Lin for you even more, so I don't need to say that right now." He asked: "Have you been following me all this time?" Jing Lanzhou He said: "I followed you two to Youguo Temple, but was stopped by Monk Deyu at the gate of the temple. Master Deyu said that Mu Chuan is also in the temple, and it must be dangerous to enter, so he refused to let me enter the temple."

Xian Qing thought to herself: "Then you don't know that Lin San is the culprit who lied to your master and made a big mistake back then." She knew that if she told the other party about this, Jing Lanzhou would rush into the temple to find Mu Chuan to fight for her life. May the lover take the risk lightly, and immediately swallowed back the words forcefully, only sighed a little, and said: "Yes, Shen Quan is only interested in profit, and even if he is disloyal to his teacher, he will not help me sincerely. Now I am suffering from the enemy, The position of the leader was usurped by three friends, and Ning Wang Huangque was behind. Only by winning the "Yao Ding Yi Pian" could there be a turning point, but the "Yao Ding Yi Pian" fell into the hands of his father-killing enemy. Lan Zhou, I also want to I left everything behind and went away with you, who knows how good luck tricks people, my father was murdered before I knew me, I will avenge him; my mother entrusted her half of her life to me, and I can't give up doing nothing Gong Yu doesn't care. Why don't you just want to avenge your master and senior brother? It's impossible for you to let go of all the grievances and grievances in the world at this time. Alas, the world is full of turmoil and all living beings are suffering. I don't know how long we will be able to live a peaceful life? After saying that, he sighed, and couldn't help raising his hand to caress Jing Lanzhou's cheek.

Seeing her miserable expression under the moonlight, Jing Lanzhou felt great pity in his heart, he couldn't say any more words of reproach, and only gently held her outstretched right hand.Xian Qing blushed, lowered her head and silently withdrew her hand.Jing Lanzhou was silent for a moment, and said: "The girl is not alone and helpless right now. There are still many old departments in the sect who are loyal to you, and all of us are on your side. Besides, you are the daughter of Senior Brother Wen. You are really in a critical situation. At that time, the family teacher will also come forward to preside over the overall situation, you really don't have to worry about it. Shen Quan is cunning and unjust, you must not seek skin with the fox."

Xian Qingrang smiled and said: "Mr. Si Guo is famous for a lifetime, how can I teach him to meddle in these evil and heretical affairs?" Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said: "No, Master met you as old friends that day. If you know that you are the daughter of Senior Brother Wen, you will feel like old friends. I must be happy." Xian Qingrang sighed: "I hope so. Although Lan Zhou, the three friends and Mu Chuan are all powerful enemies in martial arts, but the one who really worries me is another person." Jing Lanzhou was slightly startled, Immediately enlightened: "That's right, what you're worried about is Zhu Chief's master Nian'a Master." Xian Qingrang nodded and said, "Zhu Chief's martial arts and wisdom are no longer inferior to yours and mine. His master killed Yan Ji with three tricks, I'm afraid His skill is comparable to that of a respected master."

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