Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 348

Lin Yuetai suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. Senior officials, if Lin is willing to hand over the "Yaoding Legacy", are you really going to let them go?" The whole body." Lin Yuetai said: "Okay! If you say something from a gentleman, you will be whipped quickly; even though you are not a gentleman, Lin will believe you once. You let everyone go out of the valley, and I will give you the posthumous article."

Jing Lanzhou was startled and said: "Why did you say that, senior? Once the posthumous article falls into his hands, there will be no peace in the world from now on. This matter must never be done! What's more, Shen Quan is treacherous and treacherous. The valley may not really be full of explosives, or I don't know if it's his bluff." Lin Yuetai shook his head and said: "When Lin entered the valley, he could already smell the smell of sulfur and saltpeter, but he didn't expect the enemy to go to great lengths to set up such traps, this man didn't lie. The old man’s bell is exhausted, so why should he be afraid of death? The young hero is the same landlord as the national scholar Wushuang, but he can’t accompany me, a bad old man, to die here. Although "Yaoding Legacy" is the relic of my mentor, Lin can’t be precious. You young man, just took the lives of the two of you for nothing. If the young hero wants to avenge his shame, there will be more chances in the future, do you want Master Su to die here too?" Jing Lanzhou couldn't help being silent when he heard this.

Guan Motong said: "Brother, do you really want to give the posthumous chapter to this kid?" Lin Yuetai sighed: "If I don't hand over the secret book, even you will not be able to get out of the valley alive. Brother, you almost killed my beloved disciple and forced me to die. I haven't dared to see people for more than ten years, regardless of these things, the two of us have been studying in the same discipline for decades, Lin can't just watch you die here." Guan Motong was hesitant for a long time, and said slowly: " Senior brother, I know that you have always acted according to your benefactor's will, and I don't really blame you. If it weren't for Master's unfair handling of things, we wouldn't be in such a mess."

Lin Yuetai shook his head and said: "Until now, you are still blaming Master. Anyway, Master Dong, you must be the first one who is willing to go out of the valley. Master Su, Junior Brother will not harm me, let this person go first." "Su Fenglou said coldly: "Doctor Lin, if you want to talk about the old friendship with your respected junior brother, and hand over the "Yaoding Yipian" to others, all of these are up to you; the surname Shen has a blood feud with me. , Su Mou will definitely kill this thief today, and it has nothing to do with you. Zhuang Zhu Dong is the defeated general of Su Mou, if you don’t let him go, that’s up to me.”

Dong Yanggao said with a mournful face: "Brother Su, I was just deceived by others and wanted to see the miraculous achievements recorded in the "Yao Ding Yi Pian"; I had some disputes with you in Nanjing earlier, and it was all a misunderstanding. At the beginning, I promised to help Xian Gong The Lord re-emerged as the leader of the sect, how can this statement be true? If you are willing to let Dong Mou go? I will redouble my efforts, and I will be able to fulfill my brother's wishes." Everyone saw him double-faced and three-faced, and he was extremely flattering and flattering in order to survive. All secretly scorned: "Although this man's martial arts are high? His character is so unbearable, he really has a thick skin." Only Guan Motong has always known him well, and he is not surprised.

Su Fenglou sneered and said: "If you really want to live, then kill the boy surnamed Shen for me." Dong Yangao said: "This man has buried explosives all over the valley, and he is determined to die with us? How can you touch him?" Su Fenglou said grimly: "Right now, it's easy for me to take your life. Is it dead anyway? You still refuse to try? I said this kid doesn't have the guts to ignite the explosives? Do you dare not believe Su?" Dong Yangao hesitated slightly, gritted his teeth and said: " Alright! I'm right, brother!"

With a sudden flick of Su Fenglou's right hand, he put a pill into Dong Yanggao's mouth, and lifted his chin with the momentum. The latter had already swallowed the pill.Su Fenglou let go of his left hand and said: "The poison will take effect in half an hour? If you can't kill the kid surnamed Shen, your intestines will be pierced by then? The death is unspeakably miserable. Don't blame Su Mou for being ruthless."

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Dong Yangao complained incessantly? He swung his palms and was about to pounce on Shen Quan? Lin Yuetai suddenly said: "Wait a minute! Master Su? Is Shen Quan a desperado? You are so hard on each other, aren't you afraid that everyone will die here together?" Su Feng Lou laughed and said: "He is not afraid of death, so is Su a person who is greedy for life? This old man has been in the world for decades. It is wishful thinking to ask me to bow my head to this younger generation!" Turning his head to stare at Shen Quan, he said: "You have the guts Light the gunpowder, Su respects you for being a man!"

Shen Quan laughed loudly and said, "If Shen was right in everything, how could he live to this day?" With a sudden wave of his left hand, he threw another arrow towards the sky.Dong Yangao's face changed drastically, and he said viciously: "Stinky boy, do you really want to die?"He has made a plan in his heart, since Shen Quan is familiar with the places where the explosives are buried in the valley, if he really ignites the explosives, he only needs to cling to the other party tightly and stay within half a step of the latter, the chance of survival will be greater than others.

Shen Quan's figure flickered, and he quickly backed away. Suddenly, he heard the sound of sneering and sneering, and dense smoke of five colors spewed out from more than ten places in the valley, just like the scene in the forest outside Wujiang City that day.Jing Lanzhou said in shock: "Five-colored sand!" Dong Yanggao was slightly startled, seeing Shen Quan's figure already shrouded in smoke, he didn't dare to force him forward.Although the terrain in the valley is very vast, the five-color smoke diffused very quickly, and the valley was covered in a blink of an eye.Although most of the people are old Jianghu who have gone through turmoil, they all can't see anything at this moment, and they can't help but feel a little flustered.

With a thought in his mind, Su Fenglou opened his mouth and shouted: "Hurry up and protect Doctor Lin! If Shen Quan takes advantage of the chaos and snatches him away, we will all die!" Guan Motong also knew something was wrong, and immediately joined Su Jing and Jing surrounded Lin Yuetai in the middle, focusing on their luck, guarding against someone's sudden attack in the smoke.Amidst the mist and cloud, I heard the sound of footsteps going away from the left, but I couldn't tell whether it was Shen Quan or Dong Yangao.

Su Fenglou said in a low voice: "Right now, if you stay in the valley for a moment longer, it will be more dangerous. Doctor Lin and Elder Guan, can you take us out of the valley?" He couldn't be more familiar with it, even though he didn't see anything at the moment, he still knew the topography of the valley clearly, and immediately pointed out the direction of the entrance of the valley.Su Fenglou said: "Let's move towards the entrance of the valley quietly without making any noise. Although we can't see the enemy, the other party can't see us either."

Under the guidance of Guan Lin, the four of them walked slowly towards Taniguchi.At this time, the smog in the valley was thicker, and everyone felt that there was a colorful scene in front of them, as if they were in an illusion, and they could hardly see their fingers.When they reached a distance of seven or eight zhang from the entrance of the valley, Su Fenglou stopped first, picked up some gravel and broken branches and threw them towards the entrance of the valley, and there was a sound of slapping on the ground.After waiting for a while, there was another loud noise outside the mouth of the valley. In the thick fog, the flames still shot up into the sky, and fine stones and mud fell on everyone like raindrops.Seeing that the power of the explosives this time was much stronger than the previous one, the four couldn't help but gasp.Jing Lanzhou secretly said: "Could it be that Shen Quan is not afraid of blowing up "The Last Chapter of the Medicine Cauldron"? Yes, he predicted that we would not go out of the valley together, let alone Dr. Lin take the lead. It was only then that he killed the killer. Fortunately, Mr. Su was as careful as a hair, and Shen Quan's poisonous plan did not succeed."

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